Ofcom has imposed a financial penalty of £150,000 on Word Network Operating Company Inc (“the Licensee”) after our investigation found its service, The Word Network, in breach of our broadcasting rules.
Two episodes of Peter Popoff Ministries, a religious programme presented by Peter Popoff, contained potentially harmful claims that by contacting the presenter’s ministry, or by ordering its “Miracle Spring Water”, viewers could improve serious health conditions or financial situations. Ofcom was particularly concerned that the programmes included repeated statements and testimonials about the efficacy of the water, claiming or strongly implying the water cured serious illnesses, including cancer. Our Breach Decision published on 4 December 2023 found these programmes in breach of Rules 2.1, 4.6 and 9.4 of the Broadcasting Code.
While having regard to the broadcaster’s and audience’s rights to freedom of expression and religion, we considered the claims that contacting the ministry, or using its “Miracle Spring Water”, were effective ways to improve serious medical illnesses or financial difficulties, went beyond proclamations of faith and religious teachings and practice. We considered these claims improperly exploited the susceptibilities of viewers and had the potential to cause harm without the Licensee providing adequate protection (e.g. by not including information on the importance of seeking advice from qualified professionals).
Given the seriousness of the breaches and in order to remedy the potential harm to viewers, Ofcom has also directed the Licensee not to repeat the programmes, and to broadcast a statement of its findings in this case, on a date and in a form to be determined by Ofcom.
Sanction Decision - The Word Network Operating Company (PDF, 353.41 KB)