Published: 29 August 2018
Consultation closes: 10 October 2018
Status: Closed (statement published)
On 24 February 2019 the BBC will launch its new BBC Scotland Channel (“BBC SC”) and the BBC Two Scotland opt-out service will cease to broadcast. This statement sets out Ofcom’s Decision in relation to varying the Operating Licence for the BBC’s public services (“the Licence”) to incorporate the new “BBC SC”.
Air 24 Gearran 2019 cuiridh am BBC an t-Seanail ùr aig BBC Scotland (“BBC SC”) air bhog agus sguiridh seirbheis roghainneil BBC a Dhà Scotland a chraoladh. Tha an Aithris seo a’ nochdadh Breith Ofcom a thaobh a bhith ag atharrachadh a’ Chead-obrachaidh airson seirbheisean poblach a’ BhBC (“An Cead”) gus am “BBC SC” ùr a thoirt a-steach.
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Contact information
Glenn Preston
4th Floor, 125 Princes Street
Edinburgh EH2 4AD