Spectrum planning for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

Published: 30 November 2007
Consultation closes: 22 February 2008
Status: Closed (statement published)

On 30 November 2007, we published a discussion document on spectrum planning for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

This addressed issues that we must consider in planning spectrum use for the London Games. It asked stakeholders to assess the assumptions that we were making and the approach that we were proposing.

We received 15 responses. We have published those that were not confidential on our website. Annex 1 contains a summary of the points that respondents made. Annex 2 lists respondents who did not request that their details be kept confidential.

We will address all responses in substance when we consult on a draft spectrum plan for the London Games. We expect to do so after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. We will continue to discuss issues with stakeholders in the meantime.

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