Ofcom has conducted an equality impact assessment on its employment policies as part of its commitments in its Equality Scheme and under s75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Ofcom employs eight people in Northern Ireland. The employment policies which apply to staff in Great Britain also apply to staff in Northern Ireland.
Ofcom prepared an initial report for consultation on its human resources policies on diversity, recruitment, dignity at work, disciplinary matters, grievance matters, redundancy, retirement, work-life balance, maternity, adoption and parental leave, professional development, education and health and safety.
The initial consultation report identified as far as possible the impact of the policies on the nine different equality groups in Northern Ireland. The results of this analysis have now been supplemented by comments received during the consultation process with affected groups and individuals. These are presented in detail – along with Ofcom’s response - in Annex 1 of this final report. The views expressed have been taken into account in finalising the employment policies.
Where statistical evidence on the equality profile of colleagues or job applicants in Northern Ireland is available, this suggests strongly that representation from people from different community backgrounds, gender, disability, race and age is in line with expectations. Where there are issues of concern from a wider equality perspective throughout Ofcom, these matters are being considered and progressed as part of organisation-wide initiatives as outlined in the report.
As a result of this review Ofcom has revised and adopted a new Diversity Monitoring Form for use in appointments to positions in Northern Ireland. Ofcom acknowledges that its employment policies apply to the nine equality strands referred to in Northern Ireland legislation, and will take opportunities to ensure that all of these are specifically highlighted in future versions of the policies.
Ofcom is also committed to continuing to monitor the impact of its employment policies on colleagues and equality strands and to taking account of the results of this review in developing any relevant policy.
The full document is available below