Apply for a Restricted Television Service for an Event (RTSL-E) licence

Published: 9 May 2024

Restricted Television Service for an Event (RTSL-E) licences are for the broadcasting of televsion programmes in a particular establishment or other defined location, or for a particular event, in the United Kingdom.

In this context, 'television programmes' means the broadcast of pictures and/or text, with or without sound.

Both a Broadcasting Act licence and a Wireless Telegraphy Act licence are required in order to broadcast a restricted television service.

RTSL-E guidance notes (PDF, 269.5 KB)

rtsl-app.rtf (ODT, 80.87 KB)

RTSL-E Wireless Telegraphy Act transmission licence (PDF, 83.2 KB)

RTSL-E Broadcasting Act licence (PDF, 102.0 KB)

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