Harmonised European Numbers For Services Of Social Value : Proposed allocation and charging arrangements for 116 numbers in the UK

Published: 1 October 2008
Consultation closes: 10 December 2008
Status: Closed (statement published)

The European Commission (‘the Commission’) is aiming for certain services of social value to be contactable by the same memorable telephone numbers in all Member States. At present many hotline and helpline services are available across Europe but numbers differ between countries, making it difficult for visitors from other European Union (‘EU’) countries to find the correct telephone number for a service when they need help, assistance or advice.

In order to achieve the goal of ‘same number – same service’ across the EU, the Commission published a decision on 15 February 2007 (‘the Decision’) requiring harmonisation of the ‘116XXX’ 6-digit range of national telephone numbers for harmonised services of social value. According to the Decision, these are services that answer a specific social need and are potentially of value to visitors from other countries. The Commission decides which services should be reserved ‘116’ numbers and attaches conditions relating to the use of the numbers. The first three ‘116’ numbers to be reserved by the Commission are 116000 for hotlines for missing children; 116111 for child helplines; and 116123 for emotional support helplines.

1.3 Ofcom published the consultation document Harmonised European numbers for services of social value: proposed allocation and charging arrangements for 116 numbers in the UK (‘the 116 Consultation’) on 1 October 2008. The document asked stakeholders for their views on issues of ‘116’ number implementation in the UK. As well as describing the 116 service and providing background information, the consultation put forward proposals on two key implementation matters: the allocation process and charging arrangements. It also posed specific questions on the implementation of the first three ‘116’ numbers. Having considered the views of stakeholders and the results of our Impact and Equality Assessment, we have reached decisions on these matters. These decisions are set out and explained in this document.

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