Statement: Listed Events – Commonwealth Games 2018

Published: 21 February 2018
Consultation closes: 21 March 2018
Status: Closed (statement published)

Ofcom has given its consent to the request from the BBC to broadcast exclusive live coverage of the Commonwealth Games 2018 (“the Games”).

We consulted during February and March 2018 on the request.

Ofcom received two responses to the consultation. One raised the issue of providing suitable coverage for visually impaired viewers, and one questioned the need to disrupt normal programming schedules on terrestrial channels, especially with additional digital channels now available. The Code on sports and other listed and designated events (“the Code”) does not require consideration of the provision of adapted content for hearing or visually impaired audiences, or changes to a broadcaster’s normal programme schedule, however Ofcom has drawn the BBC’s attention to these responses. No expressions of interest were received.

Having considered the responses to the consultation and the information supplied by the BBC in support of their application, Ofcom has decided to grant consent to the BBC’s exclusive live coverage.

Contact information

Listed Events, Broadcast Licensing
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
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