Broadcast TV technical codes

Published: 7 April 2016
Consultation closes: 3 June 2016
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 9 November 2016

Ofcom sets technical standards for the digital terrestrial TV platform (also often known as Freeview). These standards specify the types of signal which should be used by broadcasters, and require minimum standards of reliability for the transmitters that broadcast digital TV services.

The terrestrial TV platform is continuing to change and evolve: for example, several new services have been launched since the digital TV switchover was completed in 2012. New legislation relating to the resilience of communications networks (including broadcast transmitters), has also been adopted since the broadcast TV technical codes were last revised.

We therefore carried out a consultation, which closed in June 2016, on proposals to update and rationalise the TV technical codes. This statement concludes that consultation process, and sets out the changes we are making to the technical codes in order to ensure that they remain relevant and proportionate, and that they reflect current technology and broadcast industry practice.

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