Ofcom's first year of video-sharing platform regulation

Published: 20 October 2022
Last updated: 12 October 2023

This is Ofcom’s first report on video-sharing platforms (VSPs) since we were appointed as the statutory regulator for platforms established in the UK.

Ofcom's first year of video-sharing platform regulation (PDF, 3.1 MB)

Blwyddyn gyntaf Ofcom o reoleiddio llwyfannau rhannu fideos (PDF, 329.4 KB)

The first part of the report sets out our key findings from the first year of regulation (October 2021 to October 2022). We also explain our approach to the next year of the regime.

The second part of the report describes the measures platforms have put in place to protect their users. We have included this information to be transparent about what the platforms are doing, and to raise awareness of how VSPs protect their users from harmful content. We report on the following platforms:

  1. TikTok
  2. Snapchat
  3. Twitch
  4. Vimeo
  5. BitChute
  6. Smaller VSPs
  7. OnlyFans
  8. Smaller adult VSPs

The VSP landscape

We have also published a report on the VSP landscape in the UK. The report uses Ofcom-commissioned research and analysis to describe the context in which providers apply protection measures. It also presents users' views on their experience of using VSPs.

The VSP landcape: Understanding the video-sharing platform industry in the UK (PDF, 1.3 MB)

VSP users' experiences and attitudes

We have published the following three sets of research alongside this report:

The concerns and measures discussed in these reports go beyond the scope of the harm and measures in VSP legislation. The research includes platforms that are not currently regulated by Ofcom under the VSP regime, but they still provide important context for understanding the VSP landscape. All views expressed in these reports are those of the research participants, not Ofcom.

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