This statement follows the publication of the Modifications to Spectrum Pricing Consultation document on 6th July 2006 concerning proposals for setting Wireless Telegraphy Act licence fees.
The consultation focused on proposed changes to licence charges (fees) payable under the Wireless Telegraphy Act for Business Radio, Satellite, Community Radio, Fixed Links together with some other minor changes. The Consultation closed on 15 September 2006 and Ofcom received a total of 51 responses.
The new fee proposed for Community Radio was strongly supported. Satellite Earth Station fee proposals generated quite a degree of discussion and some concerns. There were three responses in relation to programme making which raised some specific objections. In relation to Business Radio, respondents showed some support subject to detailed points and clarifications, but more general concern was voiced about how the changes would be introduced - especially where changes would lead to sharp increases. A fuller analysis is set out in summary below.
Ofcom has considered all these responses carefully, and whilst it has made some changes to its proposals, Ofcom largely intends to proceed with its proposals as planned. However the timescale for some changes will be longer than originally proposed.