Spectrum trades

Published: 20 January 2023
Last updated: 30 January 2025

Ofcom will sometimes receive an application to trade spectrum.  A register of trades is published under the Spectrum Information Portal in Ofcom’s Spectrum Information System.

For spectrum falling under the Wireless Telegraphy (Spectrum Trading) Regulations 2012, spectrum which is eligible for trading may be re-licensed to another licensee, subject to meeting certain basic criteria such as being free from any unresolved fee, variation or revocation notices or liability. For eligible licence classes (see Guidance notes), a licensee may apply for a licence variation to permit the leasing of spectrum to other parties.

Mobile spectrum trades

For spectrum falling under the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Spectrum Trading) Regulations 2011, we are required to consider whether competition issues may be relevant and to give our consent before the trade can take place. 

We will usually publish a description of a proposed mobile trade on this page, so that interested parties can submit any concerns about the impact the trade might have on competition.

Any mobile spectrum trade applications in progress are listed below.

Ofcom consented to the transfer applications from Hutchison 3G UK Limited, UK Broadband Limited (wholly owned by Hutchison 3G UK Limited) and Vodafone Limited on 28 January 2025, in accordance with regulation 8 of the Wireless Telegraphy (Spectrum Trading) Regulations. In giving their consent, Ofcom directed under Regulation 9(1) that the transfer shall only be put into effect on or after completion of the joint venture between Vodafone Group plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited combining their UK telecoms businesses, respectively Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited.

Ofcom has received applications from Hutchison 3G UK Limited, UK Broadband Limited (wholly owned by Hutchison 3G UK Limited) and Vodafone Limited for trades of certain frequencies licensed to these companies.

The proposed trades are being considered by Ofcom under the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Spectrum Trading) Regulations 2011 (as amended in 2013 and 2015) and in accordance with Ofcom’s usual spectrum trading processes. Under regulation 7, Ofcom must consent before the spectrum in these bands can be traded on a concurrent or outright basis. Ofcom may conduct a competition assessment to determine whether the trades may distort competition.

Hutchison 3G UK Limited and Vodafone Limited will cease to be distinct under a joint venture between Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Limited (the “merger”). The merger received conditional clearance from the Competition and Markets Authority on 5 December 2024. The trades are requested to be put into effect on or after completion of the merger. As the trades would take effect post-merger, our provisional view is that the proposed transfers do not raise sufficient competition issues to justify further analysis.

The applicants have submitted transfer applications for Concurrent Total and Partial trades whereby the transferred rights and obligations become rights and obligations of the transferee while continuing, concurrently, to be rights and obligations of the person making the transfer. The result would be new licences held jointly by Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited. Two licences would also be held concurrently with UK Broadband Limited. The list of licences requested to be traded are set out below.


Licence Number



Hutchison 3G UK Limited

1248067 (PDF, 352.8 KB)

713 – 723 MHz

768 – 778 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited

Hutchison 3G UK Limited

0943535 (PDF, 418.0 KB)

791 – 796 MHz

832 – 837 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited

Hutchison 3G UK Limited

1053624 (PDF, 224.2 KB)

1472 – 1492 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited

Hutchison 3G UK Limited

0931984 (PDF, 346.1 KB)

1721.7 – 1736.7 MHz

1816.7 – 1831.7 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited

Hutchison 3G UK Limited

1268475 (PDF, 303.9 KB)

1920.0 – 1934.9 MHz

2110.3 – 2124.9 MHz

Concurrent Partial transfer to Vodafone Limited

Hutchison 3G UK Limited

1151568 (PDF, 330.7 KB)

3460 – 3480 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited

UK Broadband Limited

1295884 (PDF, 419.7 KB)

3480 – 3500 MHz

3580 – 3600 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited 

UK Broadband Limited

1295898 (PDF, 392.5 KB)

3600 – 3680 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Vodafone Limited and Hutchison 3G UK Limited

Vodafone Limited

0249664 (PDF, 375.4 KB)

880.1 – 897.5 MHz

925.1 – 942.5 MHz

1715.9 – 1721.7 MHz 

1810.9 – 1816.7 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Hutchison 3G UK Limited

Vodafone Limited

0943538 (PDF, 549.3 KB)

842 – 852 MHz 

801 – 811 MHz

2500 – 2520 MHz 

2620 – 2640 MHz

Concurrent Partial transfer to Hutchison 3G UK Limited

Vodafone Limited

1151573 (PDF, 342.9 KB)

3410 – 3460 MHz

Concurrent Total transfer to Hutchison 3G UK Limited

Vodafone Limited

1257251 (PDF, 343.0 KB)

3500 – 3520 MHz

Concurrent Partial transfer to Hutchison 3G UK Limited

In relation to these proposed partial trades, Ofcom has determined that the requirements (under regulation 7(1) of the 2011 Regulations) which concern the description of the parties and details of the proposed trade have been met.  Ofcom is now inviting interested parties to submit comments by 6 January 2025, including on whether competition is likely to be distorted as a result of any of the transfers.

The details of the proposed transfers are posted on Ofcom’s Trade Notification Register.

Submissions should be sent to: spectrum.tradingdesk@ofcom.org.uk.

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