We have decided that the frequency allocation which should replace the 10.675 to 10.699 GHz band for new licence exempt Short Range (radio-determination) Devices will be 10.575 to 10.6 GHz.
This decision follows our recent consultations, “Licence Exemption of Wireless Telegraphy Devices” published on 26 July 2012 (the ‘Licence Exemption Consultation’) and the subsequent “Licence Exemption of Wireless Telegraphy Devices; Statement and further consultation” (the ‘10.5 GHz Consultation’) published on 13 December 2012.
In the Licence Exemption Consultation we proposed the closure of the 10.675 to 10.699 GHz band, giving eighteen months notice, after which no new Short Range Devices (SRD) would be able to be deployed. Equipment in use prior to the closure date will continue to be licence exempt. A number of respondents to that consultation advised that the proposed alternative allocation for radio-determination applications in the 10.577 to 10.597 GHz band did not provide sufficient bandwidth to meet their operational needs. Consequently, in the light of these responses, we identified a possibility to extend the current exemption for radio-determination applications at 10.577 to 10.597 GHz in order to meet industry concerns. This we proposed (in the 10.5 GHz Consultation) to do by extending the current exemption by 5 MHz to 10.575 to 10.6 GHz. All other existing requirements for operation in the 10.5 GHz band are to remain the same.
We received four responses to the 10.5 GHz Consultation. These are listed in Annex 1 of this document and copies of the responses are available on our website. We have given consideration to the comments that were raised and these are addressed in Section 2 of this document.
In order to implement our decisions from the Licence Exemption Consultation and 10.5 GHz Consultation we will need to make licence exemption regulations under section 8 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (the ’WT Act’). In accordance with the requirements of sections 122(4) and (5) of the WT Act we must give notice of our proposal to make the regulations and allow a time period of at least one month for representations to be made. We expect to consult on proposed regulations shortly.