It is vital for consumers to be able to exercise their choice and switch providers easily in order to take advantage of competition in the communications sector.
With work already underway to help consumers change landline and broadband providers with greater ease and convenience, this document sets out our proposed future programme of work in relation to consumer switching.
To progress this phase of work, we are seeking input from stakeholders to understand better the processes used to switch providers of bundled voice, broadband and subscription Pay TV services, and mobile voice and data services. We are keen to understand the impact of these processes on the consumer experience of switching and on competition. We will continue this process over the summer and plan to publish our findings in the first half of 2015, together with a consultation, should we conclude that reforms to switching processes in any of the sectors considered in this document should be made.
The document also sets out our proposal to consult on switching processes used on the KCOM copper network. KCOM provides voice and broadband services in the Kingston upon Hull area, where the Openreach network is not available. We will consult in the summer on harmonising the two existing KCOM processes to a single process led by the gaining provider. We will aim to publish a statement by the end of 2014.