Ofcom has a statutory duty to review the operation of, and recommend any changes to, the media ownership rules including the media public interest test. We must report to the Secretary of State (for Culture, Media and Sport) at least every three years.
Parliament has put in place media ownership rules for television, radio and newspapers. In the interests of democracy, their aim is to help protect plurality of viewpoints and give citizens access to a variety of sources of news, information and opinion.
The media ownership rules operate in parallel to the merger regime, which aims to prevent consolidation that would substantially reduce competition in particular markets. The merger regime may indirectly protect plurality by doing so. The Secretary of State (for Business, Innovation and Skills) can also intervene in a media merger if it raises public interest considerations, including plurality.
In its Digital Britain Final Report Government asked us to consider specifically the impact of the current local ownership rules on the long term sustainability of local media.
Our evidence shows that even though consumers are increasingly using the internet as an alternative source of news, there is still strong reliance on television, newspapers and radio. Yet these industries are facing significant economic changes. These are most acute in local media.
To remove the local radio service ownership rules and the local and national radio multiplex ownership rules. Removal would reduce regulation on an industry facing difficult market conditions and may allow stations opportunities to be more viable. Research also shows a majority of consumers are not concerned about single ownership within local commercial radio.
To liberalise the local cross media ownership rules so that the only restriction is on ownership of all three of: local newspapers (with 50% plus local market share); a local radio station; and a regional Channel 3 licence. This liberalisation will increase the flexibility of local media to respond to market pressures. Consumers still rely on television, radio and press for news, so going further to complete removal of the rules could reduce protections for plurality.
As there is little evidence of change that affects the operation of the remaining rules, subject to consultation, we do not propose to recommend any further changes to:
The national cross media ownership rules which restrict cross ownership of Channel 3 and national newspapers, as they both remain significant sources of news.
Ownership restrictions which apply to television and radio broadcasting licences to guard against undue influence, as these remain media with potential to influence society.
The appointed news provider rule which helps ensure national and international news through Channel 3 is independent of the BBC and adequately funded, as Channel 3 remains the most watched alternative source of broadcast news after the BBC.
The media public interest test which continues to provide a backstop for the Secretary of State (for Business, Innovation and Skills) to intervene to prevent media mergers on public interest grounds, including for the protection of plurality, as Parliament’s original rationale is unaffected.
Given the changes underway in media consumption and in the media industry, it will remain important to test regularly whether the ownership rules continue to operate to protect plurality. In this consultation we welcome views and evidence on whether these recommendations are appropriate. After consultation and our final advice, the Secretary of State and Parliament will decide whether any changes should be made through secondary legislation.
Published 17|11|09
Parliament has put in place media ownership rules for television, radio and newspapers. In the interests of democracy, the rules aim to help protect plurality of viewpoints and give citizens access to a variety of sources of news, information and opinion.
Ofcom has a statutory duty to review the operation of, and recommend any changes to, the media ownership rules, including the media public interest test. We must report to the Secretary of State (Culture, Media and Sport) at least every three years. Our last review was in November 2006.
In Government's Digital Britain Final Report, Government asked us specifically to consider the impact of the current local media ownership rules on the sustainability of local media.
On 31 July 2009 we published a Consultation Document which set out our proposed recommendations. Consultation responses were generally supportive of these recommendations. This report sets out our final recommendations to the Secretary of State (Culture, Media and Sport), taking into account all consultation responses.
We have found that even though consumers are increasingly using the internet as an alternative source of news, there is still strong reliance on television, newspapers and radio. However, these industries are facing significant economic changes. These are most acute in local media. Some relaxation of the local ownership rules will benefit citizens and consumers by helping to ensure that local content continues to be commercially provided. Therefore, we recommend:
- Removing the local radio service ownership rules and the local and national radio multiplex ownership rules. This would reduce regulation on an industry facing difficult market conditions and increase the likelihood that stations continue to be viable. Research also shows a majority of consumers are not concerned about single ownership within local commercial radio.
- Liberalising the local cross media ownership rules so that the only restriction is on owning all three of: local newspapers (with 50% plus local market share); a local radio station; and a regional Channel 3 licence. This liberalisation will increase the flexibility of local media to respond to market pressures. Consumers still rely on television, radio and press for news so we are not recommending complete removal of the rules.
There is little current evidence of change since Parliament put in place media ownership rules that affect the operation of the remaining rules. Therefore, we do not recommend changes to:
- The national cross media ownership rules which restrict cross ownership of Channel 3 and national newspapers, as they both remain significant sources of news.
- Ownership restrictions which apply to television and radio broadcasting licences to guard against undue influence, as these media can still influence society.
- The appointed news provider rule which helps ensure national and international news on Channel 3 is independent of the BBC and adequately funded, as Channel 3 remains the most watched alternative source of broadcast news after the BBC.
- The media public interest test which continues to provide a backstop for Government to intervene to prevent media mergers on public interest grounds, including for the protection of plurality, as Parliaments original rationale is unaffected.
It is now for Government to consider what action to take and ultimately for Parliament to make any changes through secondary legislation.
Report to the Secretary of State (Culture, Media and Sport) on the Media Ownership Rules (PDF, 291.2 KB)
Published 09|08|10
In November 2009, after public consultation, we reported to the Secretary of State (Culture, Media and Sport) on our review of the media ownership rules, as required by statute. One of our recommendations was to significantly liberalise the local cross media ownership rules. Government now intends to implement this liberalisation.
Once this liberalisation is implemented the only prohibition on local cross media ownership will be that one person cannot own in a local radio coverage area:
- a local analogue radio licence; and
- a regional Channel 3 licence whose potential audience includes at least 50% of that radio stations potential audience; and
- one or more local newspapers which have a local market share of 50% or more in the coverage area ( the Remaining Rule).
The Secretary of State (Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport) has now asked Ofcom to look at the feasibility and implications of removing the Remaining Rule. The Secretary of State is required by statute to consult with us before making any changes to the media ownership rules which Ofcom has not already recommended.
In considering this request, we have updated our evidence for changes since our November 2009 recommendation. In summary, there are two relevant developments.
Firstly, the evidence shows a significant deterioration in the revenues available for local / regional newspapers between 2008 and 2009, accompanied by continued structural pressure on television and radio as the internet increases its share in a total advertising market that has been under pressure from broader economic circumstances. While there are signs of a recovery in the general advertising market this year, as we noted in our original report, these structural challenges are unlikely to ease.
Secondly, we note that Government policy in relation to local media has changed significantly since we published our original recommendations. The Government has placed emphasis on local media, in particular making proposals for local television, which have the potential to have a positive impact on both the diversity and plurality of news and information at the local level. Although this remains in development, and is therefore speculative at this stage, it is clearly a relevant development.
The issue that we highlighted in our earlier advice was that a combined ownership of the channel 3 television licence, a local commercial radio station and the main local newspaper(s) may confer too much control over the local news agenda into the hands of one person or company. Limited plurality of news and opinion in a local area could restrict local debate and accountability. This remains a serious consideration which needs to be weighed against the arguments for further relaxation.
As this report notes, the cornerstone of plurality in this context is the combination of the BBC and the commercial sector. With a BBC service (television at the regional level, radio and web based services more locally) there is a guarantee of a minimum of at least two providers of local news.
It is also important to note that competition policy may be relevant to the extent that competition authorities prevent concentrations in local media through the merger regime. The Secretary of State (Business, Innovation and Skills) also has the right to intervene in cross media mergers where he considers that it raises public interest considerations, including considerations of the need for there to be sufficient plurality.
All three of these factors exist as safeguards in addition to the residual restriction on cross ownership of local commercial media.
Ultimately, whether the remaining rule should be removed is of course a matter of judgement and one which is rightly made by Government and Parliament.
In making this judgement the risk of the concentration of control over local commercial news provision needs to be balanced against the arguments and factors which tend towards removal:
- Local media is facing significant economic pressure which the most recent evidence suggests is becoming more acute removing the remaining rule could allow local media greater options to consolidate to respond to these pressures.
- While only a limited group of consumers (5%) consider the internet their main source of local news, there is a growing diversity of local news available through non-traditional media. There are therefore increasingly alternative sources of plurality.
- As noted, there are protections for plurality which would continue to operate the combination of the BBC and the commercial sector, the public interest test operated by the Secretary of State and the merger regime would all continue to operate in parallel.
In addition, there are the potential benefits to diversity and plurality that may emerge in the coming years from the Governments policy on local television.
Finally, it is also worth noting that there is probably a reasonably low risk of the kind of consolidation that the remaining rule protects against actually occurring even if the rule was removed. At present the evidence suggests there is very limited interest in this form of consolidation.
The Secretary of State has also asked Ofcom to look at possible regulatory barriers to entry in local media. In summary, we do not consider that there are significant regulatory barriers to entry to the local media market (within our remit).
This paper is structured into four sections:
- Section 1 Context: in this section we set out why we are undertaking this further analysis of the local cross media ownership rules and what we recommended to the Secretary of State in 2009.
- Section 2 Updating the evidence: in this section we set out the evidence on which our 2009 recommendation was based. We also update our analysis for changes to the local media landscape since our 2009 recommendation.
- Section 3 Advice to the Secretary of State: in this section we set out the factors to be taken into account in considering removal of the Remaining Rule.
- Section 4 Wider regulatory issues: in this section we look at possible regulatory barriers to entry to local media, within our remit.