Niwtraliaeth y we

Internet-Net neutrality

Monitoring compliance with the net neutrality rules

Cyhoeddwyd: 26 Ionawr 2024

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 29 Ionawr 2025

A report on our approach to monitoring and ensuring compliance with the Open Internet Regulation from May 2020 to October 2021.

Ofcom yn diwygio’i ganllawiau ar niwtraliaeth y rhyngrwyd

Cyhoeddwyd: 26 Hydref 2023

‘Net neutrality’, sometimes referred to as the ‘open internet’, is the principle that users of the internet (both consumers and those making and distributing content) should be in control of what they see and do online – not the broadband or mobile providers that connect people and businesses to the internet (otherwise known as internet service providers or ISPs).

Ofcom yn cynnig arweiniad niwtraliaeth y we newydd

Cyhoeddwyd: 21 Hydref 2022

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 16 Mawrth 2023

Mae Ofcom heddiw wedi cynnig diwygio ei harweiniad ar sut y dylid cymhwyso'r rheolau 'niwtraliaeth y we' yn y DU. Daw hyn yn sgil cyhoeddi ein rhaglen waith newydd i sicrhau bod marchnadoedd cyfathrebiadau digidol yn gweithio'n dda i bobl a busnesau yn y DU.

Datganiad: Adolygiad o Niwtraliaeth y Rhyngrwyd

Cyhoeddwyd: 21 Hydref 2022

Last year, we started a review of the UK’s net neutrality framework. In this consultation, we set out our assessment of the issues that have been raised with us and propose revised guidance on how the rules should apply.

Cais am dystiolaeth: Adolygiad o niwtraliaeth y we

Cyhoeddwyd: 7 Medi 2021

Mae Ofcom wedi cychwyn adolygiad o sut mae'r fframwaith niwtraliaeth y we'n gweithredu yn y DU.

Beth yw niwtraliaeth y rhyngrwyd?

Cyhoeddwyd: 19 Ionawr 2021

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 29 Ionawr 2025

Niwtraliaeth y rhyngrwyd, neu ‘ryngrwyd agored’, yw’r egwyddor o sicrhau mai chi sy’n rheoli beth rydych chi’n ei weld ac yn ei wneud ar-lein.

Enforcement programme into Internet Service Providers traffic management practices

Cyhoeddwyd: 6 Rhagfyr 2018

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 16 Mai 2019

Investigation into ISP traffic management practices, including those relating to mobile roaming, and other ISP practices covered by the EU Open Internet Access Regulation 2015.

Ofcom approved complaints code of practice

PDF ffeil, 169.8 KB

Cyhoeddwyd: 10 Ionawr 2019

Own initiative investigation into Hutchison 3G UK Limited (Three)’s compliance with the net neutrality and roaming regulations

Cyhoeddwyd: 6 Mawrth 2018

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 2 Awst 2018

This investigation was opened on 6 March 2018 following an assessment of evidence gathered under Ofcom’s enforcement programme into fixed and mobile Internet Service Provider traffic management measures, and other practices covered by the EU Open Internet Access Regulation.

Own-initiative investigation into Vodafone’s traffic management practices, and other practices covered by the EU Open Internet Access Regulation

Cyhoeddwyd: 6 Mawrth 2018

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 2 Awst 2018

Ofcom has closed its investigation into Vodafone’s compliance with net neutrality rules in respect of its Vodafone Passes products, having received written assurances from Vodafone that it has stopped restricting video quality to Standard Definition in these products.

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