Statistical release calendar 2018
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January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Telecoms and pay-TV complaints publication Q3 2017 | 19 January 2018 | Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers. | Telecoms and pay-TV complaints data tables Q3 2017 (CSV, 15.9 KB) Telecoms and pay-TV complaints data tables Q3 2017 (PDF, 967.1 KB) |
Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q3 2017 | 25 January 2018 | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share. | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q3 2017 (PDF, 362.2 KB) |
Consumer issues survey: Experience of nuisance calls | 31 January 2018 | Data showing data on consumer’s experience of nuisance calls. |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Residential postal tracker 2017 | 28 February 2018 | Dataset of the residential postal tracking survey conducted in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 2017, providing data on residential consumers' use of post and attitudes to postal services. | Residential postal tracker Q1-Q4 2017 tables (PDF, 1.7 MB) 2017-Residential-Postal-Tracking-Data (CSV, 21.05 MB) Residential postal tracker 2017 - technical report (PDF, 118.9 KB) |
Business postal tracker 2017 | 28 February 2018 | Dataset of the postal tracking survey of UK SMEs conducted in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 2017. The survey provides data on post usage in terms of volumes sent, received, amount spent, postal products and services used and attitudes to postal services. | Business postal tracker Q1-Q4 2017 tables (PDF, 15.5 MB) Business postal tracker Q1-Q4 2017 - data (CSV, 14.0 MB) Business postal tracker 2017 - technical report (PDF, 188.8 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Customer complaints research: Quality of service | 1 March 2018 | This set of data tables contains the results from an online survey which was used to interview customers who had made contact with their provider with a complaint six months prior to the interview. It explores reason for and satisfaction with the providers handling of the complaint. Please note: total market data is weighted and provider level data is unweighted. | Quality of customer service – (PDF, 1.6 MB) Quality of customer service – supplier level data tables – unweighted (PDF, 3.7 MB) |
Customer complaints research: Reason to complain | 1 March 2018 | This set of data tables contains the results from face to face omnibus survey which asked customers whether they have had reason to complain to their communications provider/s in the last 12 months. | |
Customer satisfaction tracker | 23 March 2018 | This data is from a survey monitoring customer satisfaction in the communications market. | Customer service tracker 2018 data tables (PDF, 5.7 MB) |
PSB tracker 2017 | 29 March 2018 | Public sector broadcasting tracking survey: attitudes, satisfaction with provision and importance of characteristics associated with PSB provision in the UK. Note: We have applied a new weighting regime to the 2017 data to take into account large differences between responses from online and offline panellists. The previous weighting regime used ANOVA analysis to bring in line those variables which explained the most variation between panellists recruited online and face-to-face. However, this only explained part of the variance. The new weighting regime adjusts for an equal proportion of the overall variance between the two modes but is based on fewer variables. The key metric is the in the difference in the number of channels viewed by online and face-to-face panellists. | PSB Tracker 2017 data tables (PDF, 10.1 MB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Telecoms and pay-TV complaints Q4 2017 | 18 April 2018 | Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers. | |
Technology tracker half 1 2018 | 23 April 2018 | Ofcom technology tracker data tables. Ofcom is currently in the process of reviewing the Technology Tracker questionnaire in order to ensure that it remains fit for purpose. This means that there may be some changes to existing questions, the removal of questions that are no longer useful as well as the addition of new questions. The changes will come into effect for the next wave of fieldwork due to begin January 2019 with the data being available as usual in April 2019. For further detail or if you have any concerns, please contact: | Technology tracker H1 2018 UK full data tables (PDF, 15.6 MB) Technology-Tracker-H1-2018-data-tables (CSV, 1.32 MB) Technology tracker H1 2018 technical report (PDF, 72.9 KB) Technology tracker H1 2018 subset data tables (PDF, 8.6 MB) Technology-Tracker-H1-2018-subset-data-tables (CSV, 651.77 KB) |
Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q4 2017 | 26 April 2018 | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share. | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q4 2017 (PDF, 496.3 KB) |
Cross-platform media tracker 2018 | 30 April 2018 | Previously called 'media tracker', this set of data tables provides information on UK adults’ attitudes and opinions towards television and radio broadcasting, and related areas such as news consumption and privacy. | Cross-platform media tracker data tables Cross-platform-media-tracker-data-tables (CSV, 2.75 MB) Cross-platform media tracker technical report (PDF, 65.6 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Fixed-line broadband performance reports | 9 May 2018 | Data collected on actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment installed in their homes. This publication will be slightly delayed because of data and operational issues. | |
Television access services: Data reporting provision of access services for the full calendar year 2017 | 23 May 2018 | Compliance with subtitling, audio description and signing quotas. | |
Consumer issues survey: Experience of nuisance calls | 31 May 2018 | Data showing information on consumers' experience of nuisance calls. Note: These tables have been republished. | Experience of nuisance calls data tables (PDF, 1.1 MB) Consumer-Complaints (CSV, 175.38 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
News consumption in the UK | 21 June 2018 | Research into news consumption across television, radio, print and online | news-consumption-2018-data (XLSX, 18.23 MB) News Consumption Survey 2018 respondent-level CSV data News Consumption Survey 2018 questionnaire (PDF, 2.1 MB) News Consumption Survey technical report (PDF, 183.3 KB) Changes made to 2018 News Consumption Survey (PDF, 152.2 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
List of channels required to provide access services in 2019 | 4 July 2018 | List of television channels licensed by Ofcom required to provide access services in the UK and other EU Member States. | Television channels required to provide television access services in 2019 (PDF, 214.9 KB) |
Number of hours broadcast by public television broadcasters (within the Media Nations report) | 17 July 2018 | Data showing number of hours broadcast by PSB channels. | |
Network compliance report | 17 July 2018 | Compliance with a range of quotas including originations, independent productions, news, current affairs, made out of London productions and regional output. | |
Commercial broadcast television revenues and spend (within the Media Nations report) | 17 July 2018 | Data showing revenues for the commercial TV sector in the UK. | |
Number of hours broadcast by the multi-channel sector (within the Media Nations report) | 17 July 2018 | Data showing number of hours broadcast by the multi-channel sector. | |
Made out of London register: Description of TV programmes produced outside London | 17 July 2018 | A list of the programmes produced by the PSBs outside of the M25, and criteria against which each programme qualifies as Made Outside London. | Made outside London programme titles register (PDF, 547.2 KB) |
Commercial radio revenues (within the Media Nations Report) | 17 July 2018 | Data showing revenues for the commercial radio sector in the UK. | |
Number of commercial radio services broadcasting (within the Media Nations Report) | 17 July 2018 | Data showing number of commercial radio services. | |
Public service broadcasting nations and regions compliance reporting | 17 July 2018 | Compliance with a range of regional quotas including originations, independent productions and average hours of weekly regional programming from the BBC, the Channel 3 licenses and S4C. | |
Community radio revenues and expenses | 17 July 2018 | Data showing revenues for the community radio sector in the UK. | |
Telecoms and pay TV complaints Q1 2018 | 18 July 2018 | Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers. | |
Children's and parents' media literacy tables | 18 July 2018 | Media literacy children and parents’ surveys: access, use and understanding of internet, television, mobile and other platforms among children aged 3-15 and their parents. | Children's and parents' media literacy tables: Parents of children aged 3-4 data tables (PDF, 855.4 KB) |
Fixed broadband speeds (February 2018 data) | 19 July 2018 | Data collected on actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment installed in their homes. | home-broadband-performance-february-2018-data (CSV, 847.27 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Post volumes and revenues (within the Communications Market Report) | 2 August 2018 | Data showing total revenues and volumes for the UK addressed letter market. | |
Residential postal tracker Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 | 24 August 2018 | Dataset of the residential postal tracking survey conducted, providing data on residential consumers' use of post and attitudes to postal services. | Residential postal tracker Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 tables (PDF, 3.3 MB) Residential postal tracker Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 data (CSV, 53 MB) Residential postal tracker Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 technical report (PDF, 107.8 KB) |
Business postal tracker Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 | 24 August 2018 | Dataset of the postal tracking survey of UK SMEs conducted. The survey provides data on post usage in terms of volumes sent, received, amount spent, postal products and services used an attitudes to postal services. | Business postal tracker Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 tables (PDF, 17.8 MB) |
Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q1 2018 | 30 August 2018 | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q1 2018 (PDF, 367.2 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Fixed broadband speeds (May 2018 data) | 11 September 2018 | Data collected on actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment installed in their homes. | UK home broadband performance, May 2018 - panellist data (without weights) |
Disability consumer research | 27 September 2018 | Survey tracking the access and use of communications devices and services among non-disabled and disabled consumers, and monitoring disabled consumers’ limitations and preventions of use caused by their disability. As notified on our statistical release calendar earlier this year, following a full review, we are publishing the disability research earlier than in previous years. We have streamlined questions to focus on the metrics that are to be included in Ofcom’s Access and Inclusion report. The Access and Inclusion report is currently scheduled to be published early in 2019. For any further information please email: | Disability consumer research data tables (PDF, 1.3 MB) Note: We are ceasing data collection for the Disability Tracker. In previous years, the Disability Tracker used a face-to-face, in home omnibus to contact and interview respondents. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this methodology was no longer available and the tracker was put on hiatus in 2020. Due to the continuing impact of the pandemic, we need to move to an alternative way of reaching consumers with an impairment. As a result, the change in methodology will be too significant to compare to previous waves of data. We will continue to measure the experience of those with impairments in a new dataset: the Impacting and Limiting Conditions tracker, but it will not be comparable to the previous Disability Tracker. This will use Kantar’s Public View panel, which is recruited using face-to-face and post-to-online/telephone methodologies. If you have any concerns or issues with this please email by 4 February 2022. |
Consumer issues survey: Experience of nuisance calls | 28 September 2018 | This set of data tables provides information on consumer’s experience of nuisance calls. | Consumer complaints data tables (PDF, 1.1 MB) Consumer-experience-nuisance-calls-28-September-2018 (CSV, 177.78 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Affordability of communications services research | 1 October 2018 | Data which tracks and provides insights into the affordability of communications services among UK adults. | Affordability of communications services research - Data tables (PDF, 2.1 MB) Affordability of communications services research - Raw data and codebook (XLSX, 5.9 MB) Affordability of communications services research - Raw data (CSV) |
Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q2 2018 | 25 October 2018 | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share. | Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q2 2018 (PDF, 555.4 KB) |
Switching tracker | 30 October 2018 | This is data from a survey monitoring consumer supplier switching in the communications market. Ofcom is currently in the process of reviewing its engagement index and the questions used to calculate this to ensure that it is fit for purpose and reflects current behaviours. Any changes will be implemented in 2018’s August fieldwork. Ofcom will work closely with the agency which runs the Switching tracker to minimise disruption to trend data on key switching metrics i.e. switching levels (which includes home-moves, number portability). If you would like any for further information, please email | Switching Tracker 2018 Data tables (PDF, 2.5 MB) Switching Tracker 2018 Technical report (PDF, 160.5 KB) |
Television access services: Report for the first six months of 2018 | 31 October 2018 | Compliance with subtitling, audio description and signing quotas. | TV access services 2018: Q1 and Q2 |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Telecoms and pay-TV complaints Q2 2018 | 8 November 2018 | Data showing Ofcom complaint volumes per 100,000 subscribers. | |
Annual Monitoring Report – post volumes and revenues | 20 November 2018 | Data relating to letters, parcels and efficiency. | Postal-stats-2017-18 (CSV, 4.96 KB) |
Fixed broadband speeds (August 2018 data) | 21 November 2018 | Data collected on actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment installed in their homes. | UK-Home-broadband-performance-August-2018-panellist-data (CSV, 910.54 KB) |
Official statistics | Date published | Content | Data |
Adults’ media literacy tracker 2018 | 12 December 2018 | Media literacy adult surveys: access, use and understanding of internet, television, mobile and other platforms among the 16+ adult population of the UK. | Adults' media literacy data tables (PDF, 2.2 MB) Adults' media literacy data tables |
European Broadband Scorecard 2018 | 18 December 2018 | Comparative international data on the coverage, take-up and use, price, speed and choice of broadband services. | European Broadband Scorecard 2018 (PDF, 1.2 MB) |