Consultation: Channel 4 licence renewal

Published: 6 December 2023
Consultation closes: 14 February 2024
Status: Closed (pending statement)

The current Channel 4 licence will expire on 31 December 2024. Ofcom is responsible for setting the duration and conditions of a new licence for the Channel 4 Television Corporation (C4C) to provide the public service channel, Channel 4.

As part of the process of renewing the Channel 4 licence, C4C has requested changes to some of its existing licence obligations to support and its transition to being a digital-first broadcaster. The proposals on which we are consulting aim to strike a balance between allowing C4C greater flexibility in the future to develop its content and distribution strategy in support of its digital transformation, while continuing to safeguard its investment in distinctive UK content and protect delivery of the core elements of its linear output on Channel 4.

We are proposing changes now, ahead of new broadcasting legislation, to give certainty to C4C and its commercial partners and to ensure that it can benefit from this additional flexibility as quickly as possible. When the new legislation is passed, we will be required to amend all the licences for public service channels to implement the new framework.

Responding to this consultation

Please submit responses using the consultation response form (ODT, 50.0 KB).

How to respond

Channel 4 Licence Renewal team
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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