Review of BBC news and current affairs 2019

Published: 24 October 2019
Last updated: 29 November 2023

A woman reading BBC News on a tablet device.

Providing high-quality, trusted news and current affairs is central to the BBC’s remit.

At a time of highly political and polarised debate, the need for accurate, trustworthy and robust journalism is as important as it has ever been.

In March, we launched an in-depth review of BBC news and current affairs, putting audiences at the heart of our research. Over the spring and summer, we gathered views from people across the United Kingdom. We commissioned research to give us a detailed insight into how people get their news, and we looked at the range and depth the BBC offers compared to other news providers.

As part of our extensive research programme, we asked people in detail about their news habits, what matters to them about the news and current affairs they watch, listen to and read, as well as the role that BBC news and current affairs play in their lives. To help inform our work, we also met with stakeholders across the UK, including broadcasters, newspaper groups, media journalists, professional bodies and academics.

You can read our full report, range of research and view two short video clips using the links below.

Full report

Review of BBC news and current affairs (PDF, 3.0 MB)

Adolygiad o newyddion a materion cyfoes y BBC (PDF, 4.0 MB)

How representative is BBC News of life in the UK?

How does social media influence how people discover news?

We are conducting a review of the BBC’s news and current affairs output across television, radio and online.

The way we consume and engage with news is changing. The traditional mix of television and radio bulletins, giving audiences an authoritative daily summary of major events, has been replaced for many people by a far more complex news environment.

In this climate, the role of the BBC as an impartial provider of news and current affairs across all its platforms is just as important as ever. The challenge the BBC faces is to remain a relevant and trusted source of news, which delivers high quality content for all audiences. The aim of this review is to understand how well the BBC is adapting to meet that challenge.

As well as speaking to audiences, we will engage with industry and other interest parties throughout the period of our review.

We expect to publish our findings in autumn 2019 and any relevant findings will inform our future regulation of the BBC.

Review of BBC news and current affairs: Terms of reference (PDF, 741.5 KB)

Adolygu newyddion a materion cyfoes y BBC: Cylch gorchwyl (PDF, 207.6 KB)

Contact information

BBC News and Current Affairs Review
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA


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