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Ofcom's decision on Good Morning Britain, ITV, 8 March 2021

Published: 22 September 2021
Last updated: 16 March 2023

Ofcom today concluded its investigation into ITV's Good Morning Britain, broadcast on 8 March 2021, which found the content not in breach of its broadcasting rules.

This was a finely-balanced decision. Mr Morgan’s comments were potentially harmful and offensive to viewers, and we recognise the strong public reaction to them. But we also took full account of freedom of expression. Under our rules, broadcasters can include controversial opinions as part of legitimate debate in the public interest, and the strong challenge to Mr Morgan from other contributors provided important context for viewers.

Nonetheless, we’ve reminded ITV to take greater care around content discussing mental health and suicide in future. ITV might consider the use of timely warnings or signposting of support services to ensure viewers are properly protected.

The full decision (PDF, 1012.8 KB) is available.

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