8 May 2024
DSPS licence applicants - notes of guidance (PDF, 256.0 KB)
DAS licence applicants - notes of guidance (PDF, 250.4 KB)
DSPS sample licence (PDF, 476.5 KB)
DAS sample licence (PDF, 348.6 KB)
das_app (DOCX, 94.54 KB)
Multiplex broadcasting application
DSP-application-form (DOCX, 91.18 KB)
Multiplex broadcasting application form
financial_template_national (XLS, 45.5 KB)
Advertisement of local radio multiplex licence: Morecambe Bay, North and West Cumbria and Southwest Scotland (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Advertisement of local radio multiplex licence: Channel Islands (PDF, 705.1 KB)
Updated on 10 July 2019: Paragraph 2.5 (page 2) has been corrected to £1,000 for the application fee (from £5,000).