Open data

Cyhoeddwyd: 8 Mawrth 2024

Mae Ofcom yn dilyn egwyddorion data agored, gan sicrhau bod y data rydym yn ei greu a’i gasglu ar gael i’r cyhoedd lle bo modd.  

Data agored yw data y gall unrhyw un gael gafael arno, ei ddefnyddio neu ei rannu.

Mae data agored Ofcom yn gymysgedd o ddata gan, neu am, y cwmnïau rydym yn eu rheoleiddio yn y sector cyfathrebu, yn ogystal â’r dinasyddion a’r defnyddwyr sy’n eu defnyddio. Rydym hefyd yn defnyddio ac yn rhyddhau data arall nad yw’n agored.

Mae’r holl ddata sydd ar gael ar ein gwefan ac ar byrth eraill yn destun trwydded.

Lle gallwn sicrhau bod y data ar gael ar sail agored, rydym yn defnyddio’r Drwydded Llywodraeth Agored, sy’n rhoi rhyddid i ddefnyddwyr ddewis sut maent yn dewis defnyddio’r data, yn destun amodau.

Mewn rhai achosion, rydym wedi sicrhau bod data ar gael ond mae cyfyngiadau ar sut y gellir ei ddefnyddio; er enghraifft, pan fydd rhywfaint o’r data hwnnw neu’r data i gyd yn eiddo i drydydd parti. Yn yr achosion hyn, rydym yn nodi yn y drwydded ar ba sail yn union y gallwch chi ddefnyddio’r data.

Mae’r dudalen hon yn cynnwys dolenni i’r rhan fwyaf o’n setiau data sydd ar gael gyda thrwydded Data Agored.

Gallwch weld cyhoeddiadau data eleni ar y calendr datganiadau ystadegol.

Mae rhai o’r setiau data hyn hefyd ar gael ar brif dudalennau eu prif gyhoeddiad, fel Cysylltu’r Gwledydd 2021 a’n hadroddiadau cwynion am delegyfathrebiadau a theledu drwy dalu.

Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd iddynt ar borth, ochr yn ochr â setiau data gan holl adrannau llywodraeth ganol a llawer o gyrff eraill yn y sector cyhoeddus ac awdurdodau lleol.  

Rydym yn dal i ddatblygu ac adeiladu ein dull o ryddhau data agored. Os oes gennych chi unrhyw sylwadau am y dudalen hon neu ein dull gweithredu yn gyffredinol, anfonwch neges ebost at

Os oes gennych chi sylwadau neu ymholiadau am set ddata benodol sydd ar gael ar y dudalen hon, neu os ydych chi’n fodlon rhannu’r ffyrdd rydych chi wedi defnyddio’r data, anfonwch neges ebost at Nodwch at ba set ddata rydych chi’n cyfeirio a chofiwch gynnwys y dolenni lle bo hynny’n berthnasol.  

Data agored Ofcom  

Ymchwil Covid-19 y BBC  

Ymchwil i ddeall barn cynulleidfaoedd am y BBC yn ystod y cyfnod hwn a sut y gwelwyd ei fod wedi cyflawni ei Genhadaeth i hysbysu, addysgu a diddanu.  

Data   Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
BBC Covid-19 research 2021 – questionnaire (PDF, 207.3 KB) 25 November 2021
BBC Covid-19 research 2021 – data tables (PDF, 30.6 MB) 25 November 2021
BBC Covid-19 research 2021 – technical report (PDF, 147.2 KB) 25 November 2021

Traciwr o Bobl Ifanc yn eu Harddegau y BBC 2020-21

Cafodd Traciwr o Bobl Ifanc yn eu Harddegau y BBC ei gynnal fel rhan o ymchwil Traciwr Perfformiad ehangach y BBC sy’n cael ei gynnal ymysg oedolion 16 oed a hŷn. Mae Traciwr o Bobl Ifanc yn eu Harddegau y BBC yn rhoi dealltwriaeth o agweddau a defnydd o’r cyfryngau, yn ogystal ag ymwybyddiaeth o frand ymysg plant ysgol uwchradd rhwng 11-16 oed sy’n byw yn y DU.  
Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Technical Report (PDF, 236.3 KB) 10 June 2021
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Questionnaire (PDF, 482.3 KB) 10 June 2021
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Data Tables Wave 1 and 2 (PDF, 5.7 MB) 10 June 2021
BBC Teens Tracker 2020 - 2021 Data Tables Wave 1 and 2 (XLSX, 504.5 KB) 10 June 2021

Gorsafoedd radio darlledu

Cyhoeddwyd y data hwn fel rhan o adroddiad Cyfryngau'r Genedl 2018

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
Number of radio stations at March 2018  (CSV, 841 Bytes) 18 July 2018

Trosglwyddyddion radio darlledu: paramedrau technegol  

Mae’r wybodaeth ganlynol yn cynnwys manylion paramedrau technegol yr holl drosglwyddyddion VHF, MF a DAB analog (gan gynnwys gwasanaethau ar amlblecsau) sydd ar yr awyr ar hyn o bryd. Mae paramedrau mewn defnydd yn cael eu cynnwys yn bennaf ar gyfer gwrandawyr a gosodwyr erialau a allai fod eisiau gwybod mwy am natur y signalau maen nhw’n eu derbyn ac o bosibl optimeiddio eu herial yn unol â hynny. Mae’r paramedrau uchaf a ganiateir (o fewn telerau pob trwydded) ar gyfer gwasanaethau analog hefyd yn cael eu cynnwys er budd y rhai, yn bennaf o fewn y diwydiant, sy’n dymuno gwneud cyfrifiadau, yn enwedig ynghylch ymyriant, at ddibenion cynllunio darpariaeth. Bwriedir i’r fformat fod yn fwy hwylus i’w lwytho i lawr a’i drosglwyddo i gronfeydd data arbenigol, nag i’w gyflwyno.

Bydd data TxParams yn cael ei ddiweddaru’n rheolaidd wrth i drosglwyddyddion newydd gael eu hychwanegu, eu haddasu neu eu hatal.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
TxParams MF data (CSV, 29.8 KB) 16 February 2024
TxParams VHF data (CSV, 872.2 KB) 16 February 2024
TxParams DAB data (CSV, 822.6 KB) 16 February 2024

Gwasanaethau mynediad teledu

Data sy’n dangos i ba raddau y mae sianeli teledu darlledu a gwasanaethau rhaglenni ar-alw yn darparu is-deitlau, disgrifiadau sain a/neu iaith arwyddion (gyda’i gilydd, “gwasanaethau mynediad”).

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf 
2019 Q1 Q2 broadcast access services (CSV, 45.7 KB) 30 October 2019
2019 Q1 Q2 on-demand access services (CSV, 211.6 KB) 30 October 2019
2018 broadcast access services (CSV, 66.1 KB) 31 May 2019
2018 on-demand access services (CSV, 241.5 KB) 31 May 2019
2018 Q1 Q2 broadcast access cervices (CSV, 66.2 KB) 31 October 2018
2018 Q1 Q2 on-demand access services (CSV, 183.1 KB) 31 October 2018
2017 broadcast access services (CSV, 13.7 KB) 23 May 2017
2017 on-demand access services (CSV, 657.0 KB) 23 May 2017

Profiad gwylwyr o dderbyniad teledu

Mae’r ddogfen hon yn adrodd ar ymchwil ynghylch pa mor aml mae ymyriant neu amhariad ar wasanaeth gwylwyr teledu darlledu, ar draws pob llwyfan, yn ogystal â’r mathau o ymyriant y mae gwylwyr teledu daearol digidol yn ei wynebu wrth ddefnyddio erial ar y to. Ei nod yw deall a yw gwylwyr teledu daearol digidol (sy'n derbyn darllediadau teledu drwy erialau ar ben y to) yn gwybod â phwy i gysylltu pan fyddant yn cael problemau â derbyniad teledu, ac mae’n ceisio gwerthuso lefelau bodlonrwydd y gwylwyr yr effeithir arnynt â’r cymorth maen nhw’n ei gael.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
2016 viewers' experience of television reception data tables (CSV, 203.5 KB) 25 August 2018

Mae Adroddiad Ofcom ar y Farchnad Gyfathrebu wedi cael ei gyhoeddi bob blwyddyn ers 2004.

Mae’r adroddiad yn cynnwys ystadegau a dadansoddiad o'r sector cyfathrebu yn y DU ac mae’n gweithredu fel dogfen gyfeiriol ar gyfer y diwydiant, rhanddeiliaid a defnyddwyr. Mae hefyd yn rhoi cyd-destun i'r gwaith mae Ofcom yn ei wneud i hyrwyddo buddiannau defnyddwyr a dinasyddion yn y marchnadoedd a reoleiddir gennym. Mae’n cynnwys data ar ddarllediadau teledu a radio, ffonau llinellau sefydlog a symudol, y defnydd o’r rhyngrwyd a’r post, ynghyd â dadansoddiad ohonynt.

Rydym yn cyhoeddi’r adroddiad hwn i gefnogi nod rheoleiddio Ofcom, sef ymchwilio i farchnadoedd yn gyson a sicrhau ein bod ar y blaen o ran deall technoleg. Mae’n cyflawni’r gofynion sydd ar Ofcom o dan Adran 358 o Ddeddf Cyfathrebiadau 2003 i gyhoeddi adroddiad ystadegol a ffeithiol bob blwyddyn. Mae hefyd yn ymdrin â’r gofyniad i gynnal a chyhoeddi ein hymchwil defnyddwyr (fel y nodir yn Adrannau 14 ac 15 o’r Ddeddf).

Data   Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
2021 Communications Market Report data downloads 22 July 2021
2020 Communications Market Report data downloads 30 September 2020
2019 Communications Market Report data downloads 4 July 2019
2018 Communications Market data downloads 2 August 2018
2017 Communications Market data downloads 3 August 2017
2016 Communications Market data downloads 4 August 2016
2015 Communications Market data downloads 5 August 2015
2014 Communications Market data downloads 7 August 2014
2013 Communications Market data downloads 1 August 2013
2012 Communications Market data downloads 18 July 2012
2011 Communications Market data downloads 4 August 2011
2010 Communications Market data downloads 19 August 2010

Cwynion am delegyfathrebiadau a theledu drwy dalu

Cwynion a gofnodwyd gan Ofcom yn erbyn y darparwyr teledu drwy dalu a thelegyfathrebiadau mwyaf. Ers mis Mai 2015 rydym wedi rhyddhau’r setiau data chwarterol hyn mewn fformat csv.

Bwriad yr wybodaeth hon yw helpu defnyddwyr i wneud penderfyniadau mwy gwybodus. Rydym yn credu bod cyhoeddi gwybodaeth o’r fath yn ddefnyddiol i ddefnyddwyr, yn enwedig y rheini sy’n meddwl am newid darparwr neu brynu gwasanaeth newydd. Rydym hefyd yn credu bod cyhoeddi gwybodaeth am faint o gwynion a gaiff darparwyr penodol yn cymell darparwyr i wella eu perfformiad.

Data   Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
2021 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 29.6 KB) 6 September 2021
2020 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 33.9 KB) 30 April 2021
2020 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 30.9 KB) 2 February 2021
2020 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 27.0 KB) 13 November 2020
2020 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 30.4 KB) 4 September 2020
2019 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 25.7 KB) 19 May 2020
2019 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (PDF, 2.6 MB) 24 January 2020
2019 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 26.6 KB) 24 January 2020
2019 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (PDF, 3.6 MB) 19 November 2019
2019 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 21.2 KB) 19 November 2019
2019 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 20.1 KB) 23 July 2019
2018 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 19.4 KB) 30 April 2019
2018 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 25.0 KB) 30 January 2019
2018 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 17.6 KB) 8 November 2018
2018 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 17.1 KB) 18 July 2018
2017 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 16.5 KB) 17 April 2018
2017 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (PDF, 967.1 KB) 18 January 2018
2017 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 15.6 KB) 14 December 2017
2017 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 14.7 KB) 27 June 2017
2016 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 14.2 KB) 14 December 2017
2016 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 13.7 KB) 19 December 2016
2016 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 13.0 KB) 30 September 2016
2016 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (PDF, 890.1 KB) 8 July 2016
2015 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 20.9 KB) 30 March 2016
2015 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 20.7 KB) 15 December 2015
2015 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 24.5 KB) 30 June 2015
2015 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 14.1 KB) 30 June 2015
2014 Q4 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 23.3 KB) 12 May 2015
2014 Q3 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 22.8 KB) 12 May 2015
2014 Q2 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (CSV, 22.2 KB) 12 May 2015
2014 Q1 telecoms and pay-TV complaints (XLS, 45.0 KB) 27 June 2014

Data arolwg ymwybyddiaeth o ddisgrifiadau sain

Arolwg cyn ac ar ôl y don sy’n olrhain ymwybyddiaeth ddigymell ac ymwybyddiaeth wedi’i gymell o wasanaethau disgrifiadau sain, ochr yn ochr â defnydd o’r gwasanaeth.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Audio Description awareness survey data – pre-wave data (PDF, 418.7 KB) 26 June 2019
Audio Description awareness survey data – post-wave data (PDF, 513.6 KB) 26 June 2019

Ymchwil defnyddwyr i derminoleg band eang

Roedd yr ymchwil i derminoleg band eang yn mesur lefelau dealltwriaeth defnyddwyr o’r gwahanol dechnolegau a ddefnyddir i ddarparu gwasanaethau band eang sefydlog, pa wybodaeth am gynnyrch band eang fyddai’n ddefnyddiol i ddefnyddwyr wrth wneud penderfyniadau ynghylch beth i’w brynu, ac ym mhle y byddai’r wybodaeth hon yn ddefnyddiol iddynt.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Ofcom Broadband Terminology Research November 2022 - Report (PDF, 1.5 MB) 8 March 2023
Ofcom Broadband Terminology Research November 2022 - Technical Report (PDF, 172.7 KB) 8 March 2023
Ofcom Broadband Terminology Research November 2022 - Questionnaire (PDF, 442.7 KB) 8 March 2023
Ofcom Broadband Terminology Research November 2022 - Data Tables (PDF, 4.2 MB) 8 March 2023
Ofcom Broadband Terminology Research November 2022 - Data Map (XLSX, 36.9 KB) 8 March 2023
Ofcom Broadband Terminology Research November 2022 - Data (CSV, 704.7 KB) 8 March 2023

Profiad defnyddwyr o ffonau symudol

Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn crynhoi’r data a gasglwyd gan banel o ddefnyddwyr sydd wedi lawrlwytho ap ar eu ffonau clyfar Android. Mae’r ap yn mesur perfformiad eu cysylltiadau llais a data, casglu gwybodaeth am y ffordd maen nhw’n defnyddio’u dyfais, ac mae’n gofyn barn y defnyddiwr am ansawdd y cysylltiad.

Mae ein hail adroddiad o’r ymchwil hwn yn defnyddio data a gasglwyd rhwng mis Medi a mis Rhagfyr 2017. Mae’r ymchwil hwn yn rhan o raglen waith ehangach gan Ofcom i wneud gwaith ymchwil a darparu gwybodaeth am ansawdd y gwasanaeth symudol.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
App usage data (CSV, 1.52 GB) 7 June 2019
App usage data (SPSS, 1.83 GB) 7 June 2019

Arolwg o faterion defnyddwyr: Profiad o alwadau niwsans

Data a gasglwyd yn ystod arolwg wyneb yn wyneb o ddefnyddwyr y DU am eu pryderon, materion neu broblemau yn y farchnad gyfathrebu, yn benodol mewn perthynas â galwadau niwsans.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
September 2019 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 186.8 KB) 27 September 2019
September 2018 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 177.8 KB) 28 September 2018
May 2018 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 175.4 KB) 31 May 2018
January 2018 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 163.2 KB) 5 February 2018
September 2017 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 163.2 KB) 7 November 2017
March 2017 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 217.4 KB) 3 April 2017
March 2016 experience of nuisance calls (CSV, 215.9 KB) 31 March 2016

Disability consumer research

Survey tracking the access and use of communications devices and services among non-disabled and disabled consumers, and monitoring disabled consumers’ limitations and preventions of use caused by their disability.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Disability consumer research respondent-level raw data (CSV, 10.6 MB) 27 September 2018
Disability consumer research respondent-level codebook (XLSX, 44.1 KB) 27 September 2018

Ymchwil defnyddwyr ar anabledd

Arolwg sy’n olrhain mynediad a defnydd o ddyfeisiau a gwasanaethau cyfathrebu ymysg defnyddwyr anabl a’r rhai nad ydynt yn anabl, ac sy’n monitro cyfyngiadau defnyddwyr anabl, a’r hyn nad ydynt yn gallu ei ddefnyddio oherwydd eu hanabledd.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey data tables - Broadband - October 2023 (XLSX, 1.0 MB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey data tables - Broadband - January 2023 (XLSX, 984.1 KB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey data tables - Mobile - October 2023 (XLSX, 1.0 MB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey data tables - Mobile - January 2023 (XLSX, 972.4 KB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey questionnaire (Mobile) - January 2023 (PDF, 304.2 KB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey questionnaire (Mobile) - October 2023 (PDF, 296.9 KB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey questionnaire (Broadband) - January 2023 (PDF, 326.6 KB) 14 December 2023
Inflation-linked price rises quantitative survey questionnaire (Broadband) - October 2023 (PDF, 329.0 KB) 14 December 2023

Ymchwil feintiol ynghylch cynnydd mewn prisiau sy’n gysylltiedig â chwyddiant

Arolygon defnyddwyr meintiol ymysg cwsmeriaid band eang sefydlog a ffonau symudol talu’n fisol, gan fesur ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o gynnydd mewn prisiau sy’n gysylltiedig â chwyddiant. Cynhaliwyd ym mis Ionawr 2023 a mis Hydref 2023.

Pryderon defnyddwyr y rhyngrwyd am niwed posibl ar-lein, a’u profiad ohono

Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn mesur pryderon am niwed ar-lein, a’r profiad yr adroddwyd amdano, mewn pedwar categori allweddol:

    • Cynnwys mae pobl yn ei weld, yn ei ddarllen neu’n gwrando arno ar-lein
    • Rhyngweithio â defnyddwyr eraill
    • Data/preifatrwydd
    • Hacio/diogelwch

Roedd yr ymchwil hefyd yn edrych ar wybodaeth a barn am lefel y rheoleiddio ar hyn o bryd sy’n berthnasol i amgylcheddau darlledu ac ar-lein.  

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Internet users' concerns about and experience of potential online harms data tables 2019 - adults (XLSX, 9.5 MB) 30 May 2019
Internet users' concerns about and experience of potential online harms data tables 2019 - children (XLSX, 3.3 MB) 30 May 2019
Internet users’ experience of harm online 2018: row by row (CSV, 859.8 KB) 18 September 2018

Traciwr cyfryngau

Mae’r traciwr cyfryngau ar draws llwyfannau, a oedd yn arfer cael ei alw’n draciwr cyfryngau, yn rhoi gwybodaeth am agweddau a barn oedolion y DU am ddarlledu gwasanaethau teledu a radio, a meysydd cysylltiedig fel cael gafael ar newyddion a phreifatrwydd.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Cross-platform media tracker teen data tables 2020 (PDF, 1.9 MB) 16 March 2023
Cross-platform media tracker teen data tables 2020 (CSV, 210.9 KB) 16 March 2023
Cross-platform media tracker adult data tables 2020 (PDF, 10.6 MB) 16 March 2023
Cross-platform media tracker adult data tables 2020 (CSV, 1.9 MB) 16 March 2023
Cross-platform media tracker technical report 2020 (PDF, 187.6 KB) 16 March 2023
2018 cross-platform media tracker adult data tables (CSV, 2.8 MB) 30 April 2019
2018 cross-platform media tracker teen data tables (CSV, 286.2 KB) 30 April 2019
2018 cross-platform media tracker (CSV, 2.7 MB) 30 April 2018
2016 media tracker (CSV, 1.8 MB) 4 April 2017
2015 media tracker (CSV, 1.6 MB) 5 April 2016

Ymchwil defnyddwyr i grwydro symudol

Ym mis Tachwedd 2022, gwnaethom arolygu defnyddwyr ffonau symudol y DU:

  • nifer yr achosion o ddefnyddio ffôn symudol wrth deithio;
  • gwybodaeth am ffioedd crwydro symudol;
  • profiad a chanlyniadau crwydro anfwriadol; ac
  • ymwybyddiaeth o negeseuon testun a dderbynnir gan ddarparwyr ynghylch ffioedd wrth grwydro, ac agweddau tuag atynt.
Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Data tables (PDF, 1.6 MB) 20 July 2023
Data map (XLSX, 56.6 KB) 20 July 2023
Questionnaire (PDF, 351.9 KB) 20 July 2023
Respondent-level data (XLSX, 2.7 MB) 20 July 2023

Cael gafael ar newyddion yn y DU

Mae’r data hwn yn sail i ddeall arferion defnyddio newyddion ledled y DU, ac ym mhob gwlad yn y DU.

Ni ddylid cymharu data 2021 â data o’r blynyddoedd blaenorol gan fod newid yn y fethodoleg a ddefnyddiwyd gennym.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
Adults News Consumption Survey 2021 online sample only data tables (XLSX, 11.7 MB) 16 March 2023
Adults News Consumption Survey 2021 online sample only respondent level (CSV, 36.5 MB) 16 March 2023
Adults News Consumption Survey 2021 combined CATI and online data tables (XLSX, 1.6 MB) 16 March 2023
Adults News Consumption Survey 2021 combined CATI and online respondent level (CSV, 7.7 MB) 16 March 2023
Adults news consumption in the UK: 2020 data tables (XLSX, 10.5 MB) 16 March 2023
Adults news consumption in the UK: 2020 raw data (CSV, 39.2 MB) 16 March 2023
News consumption in the UK 2019 - respondent level CSV data (CSV, 80.9 MB) 9 May 2019
News consumption survey 2019 - data tables (XLSX, 6.7 MB) 9 May 2019
News consumption in the UK 2018 (2017 data) 21 June 2018
News consumption in the UK weighted coded tables 2016 (CSV, 1.5 MB) 1 February 2017

Ymchwil ar Wasanaethau Cyfathrebu Ar-lein Personol

Ymchwil defnyddwyr o fis Mawrth 2023, sy’n edrych ar ddefnydd defnyddwyr o wasanaethau cyfathrebu ar-lein personol: pa mor aml maen nhw’n cael eu defnyddio; faint o wasanaethau sy’n cael eu defnyddio; a ffactorau sy’n ymwneud â sut mae defnyddwyr yn dewis eu prif wasanaeth. Gwnaethom hefyd gynnal ymchwil defnyddwyr ar faterion yn ymwneud â chadernid a oedd yn edrych ar ddefnydd defnyddwyr o amrywiaeth o wasanaethau cyfathrebu ar-lein, cyfnodau segur yn y gwasanaeth a dealltwriaeth defnyddwyr o ba ddulliau y gellir eu defnyddio i gysylltu â’r gwasanaethau brys.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
YouGov Ofcom Online Communications Services Data Tables 2023 (XLSX, 651.9 KB) 24 October 2023
Personal Online Communication Services Questionnaire 2023 (PDF, 268.4 KB) 24 October 2023
SAV for 2.Ofcom Online Communications Codes (XLSX, 5.3 MB) 24 October 2023
SAV for 2.Ofcom Online Communications Map (XLSX, 64.9 KB) 24 October 2023
Resilience Market Research Data Tables 2023 (XLSX, 729.3 KB) 24 October 2023
Resilience Market Research Questionnaire 2023 (PDF, 301.3 KB) 24 October 2023
Resilience Market Research Data Map 2023 (XLSX, 78.6 KB) 24 October 2023
Resilience Market Research Raw Data 2023 (XLSX, 4.8 MB) 24 October 2023

Traciwr Cyfryngau Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus

Mae arolwg ymchwil tracio cyfryngau gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn edrych ar agweddau a boddhad oedolion y DU â’r ddarpariaeth o nodweddion sy’n gysylltiedig â darpariaeth darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn y DU ar draws darlledwyr llinol a gwasanaethau BVoD. Nid oes modd ei gymharu â’r ymchwil tracio darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus blaenorol.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
PSM Tracker 2021 Respondent Level data
(CSV, 11.9 MB)
2 March 2022

Traciwr Darlledwyr Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus

Mae’r arolwg ymchwil tracio darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn edrych ar agweddau oedolion y DU at ddarlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus ar y teledu, eu bodlonrwydd â darpariaeth darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, a phwysigrwydd y nodweddion sy’n gysylltiedig â darpariaeth darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn y DU iddynt.

Data Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf
2019 PSB tracker data (CSV, 2.1 MB) 16 January 2020
2018 PSB tracker data (CSV, 2.0 MB) 29 March 2019
2017 PSB tracker data  (CSV, 2.9 MB) 12 April 2018
2016 PSB tracker data (CSV, 2.7 MB) 2 March 2017
2015 PSB tracker data (CSV, 2.3 MB) 31 March 2016
2014 PSB tracker data (CSV, 11.7 MB) 20 March 2015

Ansawdd gwasanaeth i gwsmeriaid

Mae’r cyfresi hyn o dablau data yn cynnwys canlyniadau arolwg ar-lein a ddefnyddiwyd i gyfweld cwsmeriaid a oedd wedi dod i gysylltiad â’u darparwr gyda chwyn chwe mis cyn y cyfweliad. Mae’n archwilio’r rhesymau dros hynny a pha mor fodlon oeddent â’r ffordd roedd y darparwyr wedi delio â’r gŵyn.

Data   Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
Quality of customer service open data tables (CSV, 15.8 KB) 30 April 2019
2018 complaints handling tracker respondent level data map (CSV, 122.6 KB) 18 April 2019
2018 complaints handling tracker respondent level data (CSV, 6.6 MB) 18 April 2019
2018 reason to complain tracker data tables
(PDF, 443.9 KB)
18 March 2019
2018 complaints handling tracker supplier level data tables (unweighted)
(PDF, 4.2 MB)
18 March 2019
2018 complaints handling tracker supplier level data tables (unweighted) (CSV, 1.0 MB) 18 March 2019
2018 complaints handling tracker total market data tables
(PDF, 1.5 MB)
18 March 2019
2018 complaints handling tracker total market data tables
(CSV, 232.3 KB)
18 March 2019
2019 customer satisfaction tracker data tables   (PDF, 782.5 KB) 18 March 2019
2019 customer satisfaction tracker data tables (CSV, 153.2 KB) 18 March 2019
2018 customer service tracker (CSV)  (CSV, 127.4 KB) 1 March 2018
2018 customer service tracker (SPSS)  (ZIP, 260.0 KB) 1 March 2018

Traciwr newid

Data a gasglwyd o ymchwil paneli post i’r we, post i’r ffôn ac ar-lein ymysg oedolion y DU ynghylch newid rhwng darparwyr gwasanaethau yn y farchnad gyfathrebu.

Data   Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  

Switching Tracker 2023 data tables (PDF, 4.5 MB)

Switching Tracker 2023 respondent level data  (CSV, 10.3 MB)

Switching Tracker 2023 codebook (CSV, 320.8 KB)

Switching Tracker 2023 questionnaire (PDF, 752.1 KB)

Switching Tracker 2023 technical report (PDF, 131.0 KB)

30 October 2023

Switching Tracker 2022 codebook (XLSX, 110.6 KB)

Switching Tracker 2022 data tables (PDF, 18.8 MB)

Switching Tracker 2022 questionnaire (PDF, 833.2 KB)

Switching Tracker 2022 respondent level data (CSV, 12.0 MB)

Switching Tracker 2022 technical report (PDF, 158.7 KB)

31 October 2022

Switching Tracker 2021 data tables (ZIP, 12.1 MB)

Switching Tracker 2021 respondent-level data (ZIP, 743.1 KB)

16 March 2021

Switching experience tracker – additional analysis for 2018 (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Switching experience tracker – additional analysis for 2020 (PDF, 1.1 MB)

3 February 2021
2020 switching experience tracker technical report (PDF, 169.9 KB) 26 January 2021
2020 switching experience tracker raw data (CSV, 10.4 MB)

2020 switching experience tracker raw data codebook (CSV, 116.2 KB)

2020 switching experience tracker tables (PDF, 17.9 MB)

2020 switching experience tracker questionnaire (PDF, 862.7 KB)

12 January 2021
2019 switching tracker raw data (CSV, 8.2 MB) 31 October 2019
2018 switching experience tracker tables (PDF, 2.3 MB)

13 November 2019
(Note: tables updated with the disability break)

2018 switching tracker raw data (CSV, 10.4 MB) 30 October 2018

2017 switching tracker raw data (ZIP, 678.0 KB)

7 November 2017

2016 switching tracker raw data (ZIP, 583.8 KB)

3 November 2016
2015 switching tracker data tables (CSV, 1.8 MB) 14 October 2015

Traciwr technoleg

Mae’r traciwr technoleg yn mesur ymwybyddiaeth, mynediad, defnydd ac agweddau tuag at delegyfathrebiadau sefydlog a symudol, y rhyngrwyd, teledu aml-sianel, a radio, ymysg oedolion (16 oed a hŷn) yn y DU. Ar draws y DU yn gyffredinol, ac ym mhob un o wledydd y DU, mae’r traciwr yn darparu dadansoddiad manwl yn ôl demograffeg poblogaeth allweddol, is-ranbarth, ac yn ôl ardaloedd trefol o’i gymharu ag ardaloedd gwledig. Mae’n casglu data sy’n golygu bod modd cymharu â data hŷn a gasglwyd gan Ofcom, gan lywio dadansoddiadau, adroddiadau a phenderfyniadau Ofcom.

Hyd at, ac yn cynnwys, 2014, roedd tair ton o ymchwil y flwyddyn: rhwng 2015 a 2017, roedd dwy don y flwyddyn, ym mis Ebrill a mis Hydref. O 2018 ymlaen bydd un don o ymchwil y flwyddyn.

Mae’r data wedi bod yn cael ei gyhoeddi mewn fformat csv ers 2011. Mae’r setiau data rhwng 2011 a 2015 yn cynnwys data siart yn unig: o 2016 ymlaen byddant yn cynnwys yr holl ddata o’r ffeiliau .spss.

Data   Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf  
Technology Tracker 2021 data tables
(PDF, 17.3 MB)
16 March 2023
Technology Tracker 2021 CATI omnibus survey data tables
(PDF, 4.0 MB)
16 March 2023
2019 technology tracker respondent-level data tables (CSV, 11.1 MB) 9 April 2019
2019 technology tracker full data tables (CSV, 1.2 MB) 9 April 2019
2019 technology tracker subset data tables (CSV, 729.7 KB) 9 April 2019
Half 1 2018 technology tracker respondent-level CSV data  (CSV, 28.5 MB) 23 April 2018
Half 1 2018 technology tracker full data tables (CSV, 1.3 MB) 23 April 2018
Half 1 2018 technology tracker subset data tables (CSV, 651.8 KB) 23 April 2018
Half 2 2017 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 1.3 MB) 26 October 2017
Half 2 2017 technology tracker subset data tables (CSV, 540.2 KB) 26 October 2017
Half 1 2017 technology tracker data tables  (CSV, 1.6 MB) 27 April 2017
Half 1 2017 technology tracker  subset data tables  (CSV, 570.0 KB) 27 April 2017
Half 2 2016 technology tracker (CSV, 1.3 MB) 3 November 2016
Half 1 2016 technology tracker (CSV, 1.5 MB) 11 April 2016
Wave 1 2015 technology tracker (Excluding questions QB1-QB5) (CSV, 1.7 MB) 17 April 2015
Wave 1 2015 technology tracker data tables (questions QB1-QB5) (CSV, 1.7 MB) 17 April 2015
Wave 2 2015 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 1.2 MB) 16 October 2015
Wave 3 2014 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 741.1 KB) February 2015
Wave 3 2014 technology tracker respondent-level, row-by-row data (CSV, 3.0 MB) February 2015
Wave 2 2014 technology tracker main set (CSV, 1.2 MB) September 2014
Wave 2 2014 technology tracker row by row (CSV, 14.3 MB) September 2014
Wave 2 2014 technology tracker subset (CSV, 506.3 KB) September 2014
Wave 1 2014 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 1.7 MB) April 2014
Wave 1 2014 technology tracker respondent level, row by row data (CSV, 5.2 MB) April 2014
Wave 1 2014 technology tracker data tables (SPSS) April 2014
Wave 2 2013 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 756.0 KB) September 2013
Wave 2 2013 technology tracker subset (CSV, 461.6 KB) September 2013
Wave 3 2012 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 707.5 KB) January 2013
Wave 3 2012 technology tracker subset (PDF, 1.3 MB) January 2013
Wave 2 2012 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 644.9 KB) 11 September 2012
Wave 2 2012 technology tracker subset (CSV, 400.1 KB) 11 September 2012
Wave 1 2012 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 852.4 KB) 18 April 2012
Wave 1 2012 technology tracker subset (CSV, 716.8 KB) 18 April 2012
Wave 3 2011 technology tracker data tables (PDF, 2.1 MB)  11 January 2012
Wave 2 2011 technology tracker data tables (CSV, 809.2 KB) 5 September 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker (CSV, 560.1 KB) 5 May 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker main set (CSV) 5 May 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker subset (CSV) 5 May 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker England (CSV) 5 May 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker Wales (CSV) 5 May 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker Scotland (CSV) 5 May 2011
Wave 1 2011 technology tracker Northern Ireland (CSV) 5 May 2011

Children's media literacy

Annual report on children's media literacy in the UK. This report provides detailed evidence on media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15, as well as detailed information about the media access and use of young children aged 3-4.

The report also includes findings relating to parents' views about their children's media use, and the ways that parents seek - or decide not - to monitor or limit use of different types of media. It is a reference tool for industry, stakeholders and consumers. It also provides context to the work Ofcom undertakes in furthering the interests of consumers and citizens in the markets we regulate.

DataLast updated
2018 children's and parents' media literacy tables: Parents of children aged 5-15 and children aged 8-15 data tables (CSV, 648.9 KB)28 January 2019
2018 children's and parents' media literacy tables: Parents of children aged 3-4 data tables
(CSV, 179.1 KB)
28 January 2019
2018 children's media literacy data tables for face-to-face survey with 5-15s and 8-15s  (CSV, 648.9 KB)18 July 2018
2018 children's media literacy data tables for face-to-face survey with 3-4 year olds  (CSV, 179.1 KB)18 July 2018
2018 Children’s media literacy data tables – respondent level data files for 3-4s (CSV, 1.9 MB)15 May 2020*
2018 Children’s media literacy data tables – codebook for respondent level data files for 3-4s (CSV, 110.7 KB)15 May 2020*
2018 Children’s media literacy tables – respondent level data files for 5-15s (CSV, 4.3 MB)15 May 2020*
2018 Children’s media literacy tables – codebook for respondent level data files for 5-15s (CSV, 112.6 KB)15 May 2020*
2017 children's media literacy data tables for face-to-face survey with 3-4 year olds (CSV, 209.1 KB)24 November 2017
2017 children's media literacy data tables for face-to-face survey with 5-15 year olds (CSV, 1022.5 KB)24 November 2017
2017 children's media literacy data tables for online survey with 12-15 year olds (CSV, 103.5 KB)24 November 2017
2017 children's media literacy respondent-level data files for 3-4s (ZIP, 1.4 MB)28 November 2017
2017 children's media literacy respondent-level data files for 5-15s (ZIP, 1.9 MB)28 November 2017
2017 children's media literacy respondent-level data files for online (ZIP, 264.0 KB)28 November 2017
2017 Children’s media literacy data tables – respondent level data files for 3-4s (CSV, 7.9 MB)15 May 2020*
2017 Children’s media literacy data tables – codebook for respondent level data files for 3-4s (CSV, 175.3 KB)15 May 2020*
2017 Children’s media literacy tables – respondent level data files for 5-15s (CSV, 7.9 MB)15 May 2020*
2017 Children’s media literacy tables – codebook for respondent level data files for 5-15s (CSV, 178.0 KB)15 May 2020*
2016 children's media literacy data tables: children 3-4 (CSV, 234.3 KB)15 November 2016
2016 children's media literacy data tables: children 5-15 (CSV, 1.1 MB)15 November 2016
2016 Children’s media literacy data tables – respondent level data files for 3-15s (CSV, 9.2 MB)15 May 2020*
2016 Children’s media literacy data tables – datamap for respondent level data files for 3-15s (CSV, 181.4 KB)15 May 2020*
2015 children's media literacy data tables children 3-4 (CSV, 326.7 KB)14 October 2016
2015 children's media literacy data tables children aged 5-11 (CSV, 1.5 MB)14 October 2016
2015 Children’s media literacy data tables – respondent level data files for 3-15s (CSV, 11.5 MB)15 May 2020*
2015 Children’s media literacy data tables – datamap for respondent level data files for 3-15s (CSV, 234.0 KB)15 May 2020*
2014 children's media literacy data tables children aged 3-4 (CSV, 470.8 KB)25 June 2018*
2014 children's media literacy data tables children aged 5-15 (CSV, 2.4 MB)25 June 2018*
2013 children's media literacy data tables children aged 3-4  (CSV, 343.6 KB)25 June 2018*
2013 children's media literacy data tables children aged 5-15 (CSV, 2.0 MB)25 June 2018*
2012 media literacy research: rules about parental supervision  (CSV, 906.9 KB)25 June 2018*
2012 data tables children aged 5-15  (CSV, 1.8 MB)25 June 2018*
2011 children's and parents' media literacy tables  (CSV, 1.2 MB)25 June 2018*
2009 children's and parents' media literacy  (CSV, 666.1 KB)26 June 2018*
2007 children's and parents' media literacy (CSV, 803.4 KB)26 June 2018*
2005 children's and parents' media literacy (CSV, 1.6 MB)26 June 2018*

*Date file was republished on Data was not updated.

Adults’ media literacy

Data on adults' media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the internet, with a particular focus on online use and attitudes.

DataLast updated
Media Literacy 2021 CATI omnibus survey 2021 data tables (XLSX, 183.4 KB)17 March 2023
Media Literacy 2021 CATI omnibus survey 2021 respondent-level data (CSV, 1.4 MB)17 March 2023
Adults' Online Knowledge and Understanding 2021 data tables
(XLSX, 345.1 KB)
17 March 2023
Adults' Online Knowledge and Understanding 2021 respondent-level data (CSV, 2.8 MB)17 March 2023
Adults' Online Behaviours and Attitudes 2021 data tables
(XLSX, 543.2 KB)
16 March 2023
Adults' Online Behaviours and Attitudes 2021 respondent-level data (CSV, 6.5 MB)17 March 2023
Adults' Media Literacy core survey 2021 data tables
(XLSX, 388.3 KB)
16 March 2023
Adults' Media Literacy core survey 2021 respondent-level data
(CSV, 3.6 MB)
16 March 2023
Adults' Media Literacy Tracker 2020 data tables
(PDF, 5.6 MB)
6 January 2023
Adults' Media Literacy Tracker 2020 respondent-level data
(CSV, 3.9 MB)
7 January 2023
Adults' Media Literacy Tracker 2019 data tables (XLSX, 692.2 KB)6 January 2023
Adults' Media Literacy Tracker 2019 respondent-level data
5 March 2024
Adults’ media use and attitudes report 2019 – data tables (CSV, 637.2 KB)30 May 2019
Adults’ media use and attitudes report 2019 – subset data tables (CSV, 331.0 KB)30 May 2019
Adults’ media use and attitudes report 2019 – respondent-level data (CSV, 4.4 MB)30 May 2019
2018 adults' media use and attitudes face-to-face survey data tables
(CSV, 562.0 KB)
25 April 2018
2018 adults' media use and attitudes face-to-face subset data tables
(CSV, 300.9 KB)
25 April 2018
2018 adults' media use and attitudes online survey data tables (CSV, 166.9 KB)25 April 2018
2017 adults' media use and attitudes data tables (CSV, 865.8 KB)14 March 2017
2017 adults' media use and attitudes subset data tables (CSV, 380.3 KB)14 March 2017
2017 adults' media use and attitudes SPSS (ZIP, 442.9 KB)14 March 2017
2016 adults' media use and attitudes (PDF, 1.3 MB)15 March 2016
2015 adults’ media use and attitudes SPSS (ZIP, 710.5 KB)27 March 2015
2015 adults' media literacy SPSS (ZIP, 710.5 KB)27 March 2015
2014 adults’ media literacy tracker SPSS (ZIP File)March 2014
2014 adults' media literacy tracker (CSV, 2.1 MB)March 2014
2013 adults' media literacy SPSS9 December 2014
2013 adults' internet user survey data tables (CSV, 651.3 KB)March 2014
2013 media literacy tracker data tables (CSV, 1.4 MB)March 2014
2013 adults' media literacy SPSS (ZIP, 974.7 KB)March 2014
2013 adults’ media use and attitudes SPSS (ZIP, 974.7 KB)March 2014
2012 media literacy tracker subset data (CSV, 633.7 KB)April 2013
2012 media literacy tracker data (CSV, 3.6 MB)April 2013
2012 adults' media use and attitudes subset data (CSV, 610.6 KB)April 2013
2012 adults' media use and attitudes data (CSV, 1.5 MB)April 2013
2012 adults' media use and attitudes SPSS (ZIP, 665.4 KB)April 2013
2012 adults' media literacy SPSS (ZIP, 665.4 KB)April 2013
2011 adults' media literacy SPSS (ZIP, 576.5 KB)February 2012
2011 adults' media literacy SPSS (ZIP, 576.5 KB)February 2012

Quick polls

We sometimes run quick polls to explore UK internet users' experiences of, and attitudes towards being online. Here you'll find the data from these polls. Unless stated otherwise, our sample represents people aged 16 and above.

Data Description Last updated
Children's screentime: data tables Children’s concerns about their time spent online across a range of online services, whether they have tried to reduce their screentime, and if so, whether they have been successful. Sample 8-15 year olds in Great Britain. 8 May 2024
Microblogging: data tables (XLSX, 335.1 KB) Whether users use microblogging services: services that allow users to exchange small elements of content like short sentences, individual images or video links. 13 November 2023
Going online for wellbeing (older teenagers and adults): data tables (XLSX, 529.7 KB) Whether users go online to improve their wellbeing and if so, what services they use. 13 November 2023
Going online for wellbeing (8-15 year-olds): data tables
(XLSX, 414.1 KB)
Whether users in Great Britain aged 8-15 go online to improve their wellbeing and if so, what services they use. 13 November 2023
Generative AI: data tables (XLSX, 145.5 KB) Whether users have used generative AI tools – and if so, what they use them for and how they feel about the potential impact on society. 13 November 2023
Verification schemes to label accounts: data tables (XLSX, 51.6 KB) Whether users look out for verification labels on social media platforms when deciding to engage with an account. 25 August 2023
Platform terms and accessibility: data tables (XLSX, 127.7 KB) Whether users have accessed the terms of service, community guidelines or any other type of policy document on a social media website or platform – and what difficulties they experience. 9 August 2023

Postal volumes and revenue

Data Last updated
Annual Monitoring Report – post volumes and revenues 2019
(CSV, 4.6 KB)
8 November 2019
Postal volumes and revenues 2018  (CSV, 5.0 KB) 20 November 2018
Postal volumes and revenues 2017 %asset_summary_117306 2 August 2018
2016 to 2017 letters volumes and revenues (CSV, 2.6 KB) 21 November 2017

Residential postal tracker

Data collected from annual research on UK consumers about the postal service. Provides data on residential consumers’ use of post, including quantities of letters and parcels sent and received, and their attitudes to the postal services.

Data Last updated
Q1 2021 to Q4 2021 residential postal tracker (CSV, 28.0 MB)10 February 2022
Q1 2020 to Q4 2020 residential postal tracker (XLSX, 4.7 MB)25 February 2021
Q1 2019 to Q4 2019 residential postal tracker (CSV, 18.4 MB)17 February 2020
Q3 2018 to Q2 2019 residential postal tracker (CSV, 33.4 MB) 15 August 2019
Q1 2018 to Q4 2018 residential postal tracker (CSV, 66.2 MB) 28 February 2019
Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 residential postal tracker 24 August 2018
2018 residential post omnibus survey (CSV, 412.4 KB) 26 July 2018
2017 residential postal tracker (CSV, 21.1 MB) 27 February 2018
Q3 2016 to Q2 2017 residential postal tracker (CSV, 16.5 MB) 31 August 2017
2016 residential postal tracker (CSV, 9.0 MB) 27 February 2017
Q3 2014 to Q2 2015 residential postal tracker (CSV, 3.7 MB) 29 November 2016

Business postal tracker

Data collected from a survey of UK businesses about the postal service. The postal tracking survey is conducted each year and provides data on use of postal services, in terms of volumes of post sent and received, amount spent, postal products and services used, and attitudes to the postal services from the perspective of the UK business population.

Data Last updated
Q1 2021 to Q4 2021 business postal tracker (CSV, 28.0 MB)10 February 2022
Q1 2020 to Q4 2020 business postal tracker (XLSX, 4.6 MB)25 February 2021
Q1 2019 to Q4 2019 business postal tracker (CSV, 5.1 MB)14 February 2020
Q3 2018 to Q2 2019 business postal tracker (CSV, 5.2 MB) 15 August 2019
Q1 2018 to Q4 2018 business postal tracker (CSV, 6.6 MB) 28 February 2019
Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 business postal tracker (XLSX, 3.6 MB) 24 August 2018
2017 business postal tracker (PDF, 188.8 KB) 27 February 2018
Q3 2016 to Q2 2017 business postal tracker (CSV, 12.8 MB) 30 August 2017
2016 business postal tracker (CSV, 4.9 MB) 28 March 2017
2015 business postal tracker (CSV, 6.8 MB) 1 April 2016

Amateur radio call signs

We have published a list of amateur radio call signs we hold in our system. These are call signs that are currently assigned to an amateur radio station.

The spreadsheet also contains a list of 380 call signs that we currently hold in our system with the status 'Available'. These call signs previously identified stations that are no longer licensed.

All other call signs are generated on demand, when an applicant applies for a new licence. These call signs are no longer stored in our system.

More information on call sign allocations is available on our website.

Data Last updated
Amateur radio call signs (CSV, 7.1 MB) 20 February 2023

Mobile signal strength measurement data from our spectrum assurance vehicles

Ofcom regularly carries out mobile drive testing to improve our understanding of mobile coverage in the UK. It also helps us make sure that mobile network operators' predictions are accurate across different regions and terrains.

We have been compiling the 4G- and 5G-specific signal strength measurement data that our spectrum assurance vehicles capture along roads in the United Kingdom.

More information about this data is available.

Data Last updated
4G LTE mobile signal strength measurement data (2020) 23 November 2021
4G LTE mobile signal strength measurement data (2021) 30 April 2022
4G LTE mobile signal strength measurement data (2022) 3 March 2023
4G LTE mobile signal strength measurement data (2023) 7 March 2024
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (2020) 23 November 2021
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (December 2020 to May 2021) 23 November 2021
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (June 2021 to September 2021) 30 April 2022
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (October 2021 to December 2021) 30 April 2022
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (January 2022 to April 2022) 30 April 2022
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (May 2022 to September 2022) 3 March 2023
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (October 2022 to December 2022) 3 March 2023
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (August 2023) 7 March 2024
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (September 2023) 7 March 2024
5G NR mobile signal strength measurement data (October 2023) 7 March 2024

Mobile signal strength measurement data from Network Rail's engineering trains

Since October 2017, Ofcom has been collecting data related to mobile signal strengths along the rail network in England, Scotland and Wales, using antennas mounted on the top of four of Network Rail’s yellow engineering trains (“the yellow trains”).

We are releasing the data collected between June 2018 and June 2019 under our open data policy, so that industry and policymakers can make full use of the information we have collected.

Mobile signal strength measurement data from Network Rail’s engineering trains – Information about the data files (PDF, 341.7 KB)

Data Last updated
GSM/2G yellow trains mobile signal measurement data 20 December 2019
UMTS/3G yellow trains mobile signal measurement data 20 December 2019
LTE/4G yellow trains mobile signal measurement data 20 December 2019

UK radiowave propagation measurement data for frequencies below 6 GHz

This radiowave propagation measurement data was collected by Ofcom in seven areas of the UK between 2015 and 2018. It is representative of the UK’s diverse topography. Measurements were made at six frequencies between 400 MHz and 6 GHz. All equipment was carefully calibrated allowing the basic transmission loss to be calculated. Ofcom is using the data to assess and improve UK specific performance and applicable frequency ranges of propagation prediction methods, including ITU-R P-series Recommendations.

We are making this data available so that academia and industry can benefit from the data in analysis of their own propagation models. A document, UK radiowave propagation measurement data for frequencies below 6 GHz (PDF, 4.1 MB), provides information on the technical parameters and describes the format of the measurement data files.

Data Last updated
Boston 449 (CSV, 3.2 MB) 2 August 2019
Boston 915 (CSV, 6.5 MB) 2 August 2019
Boston 1802 (CSV, 10.3 MB) 2 August 2019
Boston 2695 (CSV, 15.4 MB) 2 August 2019
Boston 3602 (CSV, 21.6 MB) 2 August 2019
Boston 5850 (CSV, 28.7 MB) 2 August 2019
London 449 (CSV, 1.4 MB) 2 August 2019
London 915 (CSV, 2.8 MB) 2 August 2019
London 1802 (CSV, 3.2 MB) 2 August 2019
London 2695 (CSV, 4.8 MB) 2 August 2019
London 3602 (CSV, 7.2 MB) 2 August 2019
London 5850 (CSV, 6.7 MB) 2 August 2019
Merthyr 449 (CSV, 1.8 MB) 2 August 2019
Merthyr 915 (CSV, 3.7 MB) 2 August 2019
Merthyr 1802 (CSV, 8.4 MB) 2 August 2019
Merthyr 2695 (CSV, 12.5 MB) 2 August 2019
Merthyr 3602 (CSV, 14.5 MB) 2 August 2019
Merthyr 5850 (CSV, 20.2 MB) 2 August 2019
Nottingham 449 (CSV, 2.0 MB) 2 August 2019
Nottingham 915 (CSV, 4.1 MB) 2 August 2019
Nottingham 1802 (CSV, 7.6 MB) 2 August 2019
Nottingham 2695 (CSV, 11.3 MB) 2 August 2019
Nottingham 3602 (CSV, 9.3 MB) 2 August 2019
Nottingham 5850 (CSV, 12.8 MB) 2 August 2019
Scar Hill 449 (CSV, 3.3 MB) 2 August 2019
Scar Hill 915 (CSV, 6.7 MB) 2 August 2019
Scar Hill 1802 (CSV, 10.6 MB) 2 August 2019
Scar Hill 2695 (CSV, 15.8 MB) 2 August 2019
Scar Hill 3602 (CSV, 22.2 MB) 2 August 2019
Scar Hill 5850 (CSV, 28.9 MB) 2 August 2019
Southampton 449 (CSV, 1.6 MB) 2 August 2019
Southampton 915 (CSV, 3.1 MB) 2 August 2019
Southampton 1802 (CSV, 4.0 MB) 2 August 2019
Southampton 2695 (CSV, 5.9 MB) 2 August 2019
Southampton 3602 (CSV, 8.5 MB) 2 August 2019
Southampton 5850 (CSV, 12.1 MB) 2 August 2019
Stevenage 449 (CSV, 1.6 MB) 2 August 2019
Stevenage 915 (CSV, 3.3 MB) 2 August 2019
Stevenage 1802 (CSV, 3.0 MB) 2 August 2019
Stevenage 2695 (CSV, 4.5 MB) 2 August 2019
Stevenage 3602 (CSV, 7.3 MB) 2 August 2019
Stevenage 5850 (CSV, 10.6 MB) 2 August 2019

Wi-Fi airborne measurements

This data accompanies the two reports we published on 13 May 2016: 2.4GHz Wi-Fi airborne measurements (PDF, 1.7 MB), and 2.4 and 5GHz Wi-Fi airborne measurements over Northampton (PDF, 844.7 KB). Please see those documents for a detailed explanation of how this data was captured and our analysis of it. These data files are comma delimited, geo-located spectrum analyser measurements calibrated to the antenna port, with details of the equipment set-up in the headers.

The data was published to accompany our consultation on improving spectrum access for consumers in the 5GHz band (PDF, 1.1 MB), published 13 May 2016. This document sets out proposals for increasing the amount of 5GHz radio spectrum available for Wi-Fi and other related wireless technologies. It invites the views of stakeholders on how Ofcom's wider Wi-Fi strategy should be developed to meet consumer demand. In this document Ofcom sets out steps to enhance spectrum access for Wi-Fi and enable growth and innovation in new wireless services for consumers.

Data Last updated

London20151002151614 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Meas-1Northampton20160113134448 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Meas-2Northampton20160113135756 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Meas-3Northampton20160113141106 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Meas-4Northampton20160113142302 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Meas-5Northampton20160113144000 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Meas-6Northampton20160113145954 (CSV)

13 May 2016

WestOfLondon20150930144523 (CSV)

13 May 2016

Wireless Telegraphy Register

The Wireless Telegraphy Register (WTR) provides information about who is licensed to operate services in specific frequencies, or geographical areas, and the technical parameters associated with those rights of use. Ofcom provides this information under Section 31 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. The register also fulfils Ofcom's obligations under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 regarding making information progressively available. Ofcom aims to update this information on a quarterly basis.

Update – 4 April 2024

A new field has been added to the Transmitters/Receivers section, Antenna ERP Type, which sits next to Antenna ERP Unit. The new field will show either ERP or EIRP reflecting what is stored on our licensing database.

Data Last updated

WTR daily extract (CSV)

14 March 2024
Light licence WTR details 26 October 2021 (XLSX, 1.2 MB) 26 October 2021

WTR register report 11 September 2020 (CSV, 35.5 MB)

11 September 2020

Light licence WTR details 14 July 2020 (CSV)

14 July 2020

WTR register report 12 January 2018 (XLS)

12 January 2018

Light licence WTR details 12 January 2018 (XLS)

12 January 2018

WTR register report 5 December 2017 (CSV)

5 December 2017

Light licence WTR details 5 December 2017 (CSV)

5 December 2017

WTR register report 10 November 2017 (CSV)

10 November 2017

Light licence WTR details 10 November 2017 (CSV)

10 November 2017

WTR register report 4 October 2017 (CSV)

4 October 2017

WTR register report 10 August 2017 (CSV)

10 August 2017

Light licence WTR details 25 July 2017 (CSV)

25 July 2017

WTR register report 5 June 2017 (CSV)

5 June 2017

Spectrum space strategy

Data on use of spectrum by the satellite and space science sectors. Published 1 March 2016 alongside Ofcom's proposed space spectrum strategy.

Data Last updated

ITU satellite filings (CSV)

1 March 2016

PES Data (CSV)

1 March 2016

Satellite applications (CSV)

1 March 2016

Science stakeholder detailed use (CSV)

1 March 2016

Space science applications (CSV)

1 March 2016

Spectrum allocation use table (CSV)

1 March 2016

TES clearance data (CSV)

1 March 2016

UK frequency allocation table

The UK frequency allocation table (UK FAT) details the uses to which various frequency bands are put in the UK (referred to as 'allocations') and which bodies are responsible for planning and managing them, including making frequency assignments to individual users or installations at particular locations. It also shows the internationally agreed spectrum allocations of the International Telecommunication Union. Ofcom manages this data on behalf of Government.

Data Last updated


16 July 2018

UK spectrum map

This data is in JSON format and is used to populate Ofcom’s Interactive Spectrum Map. It provides information on how different spectrum bands are used in the United Kingdom. This data covers spectrum use from 8.3kHz to 275GHz. The data is collected as part of Ofcom's statutory requirements. The information is taken from the information Ofcom holds on its licensed products and information obtained from Government.

Data Last updated

UK spectrum map (JSON)

16 July 2018

UK (inhabited) Landmass Definition For Geographic Voice Coverage Obligation

Data Last updated

Dec 2016 (CSV) - GB & NI GVCO (Inhabited) Landmass Definition

December 2016

Dec 2016 (ASCII) - GB & NI GVCO (Inhabited) Landmass Definition

December 2016

5.8 GHz registered terminals

Data Last updated

5.8 GHz registered terminals  (XLS, 2.4 MB)

22 November 2017

Climate change

In 2022, we asked people about the devices they use at home, and what they think about climate change issues. The participants were recruited from Ofcom's online research panel.

Data Last updated
Data tables (XLSX, 2.1 MB) 17 July 2023
Questionnaire (PDF, 161.9 KB) 17 July 2023

Connected Nations

Ofcom's annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband coverage, mobile and wifi network coverage, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. The Connected Nations Report (previously called the Infrastructure Report) charts the UK’s evolving communications infrastructure, and our progress towards becoming genuinely connected nations.

Data Last updated
Connected Nations 2022: data downloads 15 December 2022
2021 Connected Nations: data downloads 16 December 2021
Summer 2021 Connected Nations update: data downloads 9 September 2021
Spring 2021 Connected Nations update: data downloads 12 May 2021
2020 Connected Nations: data downloads 17 December 2020
Summer 2020 Connected Nations update: data downloads 10 September 2020
Spring 2020 Connected Nations update: data downloads 13 May 2020
2019 Connected Nations: data downloads 18 March 2020
Summer 2019 Connected Nations update: data downloads 4 November 2019
Spring 2019 Connected Nations update: data downloads 8 May 2019
2018 Connected Nations: data downloads 18 December 2018
October 2018 Connected Nations update: data downloads 3 October 2018
Spring 2018 Connected Nations update data downloads 30 April 2018
2017 Connected Nations: data downloads 15 December 2017
2016 Connected Nations: data downloads 16 December 2016
2015 Connected Nations: data downloads 1 December 2015

In-contract price rises

Research among fixed broadband and mobile pay-monthly customers to measure awareness of in-contract price rises. This is preliminary data: full data will be published in due course.

Data Last updated
Extract from our mobile in-contract price rises survey (XLSX, 20.5 KB) 9 February 2023

Scam calls and messages

Ofcom’s research into consumers' experiences regarding suspicious calls and messages.

In 2021, we asked a nationally representative sample of UK adults about their experiences with suspicious texts, live voice calls and recorded messages received on both mobile and landline.

In 2022, we asked a nationally representative sample of UK adults about their experiences with suspicious texts, app messages and live voice calls received on both mobile and landline.

In 2023, we asked a nationally representative sample of UK adults about their experiences with suspicious texts, app messages and live voice call received using mobile phones, landlines and online channels.

The 2021 and 2022 surveys were carried out by Yonder, and the 2023 survey by YouGov. All three used an online panel.

Data Last updated
Joint online, calls and texts fraud research, January 2024: data tables (XLSX, 1012.1 KB) 1 February 2024
Joint online, calls and texts fraud research, January 2024: technical report (PDF, 212.9 KB) 1 February 2024
Joint online, calls and texts fraud research, January 2024: questionnaire (PDF, 302.6 KB) 1 February 2024
Ofcom CLI and scams research, August 2022: data tables (PDF, 1.5 MB) 15 November 2022
Ofcom CLI and scams research, August 2022: respondent-level data (CSV, 1.1 MB) 15 November 2022
Ofcom CLI and scams research, August 2022: datamap (XLSX, 58.1 KB) 15 November 2022
Ofcom Scams Survey 2021: data tables (PDF, 21.2 MB) 20 October 2021

SMEs and communications services

Ofcom undertakes research on the availability and experience of communications services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, defined as businesses with fewer than 250 employees. A survey of 1501 SMEs (0-249 employees) was undertaken using CATI (computer aided telephone interviewing). The survey data were weighted to be representative of the SME universe on size. Fieldwork took place between 9 May and 18 July 2016.

Data Last updated
SME consumer experience research 2016: raw data (CSV, 5.7 MB) 28 December 2016

Telecommunications market data tables

This quarterly dataset for the UK fixed-line and mobile telecommunication markets contains data for aggregated call revenues, mobile phone and landline connections, call volumes, message volumes and subscriber numbers.

Data Last updated
Q1 2021 telecommunications market data tables (PDF, 629.9 KB) 29 July 2021
Q4 2020 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 117.0 KB) 29 April 2021
Q3 2020 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 134.9 KB) 28 January 2021
Q2 2020 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 114.1 KB) 25 November 2020
Q1 2020 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 112.6 KB) 22 October 2020
Q4 2019 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 110.5 KB) 18 June 2020
Q3 2019 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 110.6 KB) 30 January 2020
Q2 2019 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 108.5 KB) 31 October 2019
Q1 2019 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 107.2 KB) 25 July 2019
Q4 2018 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 137.0 KB) 2 May 2019
Q3 2018 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 97.6 KB) 31 January 2019
Q2 2018 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 94.4 KB) 25 October 2018
Q1 2018 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 101.3 KB) 30 August 2018
Q4 2017 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.6 KB) 26 April 2018
Q3 2017 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 17.6 KB) 25 January 2018
Q2 2017 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.7 KB) 2 November 2017
Q1 2017 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.7 KB)  31 August 2017
Q4 2016 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.7 KB)  27 April 2017
Q3 2016 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.0 KB)  26 January 2017
Q2 2016 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.6 KB)  27th October 2016
Q1 2016 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.6 KB)  11 August 2016
Q4 2015 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.7 KB)  28 April 2016
Q3 2015 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.7 KB)  28 January 2016
Q2 2015 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 31.1 KB) 15 December 2015
Q1 2015 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 19.7 KB) 15 December 2015
Q4 2014 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.5 KB) 18 August 2015
Q3 2014 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 18.6 KB) 18 August 2015
Q2 2014 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 19.7 KB) 18 August 2015
Q1 2014 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 19.1 KB) 18 August 2015
Q4 2013 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 19.1 KB) 18 August 2015
Q2 2013 telecommunications market data tables  (CSV, 19.4 KB) 18 August 2015
Q1 2013 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 19.8 KB) 18 August 2015
Q4 2012 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.4 KB) 18 August 2015
Q3 2012 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.5 KB) 18 August 2015
Q2 2012 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.5 KB)  October 2012
Q1 2012 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.4 KB)  July 2012
Q4 2011 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.5 KB)  April 2012
Q3 2011 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.6 KB)  February 2012
Q2 2011 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 21.6 KB) 18 August 2015
Q1 2011 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 20.3 KB) 18 August 2015
Q3 & Q4 2010 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 24.2 KB) 18 August 2015
Q2 2010 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 71.9 KB) 18 August 2015
Q1 2010 telecommunications market data tables (CSV, 24.0 KB) 18 August 2015

Telecoms debt consumer research

Research among UK adults (18+) to understand if telecoms account holders, who had missed at least one payment in 2023, had received any debt support information from their providers and if any telecoms account holders had proactively looked for this information. The research also included where account holders would look for telecoms debt information, if they were unable or struggling to pay. Fieldwork was conducted in November 2023.

Data Last updated
Telecoms debt consumer research - Data tables (XLSX, 389.5 KB) 17 May 2024

UK home broadband performance

The report contains data and analysis regarding the performance of UK residential fixed-line broadband services. Specifically, the report contains information on the average performance of ADSL, cable and fibre broadband packages. We present this information at national average level as well as separately by package for the major internet service providers (ISPs). We publish this report to provide consumers and other stakeholders with useful comparative information on the performance of broadband services.August

Data Last updated
August 2019 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data
(CSV, 912.9 KB)
18 November 2019
May 2019 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data 
(CSV, 979.4 KB)
18 September 2019
February 2019 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 1008.0 KB) 18 July 2019
November 2018 UK home broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 162.9 KB) 8 May 2019
November 2018 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 1.8 MB) 8 May 2019
August 2018 UK home broadband performance (CSV, 910.5 KB) 21 November 2018
February 2018 UK home broadband performance (CSV, 847.3 KB) 18 July 2018
November 2017 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data  (CSV, 2.8 MB) 21 May 2018
November 2017 UK home broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 136.6 KB) 21 May 2018
August 2017 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 948.4 KB) 21 August 2017
November 2016 UK home broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 59.1 KB) 18 April 2017
November 2016 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 2.0 MB) 18 April 2017
November 2015 UK home broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 77.2 KB) 7 April 2016
November 2015 UK home broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 1.5 MB) 7 April 2016
November 2014 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 67.9 KB) 6 October 2015
November 2014 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 359.7 KB) 6 October 2015
May 2014 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 67.2 KB) 3 October 2016
May 2014 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 309.6 KB) 3 October 2016
November 2013 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 63.0 KB) 6 October 2015
November 2013 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Panellist data (CSV, 408.7 KB) 6 October 2015
May 2013 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Chart data (CSV, 76.7 KB) 6 October 2015
November 2012 UK fixed-line broadband performance – Data (CSV, 73.2 KB) 6 October 2015
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