The next UK spectrum auction has moved a significant step closer, with the publication of the text of the final regulations by Ofcom today. This text, which may be subject to minor amendments, will be enacted and become law in early 2025.
Next year, we will release spectrum in the 25.1-27.5 GHz and 40.5-43.5 GHz bands, which we call millimetre wave, or mmWave. This is high frequency and well suited to carrying large amounts of data in densely populated towns and cities. It is particularly appropriate for places where there are lots of people, like stadiums, busy streets, concert venues and train stations.
Ofcom has today also published information for parties considering participating in the auction, including:
- practical guidance to help participants navigate the auction, including how to apply, and indicative timings for each stage of the award process;
- information about the spectrum we are making available and the conditions for use of the spectrum; and
- information about where the spectrum will be licensed for use.
The auction will take place in 2025 and we expect to provide a further update on timings before the end of this year.