Understanding what people in the UK need from public service media

Published: 13 November 2023

We carry out research into the UK’s satisfaction with, and attitudes and opinions towards public service broadcasters (PSB). This helps us evaluate whether or not PSBs have fulfilled the purposes and characteristics of their public service remit.

Ofcom has a responsibility to evaluate whether or not PSBs have fulfilled the purposes and characteristics of their public service remit.

Public Service Media Tracker

We publish our annual Public Service Media Tracker, which explores adults’ perceptions of PSBs and their on-demand services (BVoDs).

The future of public service media

As part of Small Screen: Big Debate (our review of the future of public service media), we carried out an extensive programme of research to understand what people across the UK want and need from public service broadcasting (PSB).

We commissioned research to ask viewers and listeners from across the UK to tell us about their use of PSB content, its role and relevance in their lives, and how that might change in the future. The full report and videos highlighting some of the observations from our interviews and focus groups are available below.

We have also published a quantitative report and the data tables focusing on the perceived personal and societal benefits of PSB. This is part of our ongoing research and took place before the Covid-19 UK lockdown.

An exploration of people’s relationship with PSB; with a particular focus on the views of young people – Jigsaw Research (PDF, 2.0 MB)

Public Service Broadcasting: omnibus survey findings (PDF, 782.1 KB)

Public Service Broadcasting: omnibus survey findings – data tables (PDF, 2.6 MB)

psb-omnibus-survey-data (CSV, 3.03 MB)

Quantitative research findings – March questionnaire (PDF, 223.5 KB)

YouTube videos

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