A request from Chorley FM Limited, the holder of a community radio licence for Chorley, to change the Key Commitments of Chorley FM has been approved by Ofcom's BroadcastLicensing Committee (BLC).
Chorley FM's target community, as set out in its Key Commitments, was "young people (15-25 years of age) and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community of Chorley."
Following the approval of the requested changes, the target community will now be: "The population that live, work and study in Chorley and to include targeted content for the young people of Chorley (15-25 years of age) and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community".
Chorley FM requested a number of other changes to its Key Commitments. These are under the headings: "character of service", "programming" and "social gain objectives". A copy of Chorley FM's current Key Commitments with the requested changes 'tracked' into it was reproduced in Ofcom's consultation document dated 16 September 2015.