DAB coverage plans

Published: 27 January 2015

Under a Framework Agreement signed in December 2014, Government, local radio multiplex operators and the BBC have agreed to improve the coverage of local DAB multiplexes around the UK*. These multiplexes carry both commercial radio services and BBC local or nations’ services.

The proposed improvements entail:

  • modifications to the areas that multiplexes cover, to more accurately reflect existing analogue editorial coverage areas;
  • changes to DAB frequencies in some places;
  • modifications to 49 existing transmitters; and
  • 182 new transmitters.

While each multiplex carries a range of services, including both commercial radio and the BBC, the aim of the Coverage Plan is to provide DAB coverage which is equivalent to the FM coverage of the relevant large local commercial station in each area.

For the majority of multiplexes, this coverage is expected to be achieved by mid-2016, as part of the joint funding initiative between Government, the BBC and the multiplex licensee.

For a small number of multiplexes (as specified in the reports), the report contains two sets of maps-the first set of maps show the interim coverage which should be achieved by mid-2016 as part of the joint funding initiative between Government, the BBC and the multiplex licensee. The second set of maps show the full Coverage Plan which is required to provide FM equivalence. It is expected that this level of coverage will be achieved no later than twelve months before any date nominated by Government as the analogue switch-off date..

The coverage plans for each region of the UK can be found below. You can also find maps and coverage figures for the existing coverage of local DAB multiplexes.

*The local radio multiplex licence for Suffolk is due to be advertised shortly. While some initial planning has been done for this area, and some funding will be available under the Framework Agreement, the coverage of this multiplex will be for licence applicants to propose and so we have not published our initial Suffolk maps here.

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