Consultation: Promoting competition and investment in fibre networks: Telecoms Access Review 2026-31

Published: 20 March 2025
Consultation closes: 12 June 2025
Status: Open

This document sets out Ofcom’s proposals for our regulation of the fixed telecoms markets that underpin broadband, mobile and business connections, for the period from April 2026 to March 2031. Our proposals are designed to promote competition and investment in high quality gigabit-capable networks – bringing faster, better broadband to people and businesses across the UK.

Since the conclusion of our last review in 2021 (the WFTMR), we have seen significant build by Openreach and a wide range of other companies, putting the UK on course to deliver wide availability of gigabit-capable networks. Gigabit-capable broadband is now available to more than 25 million homes (83% of the UK), and more than 20 million homes (69%) can access full-fibre broadband. Build by rival networks has also led to a significant increase in the number of premises with a choice of network.

We recognise the huge strides made by the industry in rolling out full-fibre networks. But there is more to do. Further investment is needed to deliver high-quality services to all parts of the UK. We also want to see network competition continue to develop where this is sustainable and where it delivers benefits to consumers.

We are proposing that BT has significant market power (SMP) in a number of markets, and so are proposing a regulatory framework to address the competition concerns that arise as a result. Our proposed remedies are the same as in our last review, except where recent or prospective market developments indicate an update is necessary to provide regulatory stability and maintain incentives for investment and network competition.

Responding to this consultation

Please submit responses by using the consultation response form by 5pm on 12 June 2025.

The Fibre cost model is made up of five Excel workbooks (modules) with links between them. When downloading this model, please ensure that the links are correctly sourced to your downloaded modules. Similarly, both the Area 3 RAB model and the Dark fibre model have inputs that are linked to the Cost forecast model and these links may need to be updated to reflect your downloaded models. It is advised that the Dark fibre model should be used with the Cost forecast model also open (and links suitably updated) to ensure full scenario functionality.

Pre-consultation submissions from stakeholders

How to respond


Telecoms Access Review 2026
Networks & Communications
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA

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