Mae Ofcom yn dilyn egwyddorion data agored, gan sicrhau bod y data rydym yn ei greu a’i gasglu ar gael i’r cyhoedd lle bo modd.
Data agored yw data y gall unrhyw un gael gafael arno, ei ddefnyddio neu ei rannu.
Mae data agored Ofcom yn gymysgedd o ddata gan, neu am, y cwmnïau rydym yn eu rheoleiddio yn y sector cyfathrebu, yn ogystal â’r dinasyddion a’r defnyddwyr sy’n eu defnyddio. Rydym hefyd yn defnyddio ac yn rhyddhau data arall nad yw’n agored.
Mae’r holl ddata sydd ar gael ar ein gwefan ac ar byrth eraill yn destun trwydded.
Lle gallwn sicrhau bod y data ar gael ar sail agored, rydym yn defnyddio’r Drwydded Llywodraeth Agored, sy’n rhoi rhyddid i ddefnyddwyr ddewis sut maent yn dewis defnyddio’r data, yn destun amodau.
Mewn rhai achosion, rydym wedi sicrhau bod data ar gael ond mae cyfyngiadau ar sut y gellir ei ddefnyddio; er enghraifft, pan fydd rhywfaint o’r data hwnnw neu’r data i gyd yn eiddo i drydydd parti. Yn yr achosion hyn, rydym yn nodi yn y drwydded ar ba sail yn union y gallwch chi ddefnyddio’r data.
Mae’r dudalen hon yn cynnwys dolenni i’r rhan fwyaf o’n setiau data sydd ar gael gyda thrwydded Data Agored.
Gallwch weld cyhoeddiadau data eleni ar y calendr datganiadau ystadegol.
Mae rhai o’r setiau data hyn hefyd ar gael ar brif dudalennau eu prif gyhoeddiad, fel Cysylltu’r Gwledydd 2021 a’n hadroddiadau cwynion am delegyfathrebiadau a theledu drwy dalu.
Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd iddynt ar borth, ochr yn ochr â setiau data gan holl adrannau llywodraeth ganol a llawer o gyrff eraill yn y sector cyhoeddus ac awdurdodau lleol.
Rydym yn dal i ddatblygu ac adeiladu ein dull o ryddhau data agored. Os oes gennych chi unrhyw sylwadau am y dudalen hon neu ein dull gweithredu yn gyffredinol, anfonwch neges ebost at
Os oes gennych chi sylwadau neu ymholiadau am set ddata benodol sydd ar gael ar y dudalen hon, neu os ydych chi’n fodlon rhannu’r ffyrdd rydych chi wedi defnyddio’r data, anfonwch neges ebost at Nodwch at ba set ddata rydych chi’n cyfeirio a chofiwch gynnwys y dolenni lle bo hynny’n berthnasol.
Data agored Ofcom
BBC Covid-19 research
Research to understand audience perceptions of the BBC during this period and how it was seen to have delivered its Mission to inform, educate and entertain.
Data | Last updated |
BBC Covid-19 research 2021 – questionnaire (PDF, 207.3 KB) | 25 November 2021 |
BBC Covid-19 research 2021 – data tables (PDF, 30.6 MB) | 25 November 2021 |
BBC Covid-19 research 2021 – technical report (PDF, 147.2 KB) | 25 November 2021 |
BBC Teens Tracker 2020-21
Data | Last updated |
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Technical Report (PDF, 236.3 KB) | 10 June 2021 |
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Questionnaire (PDF, 482.3 KB) | 10 June 2021 |
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Data Tables Wave 1 and 2 (PDF, 5.7 MB) | 10 June 2021 |
bbc-teens-tracker-2020-21-data-tables-wave-1-2 (XLSX, 504.51 KB) | 10 June 2021 |
Broadcast radio stations
This data was published as part of the 2018 Media Nations report
Data | Last updated |
radio-services-march-2018 (CSV, 841 B) | 18 July 2018 |
Broadcast radio transmitters: technical parameters
The following information comprises details of the technical parameters of all analogue VHF, MF, and DAB transmitters (including services on multiplexes) currently on-air. In-use parameters are included mainly for listeners and aerial installers who may wish to know more about the nature of the signals they are receiving and possibly optimise their aerial accordingly. The maximum allowed parameters (within the terms of each licence) for analogue services are also included for the benefit of those, principally in the industry, who wish to make calculations, particularly about interference, for coverage-planning purposes. The format is intended more for ease of download and transfer into specialist databases, than for presentation.
The TxParams data will be refreshed regularly as new transmitters are added, modified, or suppressed.
Data | Last updated |
TxParams MF data (CSV, 29.8 KB) | 16 February 2024 |
TxParams VHF data (CSV, 872.2 KB) | 16 February 2024 |
TxParams DAB data (CSV, 822.6 KB) | 16 February 2024 |
TV access services
Data on the extent to which broadcast television channels and on-demand programme services (“ODPS”) carried subtitles, audio description and/or signing (collectively, “access services”).
Data | Last updated |
broadcast-data-h1-2019 (CSV, 45.72 KB) | 30 October 2019 |
odps-data-h1-2019 (CSV, 211.64 KB) | 30 October 2019 |
2018-broadcast-access-services-data (CSV, 66.13 KB) | 31 May 2019 |
2018-odps-access-services-data (CSV, 241.46 KB) | 31 May 2019 |
2018-Q1-Q2-Broadcast-Access-Services (CSV, 66.24 KB) | 31 October 2018 |
2018-Q1-Q2-On-demand-Access-Services (CSV, 183.09 KB) | 31 October 2018 |
2017-Broadcast-Access-Services (CSV, 13.72 KB) | 23 May 2017 |
2017-On-demand-Access-Services (CSV, 657.04 KB) | 23 May 2017 |
Viewers' experience of television reception
This document reports on research into the frequency of interference or disruption experienced by television broadcast viewers, across all platforms, as well as the types of disruption experienced by DTT viewers using rooftop aerials. It aims to understand whether DTT viewers (receiving broadcast TV via rooftop aerials) are aware of whom to contact when they experience television reception problems, and it seeks to evaluate affected viewers' satisfaction levels with the help they receive.
Data | Last updated |
2016 viewers' experience of television reception data tables (CSV, 203.5 KB) | 25 August 2018 |
The Ofcom Communications Market Report has been published every year since 2004.
The report contains statistics and analysis of the UK communications sector and is a reference for industry, stakeholders and consumers. It also provides context to the work Ofcom undertakes in furthering the interests of consumers and citizens in the markets we regulate. It includes data and analysis on broadcast television and radio, fixed and mobile telephony, internet take-up and consumption and post.
We publish this report to support Ofcom’s regulatory goal to research markets constantly and to remain at the forefront of technological understanding. It fulfils the requirements on Ofcom under Section 358 of the Communications Act 2003 to publish an annual factual and statistical report. It also addresses the requirement to undertake and make public our consumer research (as set out in Sections 14 and 15 of the same Act).
Data | Last updated |
2021 Communications Market Report data downloads | 22 July 2021 |
2020 Communications Market Report data downloads | 30 September 2020 |
2019 Communications Market Report data downloads | 4 July 2019 |
2018 Communications Market data downloads | 2 August 2018 |
2017 Communications Market data downloads | 3 August 2017 |
2016 Communications Market data downloads | 4 August 2016 |
2015 Communications Market data downloads | 5 August 2015 |
2014 Communications Market data downloads | 7 August 2014 |
2013 Communications Market data downloads | 1 August 2013 |
2012 Communications Market data downloads | 18 July 2012 |
2011 Communications Market data downloads | 4 August 2011 |
2010 Communications Market data downloads | 19 August 2010 |
Telecoms and pay-TV complaints
Complaints recorded by Ofcom against the largest telecoms and pay-TV providers. Since May 2015 we have released these quarterly datasets in csv format.
This information is intended to help consumers make better-informed decisions. We believe that the publication of such information is useful for consumers, especially those who are thinking about changing provider or purchasing a new service. We also believe that publication of provider-specific complaint volumes incentivises providers to improve their performance.
Audio description awareness survey data
A pre-and post-wave survey tracking spontaneous and prompted awareness of audio description services, alongside service usage.
Data | Last updated |
Audio Description awareness survey data – pre-wave data (PDF, 418.7 KB) | 26 June 2019 |
Audio Description awareness survey data – post-wave data (PDF, 513.6 KB) | 26 June 2019 |
Broadband terminology consumer research
The broadband terminology research measured levels of consumer understanding of the various technologies used to deliver fixed broadband services, what information about broadband products consumers would find useful when making a purchase decision, and where they would find this information useful.
Consumer mobile experience
This report summarises data collected from a panel of consumers who have downloaded an app onto their Android smartphone. The app measures the performance of their voice and data connections, collects information about how they use their device and asks the user about their perception of the quality of the connection.
Our second report from this research uses data collected between September and December 2017. This research is part of a wider programme of work by Ofcom to research and provide information about mobile quality of service.
Data | Last updated |
App usage data (CSV, 1.52 GB) | 7 June 2019 |
App usage data (SPSS, 1.83 GB) | 7 June 2019 |
Consumer issues survey: Experience of nuisance calls
Data collected from a face-to-face survey of UK consumers about their concerns, issues or problems in the communications market, specifically with regard to nuisance calls.
Data | Last updated |
consumer-concerns-study-wave-31- (CSV, 186.75 KB) | 27 September 2019 |
Consumer-experience-nuisance-calls-28-September-2018 (CSV, 177.78 KB) | 28 September 2018 |
Consumer-Complaints (CSV, 175.38 KB) | 31 May 2018 |
nuisance-calls-complaints-data-tables (CSV, 163.23 KB) | 5 February 2018 |
consumer-complaints-2017 (CSV, 163.24 KB) | 7 November 2017 |
Consumer-issues-survey-experience-of-nuisance-calls-March-2017 (CSV, 217.36 KB) | 3 April 2017 |
consumer_concerns (CSV, 215.89 KB) | 31 March 2016 |
Disability consumer research
Survey tracking the access and use of communications devices and services among non-disabled and disabled consumers, and monitoring disabled consumers’ limitations and preventions of use caused by their disability.
Data | Last updated |
Disability-consumer-research-respondent-level-data (CSV, 10.59 MB) | 27 September 2018 |
Disability consumer research respondent-level codebook (XLSX, 44.1 KB) | 27 September 2018 |
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative research
Quantitative consumer surveys among fixed broadband and pay-monthly mobile customers, measuring awareness and understanding of inflation-linked price rises. Conducted in January 2023 and October 2023.
Internet users’ concerns about and experience of potential online harms
This report quantifies concerns about, and reported experience of, online harm in four key categories:
- Content that people view, read or listen to online
- Interactions with other users
- Data/privacy
- Hacking/security
The research also explored knowledge and opinions of the current level of regulation that applies to broadcast and online environments.
Data | Last updated |
online-harms-data-tables-adults (XLSX, 9.5 MB) | 30 May 2019 |
online-harms-data-tables-children (XLSX, 3.32 MB) | 30 May 2019 |
Internet-harm-survey-2018-row-by-row (CSV, 859.77 KB) | 18 September 2018 |
Media tracker
The cross-platform media tracker, formerly called the media tracker, provides information on UK adults’ attitudes and opinions towards television and radio broadcasting, and related areas such as news consumption and privacy.
Data | Last updated |
Cross-platform media tracker teen data tables 2020 (PDF, 1.9 MB) | 16 March 2023 |
cross-platform-media-tracker-2020-teens-data (CSV, 210.87 KB) | 16 March 2023 |
Cross-platform media tracker adult data tables 2020 (PDF, 10.6 MB) | 16 March 2023 |
cross-platform-media-tracker-2020-adults-data (CSV, 1.85 MB) | 16 March 2023 |
Cross-platform media tracker technical report 2020 (PDF, 187.6 KB) | 16 March 2023 |
cross-platform-media-tracker-2018-data-tables-adult (CSV, 2.75 MB) | 30 April 2019 |
cross-platform-media-tracker-2018-teens (CSV, 286.15 KB) | 30 April 2019 |
Cross-platform-media-tracker-data-tables (CSV, 2.75 MB) | 30 April 2018 |
Ofcom-Media-Tracker-2016-data-tables (CSV, 1.77 MB) | 4 April 2017 |
ofcom_media_tracker_2015_data_tables_for_publication_csv (CSV, 1.56 MB) | 5 April 2016 |
Mobile roaming consumer research
In November 2022, we surveyed UK mobile consumers':
- incidence of using a mobile while travelling;
- knowledge of mobile roaming charges;
- experience and consequences of inadvertent roaming; and
- awareness of and attitudes towards text messages received from providers regarding charges while roaming.
Data | Last updated |
Data tables (PDF, 1.6 MB) | 20 July 2023 |
11-22-roaming-research-questionnaire-data-map (XLSX, 56.6 KB) | 20 July 2023 |
Questionnaire (PDF, 351.9 KB) | 20 July 2023 |
11-22-roaming-research-respondent-level-data (XLSX, 2.69 MB) | 20 July 2023 |
Mobile roaming on holiday
A quick poll among UK adults (16+) to explore their habits on preparing for going on holiday abroad and their experience in mobile roaming when going on holiday abroad.
Data | Last updated |
Mobile roaming on holiday data tables (XLSX, 177.97 KB) | 31 October 2024 |
News consumption in the UK
This data informs an understanding of news consumption across the UK, and within each UK nation.
The 2021 data should not be compared to the data from previous years, as there was a change in the methodology we used.
Personal Online Communications Services (OCS) Research
Consumer research from March 2023, which looks at consumer use of personal online communication services: how often they are used; how many services are used; and factors involved in consumers’ choice of their main service. We also did consumer research on resilience issues that looked at consumers use of a range on online communication services, service outages and consumers’ understanding of which methods can be used to contact the emergency services.
Data | Last updated |
YouGov-Ofcom-OCS-data-tables-2023 (XLSX, 651.92 KB) | 24 October 2023 |
Personal Online Communication Services Questionnaire 2023 (PDF, 268.4 KB) | 24 October 2023 |
SAV-for2.Ofcom-Online-Communications-Codes (XLSX, 5.3 MB) | 24 October 2023 |
SAV-for-2.Ofcom-Online-Communications-Map (XLSX, 64.87 KB) | 24 October 2023 |
Resilience-Market-Research-Data-Tables-2023 (XLSX, 729.26 KB) | 24 October 2023 |
Resilience Market Research Questionnaire 2023 (PDF, 301.3 KB) | 24 October 2023 |
Resilience-Market-Research-Data-Map-2023 (XLSX, 78.59 KB) | 24 October 2023 |
Resilience-Market-Research-Raw-Data-2023 (XLSX, 4.79 MB) | 24 October 2023 |
PSM tracker
The public service media tracking research survey covers UK adults' attitudes and satisfaction with provision of characteristics associated with PSB provision in the UK across linear broadcasters and BVoD services. This is not comparable to the previous PSB tracker research.
Data | Last updated |
ofcom-psm-tracker-respondent-level-data-2021 (CSV, 11.92 MB) | 2 March 2022 |
PSB tracker
The public service broadcasting tracking research survey covers UK adults' attitudes towards public service broadcasting on television, their satisfaction with PSB provision, and the importance to them of the characteristics associated with PSB provision in the UK.
Data | Last updated |
Ofcom-PSB-Tracker-2019_cvs (CSV, 2.08 MB) | 16 January 2020 |
PSB-tracker-2018-raw-data-tables (CSV, 2.03 MB) | 29 March 2019 |
psb-2017-data-tables (CSV, 2.94 MB) | 12 April 2018 |
Ofcom-PSB-Tracker-2016-data-tables (CSV, 2.7 MB) | 2 March 2017 |
psb_tracker_2015_tables (CSV, 2.29 MB) | 31 March 2016 |
psb_tracker_2014_csv_format (CSV, 11.73 MB) | 20 March 2015 |
Quality of customer service
These sets of data tables contain the results from an online survey which was used to interview customers who had made contact with their provider with a complaint six months prior to the interview. It explores reason for and satisfaction with the providers handling of the complaint.
Data | Last updated |
csq-open-data-2018 (CSV, 15.82 KB) | 30 April 2019 |
complaints-handling-tracker-2018-respondent-level-datamap (CSV, 122.56 KB) | 18 April 2019 |
complaints-handling-tracker-2018-respondent-level-data (CSV, 6.59 MB) | 18 April 2019 |
2018 reason to complain tracker data tables (PDF, 443.9 KB) |
18 March 2019 |
2018 complaints handling tracker supplier level data tables (unweighted) (PDF, 4.2 MB) |
18 March 2019 |
complaints-handling-tracker-2018-supplier-level-data-tables-unweighted (CSV, 1.03 MB) | 18 March 2019 |
2018 complaints handling tracker total market data tables (PDF, 1.5 MB) |
18 March 2019 |
complaints-handling-tracker-2018-total-market-data-tables (CSV, 232.32 KB) | 18 March 2019 |
2019 customer satisfaction tracker data tables (PDF, 782.5 KB) | 18 March 2019 |
cs-tracker-data-table-2019 (CSV, 153.16 KB) | 18 March 2019 |
Customer-service-tracker-2018-data-tables (CSV, 127.43 KB) | 1 March 2018 |
Customer-service-tracker-2018-data-SPSS (ZIP, 260.01 KB) | 1 March 2018 |
Switching tracker
Data collected from post-to-web, post-to-phone and online panel research amongst UK adults about switching between service providers in the communications market.
Technology tracker
The technology tracker measures awareness, access, use of and attitudes towards fixed and mobile telecoms, internet, multi-channel TV, and radio, among UK adults (aged 16+). Across the UK overall, and within each UK nation, the tracker provides detailed analysis by key population demographics, sub-region, and by urban vs. rural. It collects data that enable comparisons to be made with older data collected by Ofcom, informing Ofcom analysis, reports and decisions.
Up to and including 2014, there were three waves of research per year: from 2015 to 2017, there were two waves per year, in April and October. From 2018 there will be one wave of research per year.
The data have been published in csv format since 2011. The datasets from 2011 to 2015 inclusive contain the chart data only: from 2016 onwards they will contain all the data from the .spss files.
Children's media literacy
Annual report on children's media literacy in the UK. This report provides detailed evidence on media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15, as well as detailed information about the media access and use of young children aged 3-4.
The report also includes findings relating to parents' views about their children's media use, and the ways that parents seek - or decide not - to monitor or limit use of different types of media. It is a reference tool for industry, stakeholders and consumers. It also provides context to the work Ofcom undertakes in furthering the interests of consumers and citizens in the markets we regulate.
*Date file was republished on Data was not updated.
Adults’ media literacy
Data on adults' media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the internet, with a particular focus on online use and attitudes.
Quick polls
We sometimes run quick polls to explore UK internet users' experiences of, and attitudes towards being online. Here you'll find the data from these polls. Unless stated otherwise, our sample represents people aged 16 and above.
Data | Description | Last updated |
Cloud Storage, Messaging and Online Marketplaces data tables (XLSX, 1.71 MB) | Usage and activities undertaken on cloud storage, messaging and calling services and online marketplaces. | 28 November 2024 |
Generative AI 2024 Adults data tables (XLSX, 464.61 KB) | Whether internet users (16+) used generative AI tools – and if so, what they use them for, how much they trust the information and how they feel about the potential impact to society. | 28 November 2024 |
Generative AI 2024 Children's data tables (XLSX, 252.49 KB) | Whether child internet users (8-15) used generative AI tools – and if so, what they use them for, how much they trust the information and how they feel about the potential impact to society. | 28 November 2024 |
Deepfakes (older teenagers and adults) data tables (XLSX, 184.43 KB) | Explores internet users' (16+) encounters with content they suspect to be deepfakes. | 23 July 2024 |
Deepfakes (8-15 year-olds) data tables (XLSX, 99.34 KB) | Explores child internet users' (8-15) encounters with content they suspect to be deepfakes. | 23 July 2024 |
2024.04.24-Childrens-Screentime (XLSX, 108.29 KB) | Children’s concerns about their time spent online across a range of online services, whether they have tried to reduce their screentime, and if so, whether they have been successful. | 8 May 2024 |
Microblogging-data-tables (XLSX, 335.1 KB) | Whether internet users use microblogging services: services that allow users to exchange small elements of content like short sentences, individual images or video links. | 13 November 2023 |
Going-online-for-wellbeing-poll-data-tables-age-16 (XLSX, 529.68 KB) | Whether internetusers (16+) go online to improve their wellbeing and if so, what services they use. | 13 November 2023 |
Going-online-for-wellbeing-poll-data-tables-age-8-15 (XLSX, 414.1 KB) | Whether child internet users (8-15) go online to improve their wellbeing and if so, what services they use. | 13 November 2023 |
ofcom-g-ai-poll-data-tables (XLSX, 145.51 KB) | Whether internet users have used generative AI tools – and if so, what they use them for and how they feel about the potential impact to society. | 13 November 2023 |
Verification-schemes-to-label-accounts-poll-data-table (XLSX, 51.6 KB) | Whether internet users look out for verification labels on social media platforms when deciding to engage with an account. | 25 August 2023 |
platform-terms-accessibility-poll-data-tables (XLSX, 127.69 KB) | Whether internet users have accessed the terms of service, community guidelines or any other type of policy document on a social media website or platform – and what difficulties they experience. | 9 August 2023 |
Postal volumes and revenue
Data | Last updated |
2018-19-post-data (CSV, 4.59 KB) | 8 November 2019 |
Postal-stats-2017-18 (CSV, 4.96 KB) | 20 November 2018 |
Postal-volumes-and-revenues-2017 (CSV, 2.02 KB) | 2 August 2018 |
letters-volumes-revenues-2016-2017 (CSV, 2.55 KB) | 21 November 2017 |
Residential postal tracker
Data collected from annual research on UK consumers about the postal service. Provides data on residential consumers’ use of post, including quantities of letters and parcels sent and received, and their attitudes to the postal services.
Data | Last updated |
ofcom-residential-postal-tracker-jan21-dec21 (CSV, 28 MB) | 10 February 2022 |
Residential-postal-tracker-Q1-Q4-2020-tables (XLSX, 4.69 MB) | 25 February 2021 |
Ofcom-Residential-Postal-Tracker-Raw-Data-with-values-Q1-Q4-2019 (CSV, 18.41 MB) | 17 February 2020 |
residential-postal-tracker-q3-2018-q2-2019-data-code-descriptions (CSV, 33.44 MB) | 15 August 2019 |
residential-postal-tracker-q1-q4-2018-data (CSV, 66.23 MB) | 28 February 2019 |
Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 residential postal tracker | 24 August 2018 |
Residential-omnibus-survey (CSV, 412.4 KB) | 26 July 2018 |
2017-Residential-Postal-Tracking-Data (CSV, 21.05 MB) | 27 February 2018 |
Ofcom-Residential-Postal-Tracker-Q3-2016-Q2-2017 (CSV, 16.46 MB) | 31 August 2017 |
Ofcom-Residential-Postal-Tracker-Q1-Q4-2016-data (CSV, 8.96 MB) | 27 February 2017 |
ofcom_residential_consumer_postal_tracker_q3_2014_-_q2_2015_data_tables_csv (CSV, 3.71 MB) | 29 November 2016 |
Business postal tracker
Data collected from a survey of UK businesses about the postal service. The postal tracking survey is conducted each year and provides data on use of postal services, in terms of volumes of post sent and received, amount spent, postal products and services used, and attitudes to the postal services from the perspective of the UK business population.
Data | Last updated |
ofcom-residential-postal-tracker-jan21-dec21 (CSV, 28 MB) | 10 February 2022 |
Business-postal-tracker-Q1-Q4-2020-tables (XLSX, 4.63 MB) | 25 February 2021 |
Ofcom-SME-Postal-Tracker-Q1-to-Q4-2019-Data-CSV (CSV, 5.12 MB) | 14 February 2020 |
business-postal-tracker-q3-2018-q2-2019-data (CSV, 5.25 MB) | 15 August 2019 |
business-postal-tracker-q1-q4-2018-data (CSV, 6.62 MB) | 28 February 2019 |
Business-Postal-Tracker-Q3-2017-Q2-2018-data (XLSX, 3.55 MB) | 24 August 2018 |
2017 business postal tracker (PDF, 188.8 KB) | 27 February 2018 |
Ofcom-Business-Postal-Tracker-Q3-2016-Q2-2017-CSV (CSV, 12.81 MB) | 30 August 2017 |
Ofcom-business-postal-tracker-2016-data (CSV, 4.89 MB) | 28 March 2017 |
ofcom_business_postal_tracker_2015_data_-_14-01-2015 (CSV, 6.75 MB) | 1 April 2016 |
Amateur radio call signs
We have published a list of amateur radio call signs we hold in our system. These are call signs that are currently assigned to an amateur radio station.
The spreadsheet also contains a list of 380 call signs that we currently hold in our system with the status 'Available'. These call signs previously identified stations that are no longer licensed.
All other call signs are generated on demand, when an applicant applies for a new licence. These call signs are no longer stored in our system.
More information on call sign allocations is available on our website.
Data | Last updated |
amateur-callsigns (CSV, 7.11 MB) | 20 February 2023 |
Mobile signal strength measurement data from our spectrum assurance vehicles
Ofcom regularly carries out mobile drive testing to improve our understanding of mobile coverage in the UK. It also helps us make sure that mobile network operators' predictions are accurate across different regions and terrains.
We have been compiling the 4G- and 5G-specific signal strength measurement data that our spectrum assurance vehicles capture along roads in the United Kingdom.
More information about this data is available.
Mobile signal strength measurement data from Network Rail's engineering trains
Since October 2017, Ofcom has been collecting data related to mobile signal strengths along the rail network in England, Scotland and Wales, using antennas mounted on the top of four of Network Rail’s yellow engineering trains (“the yellow trains”).
We are releasing the data collected between June 2018 and June 2019 under our open data policy, so that industry and policymakers can make full use of the information we have collected.
Data | Last updated |
GSM/2G yellow trains mobile signal measurement data | 20 December 2019 |
UMTS/3G yellow trains mobile signal measurement data | 20 December 2019 |
LTE/4G yellow trains mobile signal measurement data | 20 December 2019 |
UK radiowave propagation measurement data for frequencies below 6 GHz
This radiowave propagation measurement data was collected by Ofcom in seven areas of the UK between 2015 and 2018. It is representative of the UK’s diverse topography. Measurements were made at six frequencies between 400 MHz and 6 GHz. All equipment was carefully calibrated allowing the basic transmission loss to be calculated. Ofcom is using the data to assess and improve UK specific performance and applicable frequency ranges of propagation prediction methods, including ITU-R P-series Recommendations.
We are making this data available so that academia and industry can benefit from the data in analysis of their own propagation models. A document, UK radiowave propagation measurement data for frequencies below 6 GHz (PDF, 4.1 MB), provides information on the technical parameters and describes the format of the measurement data files.
Wi-Fi airborne measurements
This data accompanies the two reports we published on 13 May 2016: 2.4GHz Wi-Fi airborne measurements (PDF, 1.7 MB), and 2.4 and 5GHz Wi-Fi airborne measurements over Northampton (PDF, 844.7 KB). Please see those documents for a detailed explanation of how this data was captured and our analysis of it. These data files are comma delimited, geo-located spectrum analyser measurements calibrated to the antenna port, with details of the equipment set-up in the headers.
The data was published to accompany our consultation on improving spectrum access for consumers in the 5GHz band (PDF, 1.1 MB), published 13 May 2016. This document sets out proposals for increasing the amount of 5GHz radio spectrum available for Wi-Fi and other related wireless technologies. It invites the views of stakeholders on how Ofcom's wider Wi-Fi strategy should be developed to meet consumer demand. In this document Ofcom sets out steps to enhance spectrum access for Wi-Fi and enable growth and innovation in new wireless services for consumers.
Data | Last updated |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 | |
13 May 2016 |
Wireless Telegraphy Register
The Wireless Telegraphy Register (WTR) provides information about who is licensed to operate services in specific frequencies, or geographical areas, and the technical parameters associated with those rights of use. Ofcom provides this information under Section 31 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. The register also fulfils Ofcom's obligations under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 regarding making information progressively available. Ofcom aims to update this information on a quarterly basis.
Update – 4 April 2024
A new field has been added to the Transmitters/Receivers section, Antenna ERP Type, which sits next to Antenna ERP Unit. The new field will show either ERP or EIRP reflecting what is stored on our licensing database.
Data | Last updated |
Updated nightly | |
Spectrum open data for light license spreadsheet (CSV, 2.39 MB) | 26 September 2024 |
wtr-light-licence-extract-26-october-2021 (XLSX, 1.19 MB) | 26 October 2021 |
11 September 2020 | |
14 July 2020 | |
12 January 2018 | |
12 January 2018 | |
5 December 2017 | |
5 December 2017 | |
10 November 2017 | |
10 November 2017 | |
4 October 2017 | |
10 August 2017 | |
25 July 2017 | |
5 June 2017 |
Spectrum space strategy
Data on use of spectrum by the satellite and space science sectors. Published 1 March 2016 alongside Ofcom's proposed space spectrum strategy.
Data | Last updated |
1 March 2016 | |
1 March 2016 | |
1 March 2016 | |
1 March 2016 | |
1 March 2016 | |
1 March 2016 | |
1 March 2016 |
UK frequency allocation table
The UK frequency allocation table (UK FAT) details the uses to which various frequency bands are put in the UK (referred to as 'allocations') and which bodies are responsible for planning and managing them, including making frequency assignments to individual users or installations at particular locations. It also shows the internationally agreed spectrum allocations of the International Telecommunication Union. Ofcom manages this data on behalf of Government.
Data | Last updated |
16 July 2018 |
UK spectrum map
This data is in JSON format and is used to populate Ofcom’s Interactive Spectrum Map. It provides information on how different spectrum bands are used in the United Kingdom. This data covers spectrum use from 8.3kHz to 275GHz. The data is collected as part of Ofcom's statutory requirements. The information is taken from the information Ofcom holds on its licensed products and information obtained from Government.
Data | Last updated |
16 July 2018 |
UK (inhabited) Landmass Definition For Geographic Voice Coverage Obligation
Data | Last updated |
Dec 2016 (CSV) - GB & NI GVCO (Inhabited) Landmass Definition |
December 2016 |
Dec 2016 (ASCII) - GB & NI GVCO (Inhabited) Landmass Definition |
December 2016 |
5.8 GHz registered terminals
Data | Last updated |
22 November 2017 |
Climate change
In 2022, we asked people about the devices they use at home, and what they think about climate change issues. The participants were recruited from Ofcom's online research panel.
Data | Last updated |
climate-change-data-tables (XLSX, 2.06 MB) | 17 July 2023 |
Questionnaire (PDF, 161.9 KB) | 17 July 2023 |
Connected Nations
Ofcom's annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband coverage, mobile and wifi network coverage, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. The Connected Nations Report (previously called the Infrastructure Report) charts the UK’s evolving communications infrastructure, and our progress towards becoming genuinely connected nations.
In-contract price rises
Research among fixed broadband and mobile pay-monthly customers to measure awareness of in-contract price rises. This is preliminary data: full data will be published in due course.
Data | Last updated |
extract-mobile-in-contract-price-rises-survey (XLSX, 20.46 KB) | 9 February 2023 |
Scam calls and messages
Ofcom’s research into consumers' experiences regarding suspicious calls and messages.
In 2021, we asked a nationally representative sample of UK adults about their experiences with suspicious texts, live voice calls and recorded messages received on both mobile and landline.
In 2022, we asked a nationally representative sample of UK adults about their experiences with suspicious texts, app messages and live voice calls received on both mobile and landline.
In 2023, we asked a nationally representative sample of UK adults about their experiences with suspicious texts, app messages and live voice call received using mobile phones, landlines and online channels.
The 2021 and 2022 surveys were carried out by Yonder, and the 2023 survey by YouGov. All three used an online panel.
Data | Last updated |
01-24-online-calls-texts-fraud-data-tables (XLSX, 1012.06 KB) | 1 February 2024 |
Joint online, calls and texts fraud research, January 2024: technical report (PDF, 212.9 KB) | 1 February 2024 |
Joint online, calls and texts fraud research, January 2024: questionnaire (PDF, 302.6 KB) | 1 February 2024 |
Ofcom CLI and scams research, August 2022: data tables (PDF, 1.5 MB) | 15 November 2022 |
ofcom-cli-and-scams-research-august-2022-respondent-level-data (CSV, 1.1 MB) | 15 November 2022 |
ofcom-cli-and-scams-research-august-2022-datamap (XLSX, 58.08 KB) | 15 November 2022 |
Ofcom Scams Survey 2021: data tables (PDF, 21.2 MB) | 20 October 2021 |
SMEs and communications services
Ofcom undertakes research on the availability and experience of communications services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, defined as businesses with fewer than 250 employees. A survey of 1501 SMEs (0-249 employees) was undertaken using CATI (computer aided telephone interviewing). The survey data were weighted to be representative of the SME universe on size. Fieldwork took place between 9 May and 18 July 2016.
Data | Last updated |
SME consumer experience research 2016: raw data (CSV, 5.7 MB) | 28 December 2016 |
Telecommunications market data tables
This quarterly dataset for the UK fixed-line and mobile telecommunication markets contains data for aggregated call revenues, mobile phone and landline connections, call volumes, message volumes and subscriber numbers.
Telecoms debt consumer research
Research among UK adults (18+) to understand if telecoms account holders, who had missed at least one payment in 2023, had received any debt support information from their providers and if any telecoms account holders had proactively looked for this information. The research also included where account holders would look for telecoms debt information, if they were unable or struggling to pay. Fieldwork was conducted in November 2023.
Data | Last updated |
Research data tables (XLSX, 389.47 KB) | 17 May 2024 |
UK home broadband performance
The report contains data and analysis regarding the performance of UK residential fixed-line broadband services. Specifically, the report contains information on the average performance of ADSL, cable and fibre broadband packages. We present this information at national average level as well as separately by package for the major internet service providers (ISPs). We publish this report to provide consumers and other stakeholders with useful comparative information on the performance of broadband services.August