Call for input: Expanding spectrum access for satellite gateways

Published: 22 March 2024
Consultation closes: 14 June 2024
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Services which rely on satellite connectivity are increasingly important for UK consumers and businesses and play a key role in providing broadband to hard-to-reach premises in the UK, as well as to ships and aircraft.

There could be innovation and consumer benefits from enabling access to additional spectrum for satellite gateways in the Q/V (37.5 - 43.5 GHz, 47.2 - 50.2 GHz and 50.4 - 52.4 GHz) and E (71- 76 GHz and 81 - 86 GHz) bands, alongside existing uses.

We are therefore seeking information to inform our work on the scope for enabling satellite gateway access in these bands. This includes seeking further evidence about when these gateways would be in use in the UK, and what types of benefits they would provide to people and businesses in the UK.

Responding to this consultation

Please submit responses using the consultation response form (ODT, 100.2 KB).

How to respond


Spectrum Group
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road

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