26 April 2012
Last updated:
16 March 2023
- Aberdeen
- Berkshire and North Hampshire
- Birmingham
- Bournemouth
- Bradford
- Bristol and Bath
- Cambridge
- Cardiff and Newport
- Central Lancashire
- Cornwall
- Coventry
- Cumbria
- Derbyshire
- Edinburgh
- Essex
- Exeter and Torbay
- Glasgow
- Gloucestershire
- Hereford and Worcester
- Herts Beds and Bucks
- Humberside
- Inverness
- Kent
- Leeds
- Leicestershire
- Lincolnshire
- Liverpool
- London 1
- London 2
- London 3
- Manchester
- Mid and West Wales
- Norfolk
- North Devon
- North Wales
- North Yorkshire
- Northamptonshire
- Northern Ireland
- Nottingham
- Oxfordshire
- Peterborough
- Plymouth
- Somerset
- South Hampshire
- South Yorkshire
- Stoke
- Suffolk
- Surrey
- Sussex
- Swansea
- Swindon
- Tayside
- Teeside
- Tyne and Wear
- Wolverhampton