Statement: Licensing small-scale DAB – how Ofcom will exercise its new functions

Published: 5 July 2019
Consultation closes: 4 October 2019
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 7 April 2020

Small-scale DAB is a new way of transmitting digital radio that uses advances in software and low-cost computer technology to provide a flexible and inexpensive approach to the terrestrial broadcast of digital radio services to a relatively small geographic area.

This statement sets out how Ofcom will license small-scale DAB using the powers that Government has given us under the Small-scale Radio Multiplex and Community Digital Radio Order 2019. Our conclusions follow the consideration of responses to the consultation we ran on small-scale DAB licensing between July and October 2019.

Update 1 July 2020 – higher-resolution versions of polygon area maps

In response to requests from stakeholders for higher-resolution versions of the polygon area maps in the Statement, we are today publishing a SS_DAB_areas (KML, 600.5 KB) containing shape files for all of the indicative licence area polygons. Users of the file should note that these areas solely reflect the indicative areas shown in the Statement, and may not reflect the eventual advertised licence areas. Any applications made should only be made based on the advertisement itself.


Contact information

Small-scale DAB consultation
Broadcast Licensing team (Second Floor)
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
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