Statement: The BBC’s proposals for BBC Radio Cymru 2

Published: 16 November 2023
Consultation closes: 14 December 2023
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published: 18 January 2024

The BBC has proposed to extend the number of originated Welsh-language hours offered by BBC Radio Cymru 2 so that it becomes a new UK Public Service.

As required by the BBC Charter and Framework Agreement our role is to assess the impact of the BBC’s proposals on competition and consider whether the public value justifies any adverse impacts that we identify. This statement explains our final determination that the BBC may proceed with its proposal and our decision to place Operating Licence conditions on the service.

The BBC has proposed to extend the number of originated Welsh-language hours offered by BBC Radio Cymru 2 so that it becomes a new UK Public Service. As required by the BBC Charter and Agreement, we carried out a shorter competition assessment of its proposal. We are consulting on our provisional conclusion that the BBC may proceed with its proposal alongside three Operating Licence conditions for the new service, if it is approved.

Main documents

Ofcom's approach to the competition assessment (PDF, 206.6 KB)

Cynigion y BBC ar gyfer BBC Radio Cymru 2 (PDF, 160.8 KB)

Contact information

BBC Radio Cymru 2 Assessment
Content Policy
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
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