Switchover–related Changes to DTT Licences

Published: 19 July 2006
Consultation closes: 27 September 2006
Status: Closed (statement published)

This Statement summarises the most important points of general interest made by the respondents to the Ofcom consultation on switchover–related changes to digital terrestrial television (DTT) licences issued on 19 July 2006.

It sets out Ofcom’s decisions in relation to the switchover-related conditions to be included in the current DTT multiplex licences (see section 2.10 for details of multiplex operators and licence periods) and in the DTPS, DTAS and DSP licences (the DTT service licences) and explains the regulator’s reasoning. It also confirms Ofcom’s decision about who should hold the Wireless Telegraphy Act licences relating to DTT spectrum after switchover.

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