Consultation: Listed Events – UEFA European Football Championship Finals Tournament 2020 (taking place in 2021)

Published: 20 April 2021
Consultation closes: 18 May 2021
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Ofcom has received requests from the BBC and ITV for consent to broadcast exclusive live coverage of the UEFA European Football Championship Finals Tournament 2020. The Tournament is due to take place in 12 cities across Europe, including London and Glasgow, from Friday 11 June until Sunday 11 July 2021.

The UEFA European Football Championship Finals Tournament has been designated a Group A Listed Event. In accordance with section 101 of the Broadcasting Act 1996, Ofcom’s consent is needed for exclusive live coverage of Group A events.

Ofcom is now consulting publicly on granting consent to the BBC and ITV for exclusive live coverage of the event. Ofcom is provisionally minded to grant this consent, subject to any comments received from interested parties.

Responding to this consultation

Please submit responses using the consultation-form (ODT, 49.09 KB).

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