Statement: Changes to our framework for assessing the BBC’s performance

Published: 25 May 2023
Consultation closes: 23 June 2023
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 18 July 2023

We consulted between 25 May and 23 June 2023 on proposed changes to the performance measurement framework (“PMF”). The PMF sets out the measures and metrics we use to monitor and assess the BBC’s performance in promoting its Public Purposes and fulfilling its Mission.

In the consultation we said that the four measures that form the PMF remain robust and fit for purpose, but that small changes should be made to ensures the PMF remains appropriate for the future.

In reaching our decisions we have carefully considered all consultation responses. We have decided to proceed with our proposed changes to the PMF.

The procedures for amending the PMF have been reissued unchanged.

Performance measurement framework (PDF, 181.5 KB)

Contact information

Nat Fox
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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