Accessibility on BBC iPlayer or another video-on-demand service

Published: 6 March 2024

We encourage video-on-demand service providers to develop accessibility action plans with a view to making their services progressively more accessible to people with disabilities. Video on-demand service providers are required to provide us with a copy of any such plan.

The rules requiring broadcasters to provide certain levels of subtitling, signing and audio description (or 'access services') do not currently extend to video-on-demand services. We encourage you to let your provider know that there is a demand for these services.

If you would prefer to complain to Ofcom directly, please complete our BBC complaint form for BBC iPlayer and our video-on-demand complaint form for other video-on-demand services.

You can also email us at, or get in touch by phone, including video relay, or post.

We welcome complaints to our email address in formats other than print, for example an audio recording or a British Sign Language video. To respond in BSL:

  • Send us a recording of you signing your response. This should be no longer than 5 minutes. Suitable file formats are DVDs, wmv or QuickTime files. Or
  • Upload a video of you signing your response directly to YouTube (or another hosting site) and send us the link.

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille please contact the digital team.

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