Blast 106: Request to change key commitments

Published: 16 December 2014
Consultation closes: 16 January 2015
Status: Closed (statement published)

A request from Blast 106 Limited the holder of a community radio licence for Belfast, to change the Key Commitments of Blast 106 was discussed by Ofcom's Broadcast Licensing Committee (BLC) at its meeting on 14 April 2015. The BLC declined the request.

Blast’s target community under both the current and proposed revised key commitments consists of: “Students living in Greater Belfast from Queens University, the University of Ulster and Belfast Metropolitan College and young people living, working or studying in Greater Belfast”.

Blast requested a number of changes to its Key Commitments. These were under the headings “programming”, “social gain objectives” and “accountability to the target community”. A copy of Blast’s current Key Commitments with the requested changes ‘tracked’ into it was reproduced in Ofcom’s consultation document dated 16 December 2014.


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