Report: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in broadcasting

Published: 15 December 2023
Last updated: 4 December 2024

Each year Ofcom collects data from TV and radio broadcasters on the make-up of their workforces and their approach to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). Our reports set out our findings on how the industry is doing.

2023-24 report

In this year’s report we give a snapshot of the industry in 2024 – both in terms of who is working in it and what broadcasters are doing to support a diverse workforce. We consider three key areas where the EDI data we have obtained from broadcasters can shed light on key issues of current concern across the sector:  producing trusted content; maintaining a sustainable industry and developing an attractive and inclusive working environment.

The report builds on our understanding of the actions broadcasters are taking across different areas of EDI following last year’s launch of a new qualitative self-assessment tool, and the update of our quantitative workforce survey. We continue to analyse and track two data sets, building on our past reports, to provide an enhanced picture of who is working in broadcasting and complementing this with insights into how broadcasters are developing their approach to EDI.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Broadcasting 2023-24 (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Tegwch Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiad ar y Teledu ar Radio 2023-24 (PDF, 2.9 MB)

Methodology report (PDF, 424 KB)

Interactive data

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Broadcasting, Workforce Survey 2024 - Interactive Data Report


Quantitative workforce survey (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Qualitative self-assessment tool  (PDF, 942 KB)

Previous reports

Our 2022-23 report marked a milestone in our drive to promote equity, diversity and inclusion (“EDI”) in broadcasting. For the first time, we reported on the diversity of a range of broadcasters by geographic area from our updated quantitative workforce survey. We were also able to better understand the actions broadcasters were taking across different areas of EDI following the launch of our new qualitative self-assessment tool.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Broadcasting 2022-23 (PDF, 3.3 MB)

Tegwch Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiad ar y Teledu ar Radio 2022-23 (PDF, 2.9 MB)

Methodology report (PDF, 396.9 KB)

Interactive data

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Broadcasting, Workforce Survey 2023 - Interactive Data Report


Quantitative workforce survey (PDF, 821.7 KB)

Qualitative self-assessment tool  (PDF, 505.0 KB)

Timeline of our EDI in broadcasting work

2017: Ofcom began its current programme of work on diversity in broadcasting, requiring TV broadcasters to provide us with diversity data on the people they employ. We published our first report in September 2017.  2018: We extended our monitoring programme to radio broadcasters, allowing us to publish reports   on diversity and equal opportunities in broadcasting across both TV and radio.  2019: We began collecting socio-economic data.  2020: For the first time, we combined our TV and radio findings, and published data in an interactive tool. We also launched our refreshed online diversity hub, providing a centralised resource for information and knowledge sharing.  2021: We carried out our 5-year review, taking stock of the progress made and setting out our   vision for an inclusive broadcasting sector. We also announced a review into refreshing our data collection.  2022: With stakeholder input, we revamped our data collection tools. We updated our quantitative   workforce data survey and created a new qualitative EDI self-assessment tool for broadcasters/  2023: We launched our new data tools and began collecting data on geographic location and caring responsibilities, as well as cross-sectional data to help us understand how disadvantage is compounded where particular characteristics are combined. This year's report has brought together findings of both surveys to begin a new set of enhanced data and understanding.

This report sets out our key findings for the eight broadcasters who provided data for 2021-22 across a range of characteristics – sex, race and ethnic background, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, and socio-economic background.

Equity, diversity and inclusion in television and radio: 2021-22 (PDF, 835.4 KB)

Tegwch, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiad mewn teledu a radio: 2021-22 (PDF, 949.5 KB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in television and radio: 2021 report (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Amrywiaeth a Chyfle Cyfartal mewn teledu a radio 2021 (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Diversity in Broadcasting: Included report (PDF, 57.8 MB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in television and radio: 2021 methodology  (PDF, 445.7 KB)

Interactive data

Employee diversity profiles for the UK radio and TV industries, 2018-2021

Employee diversity profiles for eight major UK broadcasters, 2018-2021

Qualitative responses from broadcasters to questions on diversity and inclusion, 2021


Diversity in Broadcasting TV Workforce Questionnaire 2021 (PDF, 2.8 MB)

Diversity in Broadcasting Radio Workforce Questionnaire 2021 (PDF, 4.1 MB)

All In: Diversity in Broadcasting 2021

This virtual event looked at the past, present and future of diversity in UK broadcasting. It included discussions, interviews and training sessions, all looking at practical ways to make broadcasting a more diverse and inclusive sector. Throughout the day we heard voices from across TV and radio, from people at the start of their careers to established names.

You can watch the highlights from the event:


Diversity and equal opportunities in television: 2019 report (PDF, 2.4 MB)

Amrywiaeth a chyfle cyfartal yn y diwydiant teledu 2019 (PDF, 831.3 KB)

Two members of our Diversity Advisory Panel, the film/TV critic and columnist Ellen E Jones, and the actor, writer and producer David Proud, shared insights on diversity and equal opportunities, based on their experiences as professionals working in the television industry.

Ellen E Jones – film/TV critic and columnist
David Proud – actor, writer and producer
In-focus report

Our in-focus report provides detailed analysis across each of the main five and includes a more comprehensive write-up of the initiatives and strategies they have implemented to tackle under-representation. It also provides similar analysis for a further five major broadcasters.

In-focus report on ten major broadcasters (PDF, 1.5 MB)

UK broadcasting industry slide pack

This series of slides gives the profile of UK-based employees working for UK-licenced broadcasters in 2018/19.

UK broadcasting industry slide pack (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Ofcom's first report on the diversity of freelancers in the television industry

Our diversity of freelancers report draws together the available diversity data on freelancers working in UK television. It also includes reflections from freelancers on how initiatives aimed at improving diversity have impacted their careers.

Diversity in UK television: freelancers (PDF, 1.4 MB)


This section outlines the methodology used in carrying out the data collection. All elements of the survey including questionnaire design, fieldwork and analysis were conducted in-house by Ofcom’s market research team.

Methodology (PDF, 461.8 KB)


Diversity and equal opportunities in radio: 2019 report (PDF, 13.8 MB)

Supporting documents

Crynodeb: amrywiaeth a chyfleoedd cyfartal yn radio (PDF, 5.2 MB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in radio – In-focus report on the main three broadcasters (PDF, 600.3 KB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in radio – Wider industry report (PDF, 355.4 KB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in radio – Methodology (PDF, 366.7 KB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in radio – Survey questionnaire (PDF, 2.9 MB)


Diversity and equal opportunities in television 2018 report (PDF, 4.8 MB)

Amrywiaeth a chyfle cyfartal yn y diwydiant teledu 2018 (PDF, 1.4 MB)

In-focus report on the main five broadcasters (PDF, 1.2 MB)

We asked senior leaders at the main five broadcasters why diversity is important across the TV industry.

Tony Hall, Director General, BBC
Alex Mahon, CEO, Channel 4

Carolyn McCall, CEO, ITV

Stephen van Rooyen, CEO, Sky UK and Ireland

James Currell, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Viacom UK

UK broadcasting industry report

This report looks at the profile of UK and international based employees working for UK licensed broadcasters in 2017/18.

UK broadcasting industry report (PDF, 1.9 MB)


This section outlines the methodology used in carrying out the data collection. All elements of the survey including questionnaire design, fieldwork and analysis were conducted in-house by Ofcom’s market research team.

Methodology (PDF, 4.2 MB)


Diversity and equal opportunities in radio 2018 (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Diversity and equal opportunities in radio – Methodology (PDF, 4.2 MB)


Diversity and equal opportunities in television 2017 report (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Amrywiaeth a chyfle cyfartal mewn teledu: Adroddiad monitro ar y diwydiant darlledu yn y DU  (PDF, 8.8 MB)

Total industry report

This document looks at the profile of broadcasters across the total UK television industry in 2016. We required broadcasters to complete an information request by questionnaire.

Total television industry (PDF, 2.7 MB)

UK-based broadcasters report

This document provides more in-depth analysis across the UK-based television broadcasters who had 98% or more of their employees based in the UK in 2016. We required all television broadcasters with an Ofcom licence, the BBC and S4C to complete a questionnaire providing us with data on the make-up of their workforce across the three protected characteristics where we have powers to do so: gender, racial group, and disability. In addition, we requested data on other protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010: age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment.

UK-based television industry (PDF, 2.9 MB)

Y diwydiant teledu yn y DU (PDF, 1.2 MB)


This section outlines the methodology used in carrying out the data collection. All elements of the survey including questionnaire design, fieldwork and analysis were conducted in-house by Ofcom’s market research team.

Methodology   (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Steps taken by broadcasters to promote equal opportunities

This document summarises some of the key findings from the television broadcasters’ arrangements for promoting equal opportunities. It does not seek to cover all the information that broadcasters provided to us, and they may have more measures in place than they have shared with Ofcom, but instead focuses on the types of initiatives in place and examples of their use.

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