Licence Exempt spectrum use in the 2400 MHz band

Published: 9 May 2013
Consultation closes: 19 June 2013
Status: Closed (pending statement)


1.1 This call for input relates to understanding spectrum use by licence exempt (LE) devices in the 2400 MHz band. This band is close to radio spectrum in the 2300 MHz band which the Ministry of Defence (MoD) plans to release for new civil uses. These plans are part of a Government commitment to release 500 MHz of spectrum for new civil uses by 2020. This aims to address the increasing demand for spectrum fuelled by devices such as smartphones and tablets.

1.2 LE devices operate without any expectation of protection against interference. Even so we are seeking to understand any technical coexistence issues between future uses of the MoD's planned release spectrum in the 2300 MHz band and LE uses in the nearby 2400 MHz band.

1.3 In advance of a full consultation on the technical and regulatory aspects of the MoD's planned release, Ofcom is issuing this call for input to inform our technical work. The document introduces two reports exploring LE use in the 2400 MHz band and asks whether respondents agree with the findings. It also asks if there are other uses of the band or additional information not covered in the reports and whether there may be equipment characteristics or usage scenarios making those uses susceptible to interference.

MoD's plans

1.4 The MoD plans to release up to 40 MHz of spectrum within the 2300 MHz band for new civil uses, namely the release band 2350 to 2390 MHz. An illustration of the current use of spectrum between 2310 and 2500 MHz is set out below. As noted above, the MoD's plans are part of a Government commitment to release 500 MHz of spectrum for new civil uses by 2020. The Government's rationale for spectrum release is set out in the document 'Enabling UK growth - releasing public spectrum' and in the MoD's 2008 consultation which details the benefits this is expected to bring for citizens and consumers. The MoD is likely to release this spectrum in 2014.

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