We encourage video-on-demand service providers to develop accessibility action plans with a view to making their services progressively more accessible to people with disabilities. Video on-demand service providers are required to provide us with a copy of any such plan.
The rules requiring broadcasters to provide certain levels of subtitling, signing and audio description (or 'access services') do not currently extend to video-on-demand services. We encourage you to let your provider know that there is a demand for these services.
If you would prefer to complain to Ofcom directly, please complete our BBC complaint form for BBC iPlayer and our video-on-demand complaint form for other video-on-demand services.
You can also email us at accessibilitycomplaints@ofcom.org.uk, or get in touch by phone, including video relay, or post.
We welcome complaints to our email address in formats other than print, for example an audio recording or a British Sign Language video. To respond in BSL:
- Send us a recording of you signing your response. This should be no longer than 5 minutes. Suitable file formats are DVDs, wmv or QuickTime files. Or
- Upload a video of you signing your response directly to YouTube (or another hosting site) and send us the link.
If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille please contact the digital team.