Cyhoeddwyd: 22 Mai 2005
Under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (RRAA) public authorities, including Ofcom, are subject to a general duty to have due regard to the need:
- (a) to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination;
- (b) to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups.
Ofcom is also subject to two specific duties under the RRAA. Ofcom must carry out ethnic monitoring on its employment practices; and Ofcom must publish a Race Equality Scheme (RES) which:
- assesses which function and policies are relevant to the general duty, with a review of that assessment at least every three years;
- sets out arrangements for assessing and consulting on the likely impact on the promotion of race eqaulity of proposed new policies;
- sets out arrangements for monitoring of policies for adverse impact on the promotion of race equality;
- sets out arrangements for publishing the results of assessments, consultations and monitoring;
- sets out arrangements for ensuring access to information and services; and
- sets out arrangements for training staff on issues relevant to the duty.
This document sets out Ofcom’s draft Race Equality Scheme. We are consulting on the draft Scheme both internally and externally to ensure that we will be able to put in place a robust, comprehensive and deliverable Race Equality Scheme.