System wybodaeth sbectrwm ar-lein Ofcom (SIS)
Rhagor o wybodaeth am ddyraniadau sbectrwm
Proses neilltuo Radio Busnes wedi’i Aseinio’n Dechnegol (fideo youtube)
Licence Fee Calculation Guide (PDF, 114.5 KB)
business-radio-calculator (XLS, 822 KB) – diweddarwyd Hydref 2018
Rhowch wybod am broblemau gyda'r gyfrifiannell ffioedd i
Guidance note for in building systems (PDF, 125.2 KB)
Ionawr 2016
Guidance note for tower cranes (PDF, 97.2 KB)
Ionawr 2016
PMR446 and DMR446 Information Sheet (PDF, 208.0 KB)
Tachwedd 2015
Trading Guidance Notes (PDF, 668.3 KB)
Gorffennaf 2015
Business Radio Antenna Codes Information Sheet (PDF, 301.0 KB)
Hydref 2009
National and International Co-ordination Information Sheet (PDF, 227.6 KB)
15 Mawrth 2019
European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
Rheoleiddwyr Cyfathrebu Ewropeaidd y dylech gysylltu â nhw os ydych yn dymuno defnyddio amleddau ar gyfer Radio Busnes yn Ewrop
Memorandwm Cyd-ddealltwriaeth sy’n ymwneud â’r ystodau amledd a ddefnyddir gan Radio Busnes.
VHF Band 1 47.0 to 68.0 MHz
VHF Low Band 68.0 to 87.5 MHz
VHF Mid Band 138.0 to 165.05 MHz
VHF High Band 165.05 to 174.0 MHz
VHF Band III 174.0 to 225.0 MHz
UHF1 Band 420.0 to 450.0 MHz
UHF2 Band 450.0 to 470.0 MHz
Digital co-ordination Agreement for VHF Band III between the UK and Belgium
Digital co-ordination Agreement for VHF Band III between the UK and France (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Digital co-ordination Agreement for VHF Band III between the UK and The Netherlands (PDF, 1.1 MB)
MoU for Band 1 between the UK and France (PDF, 120.7 KB)
MoU for the 138-144 MHz Band between the UK and France (Paris Agreement) (PDF, 51.7 KB)
MoU for VHF Band III between the UK and Belgium (PDF, 3.4 MB)
MoU for VHF Band III between the UK and France (PDF, 874.3 KB)
MoU for VHF Band III between the UK and The Netherlands (PDF, 4.4 MB)