Ofcom has carried out an extensive review of unexpectedly high bills in the communications market.
The statement below sets out the evidence we have gathered, outlines our concerns, and explains the steps that we intend to take to tackle these concerns.
Update 12 March 2013
Our March 2012 statement set out the findings of our review of unexpectedly high bills (UHBs) in the communications market. It set out the initial evidence we had gathered, outlined our concerns in light of that evidence, and explained the steps we planned to take to help reduce the risk of consumers experiencing UHBs and reduce the associated level of harm to them.
The review identified that UHBs were experienced more often by mobile contract customers and the most severe problems tended to arise when consumers were using their mobiles abroad (roaming). We signalled that we had concerns with the level of consumer harm being caused and outlined several high level proposals on how the problems of UHBs could be tackled.
The purpose of this document is to provide an update on the work that we have undertaken since the March 2012 statement and outline what further steps we consider necessary and proportionate to tackle UHBs.