Licensing drive-in movies and church services

Published: 27 February 2023
Last updated: 16 March 2023

Organisers of drive-in movies and church service events will be able to apply for temporary radio licences by Ofcom, to allow film lovers and congregations to come together while still observing social distancing rules.

Today we’ve updated our licensing information for people or organisations who want to put on these types of events.

These events need a ‘restricted service licence’, so people in their cars can hear the film soundtrack, or what is being said, on their FM car radios.

Given the coronavirus pandemic, we are waiving the usual 60-day notice period for licence applications. We will also process applications quickly, so we can provide an answer to applicants within two weeks of their application being received.

These events might be a way for communities and congregations to enjoy a film or to worship, while still observing social distancing. However, in granting any licence we are not authorising the event itself. Instead, licensees themselves must make sure their events are permissible under Covid-19-related laws and guidance.

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