Statement: Love Sport and Panjab Radio - Requests to change Format

Published: 8 February 2019
Consultation closes: 8 March 2019
Status: Closed (statement published)

A Spokesman Said Limited (‘ASSL’) holds an AM commercial radio licence for Greater London, broadcasting as ‘Love Sport’. Panjab Radio London Limited (’PRLL’) holds an AM commercial radio licence for North London, broadcasting as ‘Panjab Radio’.

The two stations have submitted requests to change Format and, following the changes and subject to Ofcom’s approval, intend to transfer the licences between the two companies. As the proposed Format changes would constitute a significant departure from the ‘Character of Service’ in both stations’ respective Formats, the requests were subject to public consultation.

What we have decided – in brief

Ofcom has decided to approve the Format change requests concerning the AM commercial radio licence for Greater London and the AM commercial radio licence for North London held by ASSL and PRLL, respectively. The ‘Character of Service’ of ASSL’s station’s published Format for the Greater London coverage area will change from “A 24-hour speech service for Londoners focussing on sports plus some topical content and local information” to, “The service will be known as Panjab Radio and will provide a service aimed at the Panjabi community. The service will be broadcast in Panjabi and English languages.”

The ‘Character of Service’ of PRLL’s station’s published Format for the North London AM coverage area will change from, “The service is known as Panjab Radio and will provide a service aimed at the Panjabi community. Embracing Panjabi culture and language with spiritual music and the celebration of festivals for a variety of religions. The service broadcast in Panjabi and English languages.” to “A 24-hour speech service for Londoners focussing on sports plus some topical content and local information”.

Contact information

John O’Reilly
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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