Ofcom regulates editorial content (programming) on UK ‘video-on-demand’ services (or ODPS). Video-on-demand services include TV catch-up, online film services and those providing a library of archive content.
There are specific criteria for determining whether a service falls within the definition of an ODPS and is therefore required to notify Ofcom and comply with our rules. These criteria and the content standards requirements are set out in Section 4A of the Communications Act 2003 (“the Act”).
On 1 November 2020, the Audiovisual Media Services (“AVMS”) Regulations came into force. The Regulations amend Part 4A the Act. Our new guidance on who needs to notify as an ODPS provider and on measures to protect users from harmful material that reflect these amendments is available below.
View the list of on-demand programme service (ODPS) providers currently notified to Ofcom.
If you have any questions about Ofcom’s regulation of ODPS, please contact: vod@ofcom.org.uk.
To make a complaint about something you have seen on a video-on-demand service, go to the complaints section of our website.