Gwneud cwyn a defnyddio cynlluniau Datrys Anghydfod (ADR)

Cyhoeddwyd: 1 Rhagfyr 2009
Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 25 Gorffennaf 2024

Mae'n rhaid i ddarparwyr cyfathrebu sy'n cynnig gwasanaethau i bobl, busnesau bach (hyd at 10 o weithwyr) a sefydliadau nid-er-elw (sydd â hyd at 10 unigolyn, heb gynnwys gwirfoddolwyr, yn gweithio iddynt) fod yn aelodau o gynllun Datrys Anghydfod Amgen (ADR).

Ar hyn o bryd mae Ofcom yn cymeradwyo dau gynllun ADR: Communication & Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) a Communications Ombudsman. (Newidiodd Ombudsman Services ei enw i Communications Ombudsman ym mis Gorffennaf 2023. Os ydych eisoes wedi codi cwyn gyda Ombudsman Services, nid oes angen i chi ei chyflwyno eto.)

Mae cynlluniau ADR yn gyrff annibynnol sy'n cynnal asesiad diduedd ar gwynion rhwng cwsmer a darparwr, ac yn dod i benderfyniad yn seiliedig ar yr wybodaeth a gyflwynir gan y ddau barti. Mae cynlluniau ADR yn rhad ac am ddim i'w defnyddio.

Gallwch fynd â'ch cwyn i gynllun ADR os:

  • ydych eisoes wedi ei godi gyda'ch darparwr cyfathrebu ac mae'n dal heb ei ddatrys; ac
  • os yw o leiaf wyth wythnos wedi mynd heibio ers i chi gyflwyno'r gŵyn gychwynnol i'ch darparwr neu na fu modd i chi ddod i gytundeb â nhw a'ch bod wedi derbyn llythyr anghydfod llwyr.

I ba gynllun mae fy narparwr i'n perthyn?

Defnyddiwch ein teclyn gwirio ADR i weld pa ddarparwr sy'n perthyn i ba gynllun ADR. Mae'n rhestr hir, felly'r ffordd hawsaf o ddod o hyd i'ch darparwr yw defnyddio'r botymau A-Z isod. Gallwch hefyd wasgu'r bysellau Ctrl ac F ar yr un pryd ac yna teipio enw'ch darparwr yn y blwch chwilio.

Diweddarwyd y teclyn gwirio hwn ddiwethaf ar 8 March 2024

0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
08000Mumdad CISAS
100 Percent IT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
10ACT Ltd t/as Calls2Account Communications Ombudsman
118 777vent Communications Ombudsman
110 Telecoms Ltd CISAS
123Telecom Communications Ombudsman Communications Ombudsman Communications Ombudsman
1823 Group Ltd CISAS Communications Ombudsman
2 Circles Communications Communications Ombudsman
2 Way Radio Shop Communications Ombudsman
200connect Ltd Communications Ombudsman
24 Seven Communications Ombudsman
24Talk Communications Ombudsman
2CL Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
2Connect Data Services Ltd CISAS
2-Way Comms CISAS
3X Cloud Ltd (WigWag) Communications Ombudsman
360 Solutions Communications Ombudsman
360coms Communications Ombudsman
3C Communications Ombudsman
3C Technology Ltd CISAS
4D Data Centres Ltd CISAS
4tel  Communications Ombudsman
4Ward Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
500 Ltd Communications Ombudsman
52Degrees Telecom Limited CISAS
5G Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
6G Communications Ombudsman
8x8 Solutions Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
A1 Comms Ltd CISAS
Aabyss Limited CISAS
Abbey Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Abbeycomp IT Solutions CISAS
Aberconwy Phone Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Abica Limited CISAS
Abzorb Communications Ombudsman
Academia Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ACN  Communications Ombudsman
Acorn Broadband Communications Ombudsman
ACT (Comms) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Activ Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Acuity Unified Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Adam Phones Communications Ombudsman
Adaptivecomms Communications Ombudsman
AdEPT Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Admiral Managed Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Admiral Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
ADSL4less Communications Ombudsman
ADT Systems Communications Ombudsman
Advanced Data Systems Ltd CISAS
Advanced IT Services Communications Ombudsman
Advantage Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Advantek Limited T/as Eyecom-Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Advantex Network Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Aerial Business Communications Communications Ombudsman
Aerial Direct Communications Ombudsman
Affinity Systems Ltd CISAS
AfriMobile Limited Communications Ombudsman
Ai Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Air Telecom UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
Airband Community Internet Communications Ombudsman
Airefibre Network Services Communications Ombudsman
Airphone Telecom Solutions Ltd CISAS
Airtel CallHome Communications Ombudsman
Airtime Manager Communications Ombudsman
Airtime Solutions Communications Ombudsman
AJ Technology Ltd T/A Kloud 9 Communications Ombudsman
Akita Systems Ltd CISAS
Alfs Tech Ltd CISAS
Alfatronix Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Alfred Ashley Group Communications Ombudsman
Alliance Communications Communications Ombudsman
Alliance Netserve Ltd CISAS
Allo Allo Communications Ombudsman
Alnwick Computerware LTD Communications Ombudsman
Aloha Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
alphaTALK Limited CISAS
Alternative Networks Plc Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Alternative Networks TS Communications Ombudsman
Artemis Telecoms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Altodigital Networks Ltd  Communications Ombudsman
Alpha Telecommunication & Services Limited Communications Ombudsman
Amatis Networks CISAS
Amica Communications Ombudsman
Andrews & Arnold Ltd CISAS
antennaPRO Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Antheus Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Anvil Mobile Limited CISAS
Anywhere Sim Communications Ombudsman
Apex Radio Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Appocean CISAS
Apptel Limited Communications Ombudsman
APR Telecoms (Maintenance) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
aql Communications Ombudsman
Aquanet Communications Ombudsman
Aquiss Communications Ombudsman
Arcom IT Ltd CISAS
Ardencom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Arkessa Limited CISAS
ARL Mobile Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Armstrong Bell Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Arrow Communications Ombudsman
ASDA mobile Communications Ombudsman
Ashbury SatCom Communications Ombudsman
Ashgoal Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ASK4 Communications Ombudsman
Aspect Digital Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Aspen Solutions Ltd CISAS
Aspire Net Solutions Ltd T/as Happy Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Assign IT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Associated Telecom Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Assuract Ltd T/A PiPcall Communications Ombudsman
Assure Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Assured Communications Communications Ombudsman
Assured Digital Technologies Communications Ombudsman
Assured Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
AST Connections Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Atkins Limited Communications Ombudsman
Atlantic  Communications Ombudsman
Atlantic Electric and Gas Communications Ombudsman
Atlas Traffic Management Ltd CISAS
AT Telecommunications Limited CISAS
Audiolink Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Auracall Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Aurora Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Avalle LLP Communications Ombudsman
Avanti Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Avian Mobile Limited Communications Ombudsman
Avoco UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
AW Communication Systems Ltd t/as AWCSL Communications Ombudsman
AWE Plc Communications Ombudsman
Axis Networks Communications Ombudsman
AY Security Limited Communications Ombudsman
Aylesbury Vale Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Azzurri  Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
B4RN Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Babble CISAS
Ballscoigne Communications Ombudsman
Barker Telecommunications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Barritel Limited CISAS
BarTel Communications Ombudsman
BDR Voice & Data Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Beaming Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Beanstalk Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Be Communications Limited CISAS
Beebu Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Beehive Telecom CISAS
Beeline Broadband Ltd CISAS
BeLogical UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
Bentley Walker Limited Communications Ombudsman
Bespoke Computing Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Best 4 Business Communications Communications Ombudsman
Better Connections (Solutions) Limited Communications Ombudsman Limited T/A Satellite Internet Communications Ombudsman
Big Blue Rocket Ltd CISAS
Big Fast Web Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Bink Networks Ltd CISAS
Birchills Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Birmingham Fibre Communications Ombudsman
Birmingham Telecommunications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Bit10 Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Bizpax Communications Ombudsman
Black Sheep Communications Communications Ombudsman
Blackstar Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
Black Widow CISAS
Blankett Limited Communications Ombudsman
Blaucomm Ltd CISAS
BleMobile Communications Ombudsman
Bliss Internet Communications Ombudsman
Blizzard Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Blowfish Technology Ltd CISAS
Bloom Broadband CISAS
Blu-Sky-Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Blue Saffron Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Bluebell Communications Ombudsman
Bluebill Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Bluebox Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Bluesky Unified Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
BluTel Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
BNW Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Boingo Wireless Communications Ombudsman
Boosh 365 Limited CISAS
bOnline Communications Ombudsman
BorderLink Broadband Limited CISAS
Boundless Networks Communications Ombudsman
Box Broadband Ltd CISAS
Boxx Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
BP Networks Communications Ombudsman
Bracknell Fibre Limited Communications Ombudsman
Breathe Communications Ombudsman
Breathe Internet Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Breeze Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
Brentwood Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Bridge Fibre Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Bright Orange Outsourcing Communications Ombudsman
Brighter Bills CISAS
Brightstar Ltd CISAS
Brillband Limited Communications Ombudsman
briskona ltd CISAS
Britannic Technologies Ltd CISAS
Broadband Boutique Communications Ombudsman
Broadband Shack Communications Ombudsman
Broadband Wherever Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Broadgate.IT Communications Ombudsman
Broadway Partners Limited CISAS
Brontel Limited Communications Ombudsman
BT Communications Ombudsman
BTT Voice and Data Communications Ombudsman
Burstfire Networks Ltd CISAS
Business IT Support.Net Communications Ombudsman
BusinessMovers. Tech Limited CISAS
Business Phone Calls Communications Ombudsman
Business Telephony Ltd CISAS
Buzz Networks Limited CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
C A Consulting Communications Ombudsman
C Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Cable and Wireless Worldwide (CWW) Communications Ombudsman
Cablecom Networking Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cablestream Limited Communications Ombudsman
Cablewise Communications & Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cactus Business Solutions Limited CISAS
Cajose Limited t/as Vodanet, ABCS & Voice & Data Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Caladan Communications Communications Ombudsman
Calcom Holdings Ltd, t/as G6 Communications Ombudsman
Call Monitor Communications Ombudsman
Call Navigator IP Communications Ombudsman
Call Navigator TM Communications Ombudsman
Call Sense UK Communications Ombudsman
Call Union Communications Ombudsman
Call08 Communications Ombudsman
call1301 Communications Ombudsman
CallAngels Communications Ombudsman
CALLMORE Communications Ombudsman
Callout Computers UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CallReady Communications Ombudsman
callready Communications Ombudsman
Callstream Communications Ombudsman
CallUnion Communications Ombudsman
Calteq Limited Communications Ombudsman, CISAS
Cambrian Communications Cyf Communications Ombudsman
Camping Connect CISAS
CAN networks   Communications Ombudsman
Candy Communications Limited CISAS
Cartel Communications Communications Ombudsman
CAT Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
CATalyst Systems North Wales Ltd CISAS
Catalyst2 Communications Ombudsman
Causeway Telecom Communications Ombudsman
CCCit Communications Ombudsman
Cedar Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Cellcast UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cellhire PLC Communications Ombudsman
Centonex Domains Communications Ombudsman
Central Technology Communications Ombudsman
Centronet 3 Communications Ombudsman
Cerberus Networks Ltd  Communications Ombudsman
CFL  Communications Ombudsman
Chain Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Challenger Mobile Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Chalvington Communications Communications Ombudsman
Channel IP Communications Ombudsman
Channel IT Communications Ombudsman
Channel Network Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Channel Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Charity Buying Group  Communications Ombudsman
Chaser Communications Ltd CISAS
Chatter Telecoms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Chatterbox Limited Communications Ombudsman
Cherry Call Communications Ombudsman
Chess Limited CISAS
Chiltern Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
China Mobile International Communications Ombudsman
Choice Telecoms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Chrome Telecom Communications Ombudsman Ltd CISAS
Cirrus IT Services (UK) Limited CISAS
Citrix Online Communications Ombudsman
Citrus Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
City Numbers Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CIX Communications Ombudsman
claranet limited CISAS
Claranet Soho Communications Ombudsman
Clarion Communication Management Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Clarion Communications CISAS
Claritel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Clarity Telecom Limited CISAS
Claro Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Class Affinity Projects Ltd CISAS
Class Systems Communications Ombudsman
Class Telecommunications  Communications Ombudsman
Cleaner EV Ltd CISAS
Clear Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Clear Business Communications Ombudsman
Clear Connect Communications Ombudsman
Clear Hosting Communications Ombudsman
Clear Hotspots Communications Ombudsman
Clear Picture Services Limited CISAS
Clear Telecom and Data Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Clearer Solutions Limited CISAS
Cleartech Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Clique Energy Ltd CISAS
Clocom UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cloud 9 Mobile Communications Communications Ombudsman
Cloud Central Convergence Limited CISAS
Cloud Direct (On Direct Business Services Ltd) Communications Ombudsman
Cloud Geeks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cloud IT Ltd CISAS
Cloud Phone Company Ltd CISAS
Cloud Phone Warehouse Communications Ombudsman
Cloudcall Communications Ombudsman
CloudConnX Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CloudScape Connect Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cloudsource Technologies Communications Ombudsman
Cloudstream Technology Limited CISAS
CML Microcircuits (UK) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CMM Telecoms CISAS
CMT Limited Communications Ombudsman
Cobham AvComm Communications Ombudsman
Cobus Communications CISAS
Cobweb Solutions Ltd CISAS
Co-Channel Electronics Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Coffey Comms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cogent Communications UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Collaborative Portfolio Ltd CISAS
Colt Communications Ombudsman
Colt Technology Services Communications Ombudsman
Columbus Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Combitel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Commpliment Ltd Communications Ombudsman
comms 365 Communications Ombudsman
Comms Factory  Communications Ombudsman
Comms FM Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Comms Management Wales Communications Ombudsman
Comms UK  Communications Ombudsman
Comms Unite CISAS
Commsbill  Communications Ombudsman
Commsready Communications Ombudsman
Commsworld  Communications Ombudsman
Comm-Tech Voice & Data Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Communicate Better Communications Ombudsman
Communicate Business Solutions  Communications Ombudsman
Communication & Technical Services Ltd, t/as CTS Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Communications 2000 Communications Ombudsman
Community Fibre Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Compatibility Limited CISAS
Complete ICT Solutions Ltd CISAS
Compucare Computer Servicing (Pulse8broadband) Communications Ombudsman
Computer Cab Plc Communications Ombudsman
Computer-eyez Communications Ombudsman
Computer & Network Consultants Ltd CISAS
Computer Solutions Cymru Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Computer Systems UK Ltd CISAS
Comtec Enterprises Ltd CISAS
Comtek System Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Connaught Communications Communications Ombudsman
Connectaphone Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Connect B2B Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Connect Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Connects2 Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Connectus Business Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Connexin Limited Communications Ombudsman
Connexions (Group) Limited Communications Ombudsman
Connexus Networks Communications Ombudsman
Consega Limited Communications Ombudsman
Consulting Networks (CONNET) Communications Ombudsman
Content Guru Limited Communications Ombudsman
Converged Communications Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Convergence Group Networks Ltd CISAS
Converj Ltd CISAS
Conxdigital Ltd CISAS
Cornerstone Business Solutions Ltd CISAS
Core Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cornwall Phone Communications Ombudsman
Corporate ICT CISAS
CountryCall Communications Ombudsman
Countrywide Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
County Broadband Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CPS Connections Communications Ombudsman
Creative Networks CISAS
Creative Work Studios Limited CISAS
Creditcall Telecom Services Ltd CISAS
Crius Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Crockham Hill CIC CISAS
Cromarty Firth Wireless Networks Communications Ombudsman
Crosby Fax Communications Ombudsman
Crown Telecom Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
Crystal Clear Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CSD Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CSS Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
CS Technical Services (Scotland) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
CT Wholesale Communications Ombudsman
CTExcelbiz Communications Ombudsman
CTR Communications Limited CISAS
CTR Services Uk Communications Ombudsman
CTS Group Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cuckoo Internet Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Curve IT Limited Communications Ombudsman
Customer Care Company Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Cyberair Ltd CISAS
Cygnal Installations Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Daisy Communications Ombudsman
Daly Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Danish Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Dark Group Ltd CISAS
Datacentres Ltd CISAS
Data Consulting Services Ltd CISAS
DataKom Ltd Communications Ombudsman Limited CISAS
Datasharp UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Datatel Networks Limited Communications Ombudsman
Day 1 Connectivity Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Deep Blue Networks Limited Communications Ombudsman
Defaultroute Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Demon Communications Ombudsman
Design Telecommunications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Deskphone Communications Ombudsman
Dial123 Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Dial 9 Communications Ombudsman
Dial master Communications Ombudsman
Dial-A-Code Communications Ombudsman
DialWise Communications Ombudsman
Diamond Communications Communications Ombudsman
Digicom Telecom LTD. CISAS
Digiquip Group Limited Communications Ombudsman
Digisolutions Ltd CISAS
Digital Angel Radio Communications Communications Ombudsman
Digital Craftsmen Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited CISAS
Digital Telecom Ltd  Communications Ombudsman
Digital Utilities Limited CISAS
Digitel Europe Ltd t/a Inet Communications Ombudsman
Digi Toolbox Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Direct Save Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Direct Telecom Network Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Direct Telecommunications (London) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Direct Voice and Data Communications Ombudsman
Disguise My Number Communications Ombudsman
DMN Ltd Communications Ombudsman
DMSL Communications Ombudsman
Document XL Ltd Communications Ombudsman
dodidone Communications Ombudsman
Dolphin Communications Ltd CISAS
Dolphin Com Ltd T/a Callready Communications Ombudsman
Doncaster Telecom Communications Ombudsman
DPS Technology Group CISAS, Communications Ombudsman
Dragon WiFi Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Drimnin Community Broadband C.I.C Communications Ombudsman
Drumbeat Communications Communications Ombudsman
DTS.Solutions (U.K) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
DTX Network Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
du Pré plc CISAS
Dual Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Dualtone Communications Ltd CISAS
Dunedin IT CISAS
DuoCall Communications Ombudsman
DWD Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
DX Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Dyfed IT Solutions Ltd CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Easycallnow Communications Ombudsman
Easycontactnow Communications Ombudsman
Easynet Communications Ombudsman
Easy Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Easy Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Eat IT Drink IT Ltd CISAS
Ebbe Fone Galleria Communications Ombudsman
EBC Group (UK) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Echo Communications Communications Ombudsman
ECL Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Eclipse Internet Communications Ombudsman
Eclipse Telecom Networks Ltd CISAS
Ecodial Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Economy Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Ecosse Communications Ombudsman
Ecotalk Limited CISAS
Ecotel Networks (Ireland) Ltd  Communications Ombudsman
Ecotele Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ECS Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
Eden Telecom CISAS
Edison Telecommunications Communications Ombudsman
EE Communications Ombudsman
Ehost Ltd CISAS
eircome (UK) Limited Communications Ombudsman
ElemenTel Communications Ombudsman
elephant services group Communications Ombudsman
Electronic Communities Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Elite Cloud Solutions CISAS
Elite Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Elite Telecom Communications Ombudsman
EliteCalls  Communications Ombudsman
ellesys Communications Ombudsman
EMtel Limited CISAS
Emtel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Engaged CRM Communications Ombudsman
Entanet International Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Enterprise Carrier Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Envera Telecommunications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Equiinet Ltd CISAS
equitalk Communications Ombudsman
Equity Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman, CISAS
essensys Communications Ombudsman
Essential Security (UK) Ltd CISAS
euCALL Communications Ombudsman
Eurolink Connect Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Euro Systems Scotland Limited Communications Ombudsman
Eversheds LLP Communications Ombudsman
everymessage Communications Ombudsman
Evoxus  Communications Ombudsman
Evolving Networks CISAS
Exa Networks Communications Ombudsman
Excalibur Communications Communications Ombudsman
Excel Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Excelerate Technology Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Excell Network Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Exchange XT Communications Ombudsman
Executive Installations Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Exponential-e Limited CISAS
Express Telephony CISAS
Exsel Group Communications Ombudsman
Extera Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Eze Talk Ltd CISAS
EZnetwork Limited CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
F One Technologies  Communications Ombudsman
F1 Help Communications Ombudsman
Fab Spider Communications Ombudsman
Faces UK Limited CISAS
FACTO Ltd Communications Ombudsman
FAELIX Limited Communications Ombudsman
Farndale Free Range Ltd CISAS
Fast247 Communications Ombudsman
Fast4 Communications Ombudsman
Fast4networks CISAS
Faster Telecoms Ltd CISAS
fasthosts Communications Ombudsman
Fastnet Communications Ombudsman
Fenix Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
FGS Services (UK) Ltd CISAS
Fibre Assets Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fibre 1 Ltd Communications Ombudsman CISAS
Fibre Options Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fibre Telecoms UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fibrecast Communications Ombudsman
Fibreway Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fibrus Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fiddle Fingers Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fidelity Group Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Finarea Communications Ombudsman
Finn Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
First Class Comms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
First Group Dynmics Ltd Communications Ombudsman
First Number Communications Ombudsman
First Office Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
First Phones Ltd CISAS
First Solution Technologies  Communications Ombudsman
First Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Firefly Enterprise Ltd CISAS
Fivebars Mobile Limited CISAS
Fleet Mobile Communications Communications Ombudsman
Fleur Telecom CISAS
Flexifi Limited Communications Ombudsman
FleXtel  Communications Ombudsman
Flip Connect Communications Ombudsman
FLR Spectron Limited Communications Ombudsman
Fluent Voice & Data Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fluent2 Limited CISAS
Fluid Network Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fluidata Communications Ombudsman
Focus4U  Communications Ombudsman
Fogg Communications Ombudsman
Fon Wireless Limited CISAS
Fonezone Telecommunications Limited CISAS
foocall Communications Ombudsman
FooConnect Communications Ombudsman
Foofirst Limited CISAS
Forest Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fourteen IP Communications Communications Ombudsman
FP Cloud Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fractal Telecom Services Limited CISAS
Freedom Fibre Limited Communications Ombudsman
Free Fax To Email Communications Ombudsman
FREE0844 Communications Ombudsman
Freecom Internet Services Ltd CISAS
Freeman Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Freeola  Communications Ombudsman
Frontier Voice and Data Limited CISAS
FSB Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Fujitsu Services Communications Ombudsman
Fuse Telecom CISAS
Fusion Media Networks Communications Ombudsman
Future Comms Fareham CISAS
Future Office Solutions Ltd CISAS
Future Voice and Data Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Futuretel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Fylde Micro Ltd Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
G3 comms Ltd (t/a Geniusnetworks) CISAS
G5 Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Galaxy Numbers Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Gamma Business Communications Communications Ombudsman
GB Telecom (Scotland) Limited Communications Ombudsman
GCI Network Solutions CISAS
Genuine IT Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Genuine Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Get Dotted Communications Ombudsman
Getservers Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Ghost Telecom Communications Ombudsman
giffgaff Communications Ombudsman
Gigaclear plc (also covered Rutland Telecom) Communications Ombudsman
Gigalink CISAS
Gigastream plc CISAS
glantel Communications Ombudsman
Glemnet Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Glide Communications Ombudsman
Glide Utilities Communications Ombudsman
Global 4 Communications Limited CISAS
Global Reach Networks Limited CISAS
Global Telelinks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
GlobalAXS Communications  Communications Ombudsman
Globalnet Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Globetouch Communications Ombudsman
Glow Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Go Talk Communications Ombudsman
GO2 Communications Provider Communications Ombudsman
GO4 Communications Communications Ombudsman
Gold Connections Ltd CISAS
Gold Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Goscomb Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
gotalk Communications Ombudsman
GP Network Services Communications Ombudsman
GP Telecom  Communications Ombudsman
GPS Telecom Ltd CISAS
Gradwell Communications Communications Ombudsman
Grapevine Connect Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Grain Connect Limited CISAS
Grayshott Gigabit (part of Ocean Investments Ltd) Communications Ombudsman
Green Colo Ltd CISAS
Green Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Green WebHost Communications Ombudsman
Grip Communications Limited CISAS
GT Business Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
GTMobile Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Halstone Technology Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Hay Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
HBT Communications Communications Ombudsman
Health in Touch Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Hello Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Hello Voice Communications Ombudsman
Helpdesk Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Helpline Limited CISAS
Hereford Community Networks CIS CISAS
HES Services NW Ltd CISAS
HeyBroadband Limited CISAS
HiDef Conferencing Communications Ombudsman
Highland Network Ltd, t/as HIGHnet Communications Ombudsman
Highland Wireless & IT Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
HiWiFi Communications Ombudsman
HJS Technology Ltd Communications Ombudsman
HMD Global OY UK Branch Communications Ombudsman
Hoki Limited CISAS
Holker Network Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Home Secure UK Limited CISAS
Honest Enterprises CISAS
Honeycomms Communications Ombudsman
Hooper Technical Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Horizon Telecoms Networks Communications Ombudsman
Horizon Telecom UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Hospitality Action Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Hostingus Communications Ombudsman
Host-IT Internet Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Hotchilli Communications Ombudsman
Hotdial Communications Ombudsman
hotsplots GmbH CISAS
HotSpot Drive Communications Ombudsman
Houxou Communications Ombudsman
HP Datapass Communications Ombudsman
HP Technology CISAS
Hubtel Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Husky Networks Communications Ombudsman
Hyde Park Corner Installations Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Hyperoptic Limited Communications Ombudsman
Hytera Communications (UK) Co. Ltd Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
i4 Technology Group Ltd CISAS
I Care Communications Ombudsman
I Let Direct Limited Communications Ombudsman
I.Net Internet Services Ltd CISAS
I.R.I.S. Communications Ombudsman
I.T Communications Limited CISAS
iBub Communications Communications Ombudsman
Ice Comms Communications Ombudsman
Ice Media (London) Ltd CISAS
Icecolo Communications Ombudsman
iCloud Telecom Ltd CISAS
ICS Communications Ombudsman
iCS Communications Communications Ombudsman
iCS Connect Communications Ombudsman
iCS Network Services Communications Ombudsman
ICT Studio Limited CISAS
ICUK Communications Ombudsman
ICUK Computing Services Limited Communications Ombudsman
ICUK hosting Communications Ombudsman
ICUK Net Communications Ombudsman
iD Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Idaq Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Idaq Networks  Communications Ombudsman
Ideal 4 U Business Solutions Ltd CISAS
Ideal Unified Communications Ltd CISAS
IDNet Communications Ombudsman
iGEM Communications Ltd CISAS
Imagine Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Immervox Limited CISAS
Immervox Ltd Communications Ombudsman
imobileforbusiness Communications Ombudsman
Imperial Telecom Limited CISAS
in Technology Communications Ombudsman
Incom Business Systems Communications Ombudsman
Infinity Technology Solutions Communications Ombudsman
InfiSIM Limited Communications Ombudsman
Inform Billing Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Initial IT Services Limited Communications Ombudsman
Inspire Telecom Limited CISAS
In-tech Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Integra ICT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Integrated Business Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
Integrated Digital Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
Integrated Network Services Ltd CISAS
Intelligent Communications Ombudsman
Intercity Telecom Limited CISAS
Intergrated Communications for Business  Communications Ombudsman
Integrated Digital Services Ltd CISAS
Integrating Systems Limited CISAS
Internet Connections Ltd CISAS
Internet for Business Limited CISAS
Internet Services (EU) Limited CISAS
Internetworks Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Interoute Communications CISAS
InTouch Systems Communications Ombudsman
IntraLAN Communications Ombudsman
Invew Limited CISAS
Invo Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
Invoco Ltd CISAS
iomart Group plc CISAS
IT Professional Services Limited CISAS
IP Exchange Ltd CISAS
IP Integration Network Services Limited Communications Ombudsman
IP Integration Services Limited Communications Ombudsman
IP River Ltd Communications Ombudsman
IPCortex Network Services Limited Communications Ombudsman
Ipswich Computer Services Communications Ombudsman
ip-xchange CISAS
IQ In IT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
iQela mobile Communications Ombudsman
Isle of Wight Chamber Telecom Communications Ombudsman
IT4A Communications Ombudsman
Italk Affiliate Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
ITB Communications Ombudsman
ITC Communications Ombudsman
ITCS (UK) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
IT Clinic London Ltd CISAS
Itec Support Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ITHouse Solutions Ltd  Communications Ombudsman
ITS Technology Group Communications Ombudsman
ITWiser Comms CISAS
IV Response Communications Ombudsman
IZR Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni ADR scheme
j2 Global Ireland Limited CISAS
JabbaTalk Communications Ombudsman
Jaguar Telecom Ltd CISAS
Jamtech Communications Communications Ombudsman
Javelin Broadband Limited CISAS
JHL Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Jibba Jabba Communications Ombudsman
Jido Ltd CISAS
JIWA Holdings Ltd CISAS
JOi Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Joint Radio Company Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Jola Cloud Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Juno Telecoms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Just Call Communications Ombudsman
Just Telecomms Communications Ombudsman
JVH Communications Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Kaizen Telecom  Communications Ombudsman
Kalnet4u Ltd CISAS
Karoo Communications Communications Ombudsman
KAT Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
KC Communications Ombudsman
KCom Communications Ombudsman
Kencomp Internet Limited CISAS
Kenwood Electronics UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Kesher Communications Communications Ombudsman
Kijoma Solutions Limited (t/a Kijoma Broadband) CISAS
Kinetic Internet Limited Communications Ombudsman
Kinex Communications Ombudsman
King Comms NI ltd CISAS
Kingdom Mobile Limited CISAS
Kingdom Telecom.Net Communications Ombudsman
KMW IT Services Communications Ombudsman
Komputrade ltd CISAS
Korubu Limited CISAS
KSL Connect Communications Ombudsman
KSM Communications Limited CISAS
Kube Get Virtualised Communications Ombudsman
Kube IT Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Kubenet Communications Ombudsman
Kuiper Technology Limited CISAS
Kustom Konsulting Ltd Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
L A Comms Ltd   CISAS
Lake Technologies Ltd CISAS
Lancashire County Council CISAS
Landlord and Letting Agent Services Ltd CISAS
Lanonyx Telecom Ltd CISAS
Lansalot Ltd CISAS
Lansdowne Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
LARS Communications Communications Ombudsman
Lascom Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Lascom Solutions Ltd CISAS
Lawyers OnLine ltd CISAS
LCC Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Lebara Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Legal TX Communications Ombudsman
Legend  Communications Ombudsman
Legendary Internet LTD CISAS
Leversedge Telecom Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Liberatis Limited CISAS
Liberty i-zone Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Lightning Fibre Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Lily Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Lily Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Lima Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Linctel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
linetel Communications Ombudsman
Linimex Ltd CISAS
Linix Ltd CISAS
Link-Connect Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Link IP Networks Limited CISAS
Link-Tel Communications Communications Ombudsman
Liquid IT  Communications Ombudsman
Lithium Systems Limited Communications Ombudsman
LJT Systems Ltd CISAS
Lloyds-IP (Communications) Communications Ombudsman
Locall Net Ltd CISAS
Localphone Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Logical Focus Ltd - T/A Logical Telecom CISAS
Loho Communications Ombudsman
Lonsdale Network Services Ltd CISAS
Loop Scorpio Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Loop Voice & Data Communications Ombudsman
LoopUp Communications Ombudsman
Lothian Broadband Networks Limited CISAS
Lugo Limited Communications Ombudsman
Luminet Communications Ombudsman
Lycatel Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
M-Tech Systems Ltd CISAS
M12 Solutions Communications Ombudsman
M3ST Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Mac Event Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
Mac Systems Communications Ombudsman
MacAce Communications Ombudsman
Magrathea Telecommunications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Mainstream Digital Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Maintel Voice and Data Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Marble Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Marina Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Marks and Spencer Communications Ombudsman
Marstons Communications Ombudsman
Martrel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Matrix Platinum Limited Communications Ombudsman
Maven Network Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Maverick Communications Ltd CISAS
Max Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Maxima Communications Ombudsman
Maximum Networks Communications Ombudsman
Maxxwave Communications Ombudsman
MB System Networks Communications Ombudsman
MCI  Communications Ombudsman
MCL Telecom Ltd CISAS
Media Hawk  Communications Ombudsman
Mend My Computer Communications Ombudsman
Mercia RadioTelephones Communications Ombudsman
MercuryTalk Communications Ombudsman
Merlin Telecommunications Communications Ombudsman
Merula Limited CISAS
Merula Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Method B Ltd CISAS
Metranet Communications Ltd CISAS
MF Communications  Communications Ombudsman
MF Communications (UK) LLP Communications Ombudsman
Michaelston Y Fedw Internet CIC T/A MiFi Communications Ombudsman
Microcare Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Microcomms Professional Services CISAS
Microtech Group CISAS
Midland Communications Company Ltd CISAS
Midland Networks Communications Ombudsman
Midpoint Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Midshire Business Systems (Communications) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Midshire Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Millennium Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Miller Waite Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Millgate Connect Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Mintaka Limited Communications Ombudsman
Minute One Limited CISAS
Miso Communications  Communications Ombudsman
Miso Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Mitel Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Mix Telematics UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
MMC Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Mobell Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Mobile Account Solutions (Holdings) Ltd 

Communications Ombudsman

Mobile Onboard Limited CISAS
Modern Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Morgan & Morgan CISAS
Mother Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Motorola Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Mouse UK Limited CISAS
MPS Networks PLC Communications Ombudsman
Mtech Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
M-Tech Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman, CISAS
MTelecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Multidata Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Multinet Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Multinetwork Limited CISAS
My Communications Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR Communications Ombudsman
Natpoint Ltd CISAS
NCI Technologies Ltd CISAS
NCS Network Communications Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Nebula IT Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Net Primates Limited Communications Ombudsman
Net1 (NI) Limited Communications Ombudsman
Netcalibre Ltd CISAS
Netcloud9 Communications Ombudsman
Netcom CISAS
Netcomm Communications Ombudsman
NetConnex Broadband Ltd CISAS
Netdatatel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Netfuse Telecom Ltd CISAS
Neticonic Limited Communications Ombudsman
Net-Phone Communications Ombudsman
Net-Telco Communications Ombudsman
Net-Voice Communications Ombudsman
Net-Work Communications Ombudsman
Netmatters CISAS
Netteam tX Ltd CISAS
Network Billing Services Communications Ombudsman
Network Data Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Network Fusion CISAS
Network Integrity Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Network ROI Ltd CISAS
Network Sales and Solutions Limited CISAS
Network  Ltd t/a NSL Telecom Management Communications Ombudsman
Network Telecom Communications Ombudsman
The Networking People (North West) Ltd, T/A TNP Ltd CISAS
New Land Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Newman Business Solutions Ltd CISAS
New Star Networks Limited Communications Ombudsman
News Optimus Limited Communications Ombudsman
NewTel Communications Communications Ombudsman
Nexbridge Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Next Communications Communications Ombudsman
Next I.S. Ltd T/A Next Replay Communications Ombudsman
Next Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Nexus GS Ltd Communications Ombudsman
NFON UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
NGC Network Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
NGO Consulting Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Nice Network Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Nimbus Hosting Ltd CISAS
Nimvelo Communications Ombudsman
Nine Telecom Communications Ombudsman
niu Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Nix Communications| Communications Ombudsman
No Bill Communications Ombudsman
Node4 Communications Ombudsman
North East Chamber of Commerce Communications Ombudsman
Northsat Limited CISAS
Northway Communications Services (UK) Limited Communications Ombudsman
Now Mobile Communications Ombudsman
nplusone Communications Ombudsman
NSM Services Communications Ombudsman
NTE Limited Communications Ombudsman
Number Cloak Communications Ombudsman
NWIMS Communications Ltd CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
O2 - see Telephonica O2 Communications Ombudsman
Oakleaf Telecoms Limited CISAS
Ocean Telecom Communications Ombudsman
OCM Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Octagon Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Octotech Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Odyssey Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Oh Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Olive Communications Communications Ombudsman
ON LINE SYSTEMS NORTHERN LTD Communications Ombudsman
On Telecom (UK) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Onecom CISAS
One Connectivity Limited Communications Ombudsman
One Network Limited Communications Ombudsman
Onebill Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Onestream Communications Ombudsman
OneTek Business Solutions Ltd CISAS
Onwave UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
OpenHosting Communications Ombudsman
Opious Ltd Communications Ombudsman
OptaNet Ltd CISAS
Optics Internet Limited Communications Ombudsman
Optic Networks Ltd CISAS
Optilibta Ltd CISAS
Optimal Projects Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Optimum Calls Communications Ombudsman
Optionbox Communications Ombudsman
Opton Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Opus Networks  Communications Ombudsman
Opus Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Orange Communications Ombudsman
Orbex Solutions  Communications Ombudsman
Orbis Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
OrbitalNet Communications Ombudsman
Orbtalk Communications Ombudsman
Orca Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Orchard Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Orderly Telecoms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Oricom CISAS
Ortiga Communications Ltd CISAS
OS Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Outsourcevoice Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Overline Communications Ombudsman
OVO Broadband Communications Ombudsman
OZ Cloud Ltd CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Pace Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Packnet Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Pactel Solutions Limited Communications Ombudsman
Patterson Electronics Communications Ombudsman
Payphone Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
PC-Q Communications Ombudsman
Peach Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Peak Telecom UK Limited CISAS
Pen Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Pennine Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Pennyco Communications Communications Ombudsman
Perspective Communications Ltd CISAS
Pescado Ltd Communications Ombudsman
PF Tech England CISAS
Phase 5 Communications Ltd CISAS
Phi Network Systems CISAS
Phoenix Link UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Phones 4 Business Communications Ombudsman
Phones 4 Less Communications Ombudsman
Phoneworcs Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Pinacl CISAS
Pine Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
Pink Connect Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Pinnacle Communications Ombudsman
Pioneer Business Systems Communications Ombudsman
Pipe Media  Communications Ombudsman Communications Ombudsman
Planet Numbers Communications Ombudsman
Planet Talk Communications Ombudsman
Planet Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Plusnet Communications Ombudsman
PMR Products Communications Ombudsman
PNS T/A Clear Telecoms CISAS
POP telecom CISAS
Port 5060 Ltd Communications Ombudsman
PortelAV Ltds Communications Ombudsman
Porthlas CISAS
Positive IT Communications Communications Ombudsman
Post Office Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Post Office HomePhone Communications Ombudsman
Poundbury Systems Limited Communications Ombudsman
Poundhost Communications Ombudsman
Powernet Communications Ombudsman
PRD Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Precise Telecom Ltd CISAS
Preiskel & Co LLP Communications Ombudsman
Premier Calls Communications Ombudsman
Premier Choice Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Premier Communication Electronics Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Premier Talk UK Ltd CISAS
Prestige Telecom Group Communications Ombudsman
Prime Connect Ltd CISAS
Prime Hosting Communications Ombudsman
Primus Business Communications Ombudsman
Primus Virtual Phone Communications Ombudsman
Private Mobile Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Probado Limited CISAS
Probrand Ltd CISAS
Procomms Communications Ombudsman
Prodigy IT Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Pro-Net Internet Services Ltd  Communications Ombudsman
PRO-VOICE NETWORK LTD Communications Ombudsman
PRS Telecom Communications Ombudsman
PSU Technology Communications Ombudsman
PSX Digital Ltd CISAS
Purcell Radio Systems Communications Ombudsman
PureBlue Global Networks Ltd CISAS
Pure Business Services Communications Ombudsman
Pure Cloud Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Pure Comms Bristol Ltd t/s Pure comms Communications Ombudsman
Pure IP Communications Ombudsman
Pure IT Support Ltd CISAS
Pure Tel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Purebroadband Communications Ombudsman
Push to Talk Communications Ombudsman
Push To Talk International (PTTI) Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
QContact Communications Ombudsman
QoS Comms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Quality Telecoms Services Communications Ombudsman
Quay Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Qubic Group Plc CISAS
Qudo Communications Ombudsman
Quickline Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Quickspace Communications Ombudsman
Quixoticy Ltd Communications Ombudsman
QX Telecom Limited CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
RA Information Systems Communications Ombudsman
Rade New Media Limited CISAS
Radio Communications Company Communications Ombudsman
Radiocoms Systems Ltd Communications Ombudsman
RadioTrade Ltd Communications Ombudsman
RafiTel Limited CISAS
Rainbow Telecom Communications Ombudsman
rapidcom (2017) limited CISAS
Rapid Rural Internet Services Communications Ombudsman
Razorblue Ltd CISAS
RDS Global Communications Ombudsman
Reach Digital Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
Realemail Communications Ombudsman
Rebel Broadband UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
Record Your Call Communications Ombudsman
Recycle Telecom, t/as West One Technology Limited Communications Ombudsman
Red Dragon I.T. Limited CISAS
Redcare 5G Limited Communications Ombudsman
Redcentric Communications Ombudsman
Redeye Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Redline Telecom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Redsquid Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Redwood Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Redwood Telecommunications Communications Ombudsman
ReformIT Communications Ombudsman
Refresh Information Technology Limited CISAS
Regency Grove Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Regis IT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Register365 Communications Ombudsman
Rejuvenate IT Communications Ombudsman
Reliance Networks Communications Ombudsman
Relish Communications Ombudsman
Relish Networks Plc Communications Ombudsman
Resource Network Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ResQ IT & Telecoms  Communications Ombudsman
ResQNet Communications Ombudsman
Reward Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
Rexcom Tech Limited Communications Ombudsman
RightCall Communications Ombudsman
Ringcentral UK Ltd CISAS
RJ Cortel Communications Ombudsman
RJW Electrical Services (Lochmaben) Ltd CISAS
RM Education CISAS
Roadphone Ltd t/a National Radio Bank Communications Ombudsman
Roebuck Communications Ltd CISAS
Rose Communications (UK) Ltd CISAS
Roswell IT Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
RPS Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
RRD Communications Ltd T/A ICA Communications Ombudsman
RS Hill & Sons Limited Communications Ombudsman
RSR Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
RT Systems Communications Ombudsman
RunFibre Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Rural Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
RyanAirTalk Communications Ombudsman
Ryanventura Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Rydal Communications LTD Communications Ombudsman
Ryedale Communications LLP CISAS
Ryland Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
S 3 Interactive Limited Communications Ombudsman
S.E.Business Systems Ltd CISAS
S1 Network Services Ltd (no website) Communications Ombudsman
Safeguard Communications (UK) Limited Communications Ombudsman
Safeguard IT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Saga Communications Ombudsman
Sage Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Safe Hosts Internet LLP CISAS
Salvation Telecom Ltd CISAS
Satellite Solutions Worldwide Ltd CISAS
Satphone Communications Ombudsman
Save9 Ltd CISAS
Saver Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
SBS IT Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Scotnet Communications Ombudsman
Scot-Tel-Gould Ltd CISAS
Scottish & Southern Energy plc Communications Ombudsman
Scottish Chambers Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Scottish Hydro Communications Ombudsman
Section 31 Limited CISAS
Security and Fire Experts CISAS
Securus Communications Ombudsman
SeeTheLight Communications Ombudsman
Select and Buy Communications Ombudsman
Sematron UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
SEMTEC Limited T/A SAQ Communications Ombudsman
Sepura PLC Communications Ombudsman
Service F1rst Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
Serviceteam IT Limited CISAS
Setel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Severn Business Solutions Ltd CISAS
SFL Mobile Radio Communications Ombudsman
Shadowfax Communications Ombudsman
Shaftesbury Systems Ltd t/a ebillz Communications Ombudsman
Shape Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Sharman Developments Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Shell Communications Ombudsman
Shetland Broadband LLP Communications Ombudsman
Shiftall Ltd, t/as Tower Communications Communications Ombudsman
Shine Networks Limited CISAS
Shine Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ShP Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Siebert Industries Ltd CISAS
Signals Communications Ombudsman
Signal Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Signa Technologies CISAS
Signum Corporate Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Silver Cloud Ltd CISAS
Simoco Communications Ombudsman
Simple Business Telecoms Ltd CISAS
Simple Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
Simplicity Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Simplify Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Simply IP Limited CISAS
Sinclair Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
SiPalto Ltd Communications Ombudsman
SIP Communications Limited, t/as SIPCOM Communications Ombudsman
Siphon Communications Ombudsman
Sirius Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Sirus Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Sitelink Comms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Six Degrees Group Communications Ombudsman
Six Degrees Holdings Limited CISAS
Skylight Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Skyline Networks & Consultancy Limited CISAS
Skynet Communications Ombudsman
Skype for Business Communications Ombudsman
SLM Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Smallworld Communications Ombudsman
Smart Office Technology Ltd CISAS
Smart Numbers Communications Ombudsman
Smart-Tel Communications Ombudsman
Smart Telecom (GB) Ltd CISAS
Smartinfo Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Smarty Communications Ombudsman
SMECP Communications Ombudsman
Smye-Rumsby Ltd Communications Ombudsman
So Internet Communications Ombudsman
SoConnect Ltd CISAS
Softlink Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
SOHO66 Communications Ombudsman
Sohonet Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Solar Communications CISAS
Solid State Computing Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Solution Consultants Communications Ombudsman
Solutions In Technology Limited Communications Ombudsman
Solway Communications Limited CISAS
South West Communications Group Ltd Communications Ombudsman
South West Data Networks Ltd CISAS
South West Internet CiC Communications Ombudsman
Southern Communications Communications Ombudsman
Southern Electric Communications Ombudsman
SoVision IT Communications Ombudsman
Spacious Place Contact Ltd CISAS
Sparta Telecom Communications Ombudsman
SpecTronics Ltd CISAS
Spectrum Internet Communications Ombudsman
Spectrum Telecommunications Ltd

Communications Ombudsman

Speedster-IT Ltd CISAS
Spire Business Communications Limited CISAS
Spitfire Network Service Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Spitfire Technology Group Communications Ombudsman
Sports Club Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Spot2Spot Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Squarehost Communications Ombudsman
Squirrel Internet Ltd Communications Ombudsman
SSE Communications Ombudsman
Standard Utilties Communications Ombudsman
Starlink Internet Services Limited CISAS
Stickman Technology Limited Communications Ombudsman
Stix Internet Ltd CISAS
STL Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Stobo-Dawyck Community Network Ltd CISAS
Storacall Technology Ltd CISAS
Story Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Straight Talking Telco Limited Communications Ombudsman
Strategic Imperatives Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Strategic Network Consulting Limited Communications Ombudsman
Stream Networks Communications Ombudsman
Stripe 21 Limited CISAS
Structured Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
STS Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Subset Solutions UK Limited Communications Ombudsman
Sugarnet ISP Communications Ombudsman
Sumlock Bondain (EA) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Sunny Broadband Limited CISAS
Sunstone Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Supanet  Communications Ombudsman
Supatel Limited CISAS
Superfast Schools Communications Ombudsman
Supply Network Services LLP Communications Ombudsman
support-uk Communications Ombudsman
Sureline Communications Ltd CISAS
Sure Telecommunications Limited Communications Ombudsman
SureVoIP Communications Ombudsman
Surftec Ltd CISAS
SWALEC Communications Ombudsman
Swale Life CIC CISAS
S W Communications CISAS
Swift Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Swift Internet (Online Marketing) Communications Ombudsman
Swift Telecom (Network Solutions) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Swiftnet ltd Communications Ombudsman
Swish Fibre Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Swisscom Hospitality Communications Ombudsman
Switch Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Synergy Office Solutions LLP t/a Synergyplus Communications Ombudsman
Synergy UK Ltd CISAS
Synextra Limited CISAS
Syscomm Ltd CISAS


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
T X I Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Tactile Technology Ltd CISAS
Tagadab Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Tait Europe Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Talia Limited  Communications Ombudsman
Talk Home Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Talk Internet (Talk 101) Communications Ombudsman
Talk Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Talk Plus Telecom  Communications Ombudsman
Talk Straight Group Limited Communications Ombudsman
TalkTalk CISAS
Talk Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Talk Time UK  Communications Ombudsman
Talk UK Mobiles Ltd CISAS
Talk Warehouse Communications Ombudsman
Talking Business (Southern) Ltd CISAS
Talking Number Communications Ombudsman
Tallycost Ltd CISAS
TandyUK Servers Communications Ombudsman
Target Consultancy Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Target Telecoms Communications Ombudsman
Tariff Reduction Services  Communications Ombudsman
Tata Communications (UK) Limited Communications Ombudsman
Taunton Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Team Partners Telecommunications Ltd T/a 0845 Team Communications Ombudsman
Team Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Team Telecommunications Group Limited Communications Ombudsman
Tech Advance Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Techbox Solutions Ltd CISAS
Techhouse Business Limited Communications Ombudsman
Technology Box Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Technology Services Group Communications Ombudsman
Technology Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
technology within ltd CISAS
Techrelate Ltd CISAS
Techsapiens Ltd CISAS
TechVow Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Tectrix Solutions CISAS
Telappliant Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TelBridge Communications Ombudsman
Telcoinabox Communications Ombudsman
Telcom Communications Ombudsman
Telecom 9000 Ltd CISAS
Telecom2 Ltd CISAS
Telecom ITM West Yorkshire CISAS
Telecom System Care Communications Ombudsman
Telecom Yorkshire Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Telecom2 Ltd CISAS
Telecoms Consortium Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Telecoms World Plc Communications Ombudsman
Teledesign Solutions Limited CISAS
TeleDiscount Communications Ombudsman
Telefonica O2 UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Telephone Europe Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Telephone Number Discount Warehouse Communications Ombudsman
Telephone Systems Direct Communications Ombudsman
Telesis Ltd CISAS
Telet Research NI Limited Communications Ombudsman
Telmark Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Telnet International Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Telserve Limited Communications Ombudsman
Telstra Europe Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TelTel Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Telxl Limited Communications Ombudsman
TEM Group (t/a Tatton Tech) CISAS
Terahost Ltd CISAS
Terrafix Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Tesco Broadband Communications Ombudsman
Tesco Home Phone Communications Ombudsman
Tesco Mobile Communications Ombudsman Communications Ombudsman
Tetra Association Communications Ombudsman
Texaport CISAS
Thames Network Limited CISAS
Thames Valley Chamber Telecom Communications Ombudsman
The Calls Warehouse Communications Ombudsman
The Cellphone Store Ltd T/A Comms Connect CISAS
The Comms Company Communications Ombudsman
The Comms Guys Ltd Communications Ombudsman
The Communications Company UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
The Complete Communication Company Ltd Communications Ombudsman
The Excell Group Plc Communications Ombudsman
The Fourth Utility Ltd CISAS
The Hands Free Company Communications Ombudsman
The Internet Business - Tibus CISAS
The IT Partnership CISAS
The Networking People (North West) Ltd, t/a TNP Ltd. CISAS
The Number Centre  Communications Ombudsman
The Peoples Operator Communications Ombudsman
The Team Group Ltd Communications Ombudsman
The Technology Group Communications Ombudsman
The Telecoms Audit Bureau Ltd Communications Ombudsman
The UK Number Shop Communications Ombudsman
The Weston Group Communications Ombudsman
Think Group Communications Ombudsman
Think Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Thinking Fish Communications Ombudsman
Three Communications Ombudsman
THUS Communications Ombudsman
TIC (The Independent Choice) Ltd CISAS
Tim Dadd Consultantancy Communications Ombudsman
Time Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Timeless IT Communications Ombudsman
Timico Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Tinder Corporation Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Titan Communications Ombudsman
T-Liaison Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TM Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TM Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TMC Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TML Communications Ombudsman
T-Mobile Communications Ombudsman
TNBN Communications Ombudsman
togglemobile Communications Ombudsman
Toob Limited Communications Ombudsman
Total Group International Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Total Limited Communications Ombudsman
Total Web Solutions Communications Ombudsman
Toucan Communications Ombudsman
Touch Telecommunications Limited CISAS
Track Eleven Communications Ombudsman
Transglobal Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Transparent Telecom Limited CISAS
TransWorldCom Communications Ombudsman
Triangle Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Tribe Telecom  Communications Ombudsman
Trinsic Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Trio Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Tri-Telecoms Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Triton Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Trogon Group Ltd CISAS
Trooli Ltd Communications Ombudsman
True Colour Digital Communications Limited CISAS
True Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Trueroots Communications Ombudsman
TrueSpeed Communications Ltd CISAS
TSI Voice & Data Communications Ombudsman
TSL Communications Ombudsman
TST Communications Ombudsman
TTG (UK) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
TTNC Communications Ombudsman
TTNC Limited The Telephone Number Company  Communications Ombudsman
Tube Telecom Communications Ombudsman
TwentyFirst Century Network Solutions Ltd CISAS
TWL Voice & Data Communications Ombudsman
Two Peas in a Pod CISAS
TxRx Communications Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Ubi Communications Ombudsman
Ubi-Tech (3R) Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Uboss Communications Ombudsman
Ucall Telecom Ltd CISAS
UK Cloud Communications Limited CISAS
UK Free Software Network Communications Ombudsman
UK Globe Tel Ltd CISAS
UK Hosted Provider Ltd CISAS
UK Wholesale Direct CISAS
UKOnline ltd Communications Ombudsman
Unicom Communications Ombudsman
Unified Business Communicatons Communications Ombudsman
Unified Tech Ltd t/as Equiinet & Switchconnect Communications Ombudsman
Union Calls Communications Ombudsman
Union Street Technologies Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Uniplus Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Unite Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
United Utilities Customer Sales Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Unitel Direct Communications Ombudsman
Unitel Network Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Unity Tech Group Ltd CISAS
Univoice Communications Ombudsman
Uno Communications Ltd CISAS
Updata Infrastructure UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Upp Corporation Limited Communications Ombudsman
U-Save Information Communication Communications Ombudsman
U-Save Telecom Communications Ombudsman
USIC Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Usio Energy Communications Ombudsman
U-Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Utelize Communications Communications Ombudsman
Utilise Software Ltd T/A Think Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Utility Options Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Utility Warehouse Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
V12 Telecom CISAS
V4 Telecom Communications Ombudsman
V4B Communications Ombudsman
V4VoIP Communications Ombudsman
VAAS Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Vaioni Group Ltd CISAS
Valkyrie Tech UK Limited CISAS
Value Business Phones Communications Ombudsman
VanillaIP Communications Ombudsman
Vapour Cloud Communications Ombudsman
Vellcom Communications Ombudsman
Velocity Network Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Velocity1 Communications Ombudsman
Verdi Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
VIA Communications Ombudsman
Viatel Communications Ombudsman
Vibe Active Communications Ltd CISAS
Vibrant Telecom CISAS
Virgin Media Communications Ombudsman
Virocom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Virtually Local CISAS
Virtual Talk Limited CISAS
Virtual1 Limited Communications Ombudsman
Vision Corporate Services Ltd CISAS
Vision Fibre Media Ltd CISAS
Vispa Communications Ombudsman
Vital Contact Ltd t/a Colchester Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Vital Wifi Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Vmaack Communications Ombudsman
VoCALLity Communications Ombudsman
Vodafone CISAS
Voice Flex Communications Ombudsman
Voice over IP Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Voicecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Voicedata Communications Ombudsman
Voicedata Technology Communications Ombudsman
VoiceHost Communications Ombudsman
Voipcom CISAS
VoiP Services Ltd Communications Ombudsman
VoIP Studio Communications Ombudsman
VoIP-4U Communications Ombudsman
Voipfone Communications Ombudsman
VoIPon Solutions Communications Ombudsman
VoipTalk Communications Ombudsman
VoIP-Un Limited Communications Ombudsman
Voneus Communications Ombudsman
Vorboss Ltd CISAS
Vostron Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Vox Clarity Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Voxhub Communications Ombudsman
Voxstar Mobile Ltd t/as Rokvox Communications Ombudsman
Voyced   Communications Ombudsman
VPS247 Communications Ombudsman
VPW Systems (UK) Ltd CISAS
VSL Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
VST Enterprises Limited CISAS
VTSL Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Vuterra 360 Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Vyke Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
W3Z Communications Ombudsman
Warwicknet Communications Ombudsman
Watchfront Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Watchfront Ltd CISAS
Wave Internet Communications Ombudsman
Wavenet Limited CISAS
We Do Your Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
Webeye Ltd CISAS (t/a WN1 IT) CISAS
Welcomm Communications Limited CISAS
Wessex Internet Communications Ombudsman
West Coast Communications  Communications Ombudsman
West Dorset Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Westcom Network Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Westica Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
West Wales Systems Communications Ombudsman
Whippet Internet Communications Ombudsman
White Horse Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Wicoms Limited Communications Ombudsman
Wi Fibre Ltd Communications Ombudsman
WifiBill Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Wifinity Communications Ombudsman
Wightfibre  Communications Ombudsman
Windsor Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Windsor Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Wireless Edge Communications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Wireless Logic Ltd CISAS
Wish Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman
WiSpire Ltd


Wizards Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Woav Communications Ombudsman
Woolwich Telecom (no website see Evoxus) Communications Ombudsman
Workair Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Workflow Audio Visual Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Workflow Managed Networks Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Worksmart Technology Limited Communications Ombudsman
World Connect Communications Ombudsman
Worldnet Global Communications Communications Ombudsman
Worldwide Group Communications Ombudsman
Worldwide IPGENIE  Communications Ombudsman
Wowcom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Wurzel Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Wyre Forest Computer Solutions Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Wytech Ltd Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
X2 Communications Ltd CISAS
Xi Communications Communications Ombudsman
Xinix World Communications Ombudsman
XLN Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Xoomtalk Communications Ombudsman
Xtel Europe Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Xtra Phones UK LTD Communications Ombudsman
X. Communications Limited Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Yaesu UK Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Yahoo! UK Services Limited CISAS
Yappl Limited CISAS
YB Communications Communications Ombudsman
Yellowcom Limited Communications Ombudsman
Yes Technology Solutions Ltd CISAS
Yes Telecom Communications Ombudsman
YHCC Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Yo Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Yoozoom Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
York Data Services Limited  Communications Ombudsman
Youfibre Communications Ombudsman
Your Company Mobiles CISAS
Your Connection Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Your Co-op Mobile Communications Ombudsman
Your Telecoms Expert Ltd CISAS
Yourcall Communications Ombudsman Communications Ombudsman
Your-Internet Communications Ombudsman
YourTeams Communications Ombudsman


Enw'r cwmni Cynllun ADR
Z1 Telecom Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Zen Internet Limited CISAS
Zen Systems Ltd CISAS
Zencom Telecommunications Ltd Communications Ombudsman
Zero Seven Telecom Communications Ombudsman
zerop Communications Ombudsman
Zest4 Communications Ombudsman
Zetnet Communications Ombudsman
Zone Telecommunications Ltd CISAS
Zoom Telecom Communications Ombudsman
Zycomm Electronics Ltd Communications Ombudsman
ZZoomm PLC Communications Ombudsman
ZYBRE Limited Communications Ombudsman

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