Information about TV operations, including licensee data collection and access services reports.
This section contains reviews by Ofcom of significant incidents and major events affecting the TV broadcasting sector.
Broadcast Centre server damage
Broadcast Centre Incident Review (PDF, 414.4 KB)
Digwyddiad andwyol mewn Canolfan Ddarlledu Adolygiad (PDF, 877.1 KB)
Bilsdale transmitter fire
Bilsdale Transmitter Fire: Incident Review (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Tân ar Safle Trawsyrrydd Bilsdale: Adolygiad o'r Digwyddiad (PDF, 657.0 KB)
Bilsdale Transmitter Research 2022 (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Bilsdale Transmitter Research 2022 - Technical report (PDF, 1015.3 KB)
Bilsdale Mast Research (January 2021): Brown (XLSX, 369.9 KB)
Bilsdale Mast Research (January 2021): Red (XLSX, 375.1 KB)
Bilsdale Mast Research (January 2021): Total (XLSX, 375.8 KB)
Bilsdale Mast Research (January 2021): Rest (XLSX, 414.6 KB)
Channel 4 Corporation's regulatory framework (PDF, 436.2 KB)
Channel 4's media content duties
Channel 4 Corporation (C4C) must prepare an annual statement of programme and media content policy. This must explain how C4C has delivered its public service remit over the previous year. In preparing the statement, C4C must consult Ofcom and have regard to guidance we issue (PDF, 149.0 KB).
In response to their statement, we publish a report setting out how well we think C4C has delivered on its remit.
Letter to Channel 4 Corporation on its Statement of Media Content Policy 2022 (PDF, 838.5 KB)
Published 12 July 2023
Letter to Channel 4 Corporation on its Statement of Media Content Policy 2021 (PDF, 846.5 KB)
Published 15 July 2022
Letter to Channel 4 Corporation on its Statement of Media Content Policy 2020 (PDF, 319.5 KB)
Published 22 June 2021
Letter to Channel 4 Corporation on its Statement of Media Content Policy 2019 (PDF, 242.1 KB)
Published 29 October 2020
Older reviews are available via the National Archives.
Ofcom imposes regional production quotas on each of the public service broadcasters, to ensure that a proportion of their network programming is made outside of London. In addition, the BBC and Channel 3 Licences have regional programming quotas which require them to make programming of interest to people living in the UK’s nations and regions.
See more on regional TV production and programming.
Under the Communications Act 2003, certain television broadcasters licensed by Ofcom are required to provide a proportion of their programming with access services (subtitling, signing and audio description).
Television access services report for the first six months of 2019
Television access services report 2018
Television access services report for the first six months of 2018
Licensed TV broadcasters are requested to submit Market Intelligence database returns to Ofcom via the Ofcom Online Services Portal.
For information on completing the Transmission & Revenue, AV Media Services and Access Services returns, see TV industry data collection.