UKRN performance scorecard

Published: 14 January 2021
Last updated: 8 August 2023

As part of a new initiative from the UK Regulators Network (UKRN), regulators in telecoms, water, energy and banking have partnered to compare how customers rate the biggest companies who provide services people rely on every day.

The scorecards include a range of metrics to help people compare performance across services and providers. These include information on customer satisfaction, service quality, value for money and complaints. Overall, most telecoms customers are happy with their service, with satisfaction in the mobile, landline and broadband markets at 93%, 85% and 85% respectively.

The performance scorecards include Institute of Customer Services UKCSI figures that compare customer satisfaction levels between the Telecoms & Media, Banks & Building Societies, Energy and Water sectors. Overall, Telecoms & Media ranked second among these four sectors in July 2020, with Banks & Building Societies coming out top.

Moving forward together – performance scorecards 2021 (PDF, 1.5 MB)

As part of the collaboration with the performance scorecards work, we are pleased to be able to share the scorecards that are also being promoted in other areas.

Please click on the logos below to be taken to the performance scorecard pages on the UKRN, Ofgem, Ofwat, CCW and Financial Conduct Authority websites.

UK Regulators Network (UKRN)
Ofgem logo
Ofwat logo
Consumer Council for Water logo
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

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