Harmonised European numbers for harmonised services of social value (116XXX numbers)

Published: 6 September 2016
Last updated: 16 March 2023

The European Commission (‘the Commission’) aims to have certain services of social value contactable by using the same memorable telephone numbers in all Member States. To further this aim, the Commission has designated the 6-digit ‘116’ number range for European-wide harmonised numbers for services of social value. This means that the same service of social value may be reached when calling a certain ‘116’ number across Europe, giving European citizens ‘same number – same service’ memorability. The Commission decides which services should be reserved ‘116’ numbers and attaches conditions relating to the use of the numbers.

We set out our general approach to implementation of ‘116’ numbers in the UK in the regulatory statement published on 20 February 2009. This document also made 116000, 116111 and 116123 available for allocation in the UK. On 28 July 2010 we issued a further statement making 116006 and 116117 available. The register of ‘116’ numbers available in the UK is shown below.

Further information from the Commission on ‘116’ helpline numbers can be found on its website here: http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/116-helplines.

NumberService for which this number is reservedCurrent UK statusFurther information
(CP – Communications Provider SP – Service Provider)

Name of service:
Hotline for missing children

The service (a) takes calls reporting missing children and passes them on to the Police; (b) offers guidance to and supports the persons responsible for the missing child; (c) supports the investigation.

Allocated and in operation116000 has been allocated to the SP/CP partnership of Missing People and BT

Name of the service:
Helpline for victims of crime

The service enables victims of crime to get emotional support in such circumstances, to be informed about their rights and about ways to claim their rights, and to be referred to the relevant organisations. In particular, it provides information about (a) local police and criminal justice proceedings, (b) possibilities of compensation and insurance matters. It also provides support in finding other sources of help relevant to the victims of crime.


Service provider selection process document can be viewed here

SPs interested in applying for this number should contact the Numbering Team on numbering.applications@ofcom.org.uk


Name of the service:
Child helplines

The service helps children in need of care and protection and links them to services and resources; it provides children with an opportunity to express their concerns, talk about issues directly affecting them and contact someone in an emergency situation.

Allocated and in operation116111 has been allocated to the SP/CP partnership of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (the NSPCC) and BT

Name of the service:
Non-emergency medical on-call service

The service directs callers to the medical assistance appropriate to their needs, which are urgent but non-life-threatening, especially, but not exclusively, outside normal office hours, over the weekend and on public holidays. It connects the caller to a skilled and supported call-handler, or connects the caller directly to a qualified medical practitioner or clinician.


Service provider selection process document can be viewed here

SPs interested in applying for this number should contact the Numbering Team on numbering.applications@ofcom.org.uk


Name of the service:
Emotional support helplines

The service enables the caller to benefit from a genuine human relationship based on non-judgemental listening. It offers emotional support to callers suffering from loneliness, in a state of psychological crisis, or contemplating suicide.

Allocated and in operation
116123 has been allocated to the SP/CP partnership of Samaritans and Gamma/Vodafone

‘116’ numbers are allocated to a partnership of a single or multiple service provider(s) and a single communications provider. The selection of the most appropriate partnership will be made by Ofcom following a comparative selection process. We will be assisted throughout the process by the Government-run Advisory Committee. Applications will be assessed against the Service Eligibility Criteria set for each number (ie the service description and the general and specific service conditions for use) and against other applications. At the end of the selection process, we will allocate the number to the partnership providing the most appropriate service.

‘116’ numbers will generally be allocated to service provider(s) / communications provider partnerships for an indefinite period provided that numbers are used in accordance with the National Telephone Numbering Plan. In certain circumstances we may decide to limit the allocation to a five year period following which a new selection process will be run.

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