Review of the Rules on Party Political and Referendum Broadcasts

Published: 16 September 2009
Consultation closes: 25 November 2009
Status: Closed (statement published)

On 16 September 2009 Ofcom published a consultation on proposed new rules for party political and referendum broadcasts and on procedures for the determination of disputes between broadcasters and political parties (or designated referendum organisations).

We received 12 responses to the consultation. One of these was confidential. The most detailed responses were from major broadcasters, and the most detailed of these from Channel 4.

We sought comments from the Electoral Commission which welcomed the incorporation of suggestions made at an earlier stage in the process (the views of the Commission were considered as required under Section 333(5) of the Communications Act ("the Act")). The Commission offered no further suggestions for change to the proposals in our consultation document. We contacted the Electoral Commission a second time for its views on further issues raised by Plaid Cymru and Five about carriage of Plaid Cymru broadcasts on Channel 4.

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