Contacting phone, broadband and pay-TV companies: vulnerable customers’ experiences

Published: 14 June 2021
Last updated: 16 March 2023

Ofcom has today published a research report that explores the experiences of some customers in vulnerable circumstances who have recently been in contact with their communication providers. In particular, the report looks at whether these customers experienced a service in line with the measures in our treating vulnerable customers fairly guide (PDF, 1.6 MB).

To accompany the research, we have published a summary document containing key findings from the research, insights from our recent engagement with customer organisations and charities, and our proposed next steps.

Main documents

Contacting phone, broadband and pay-TV companies: vulnerable customers’ experiences – summary of our research (PDF, 126.0 KB)

Cysylltu â darparwyr gwasanaethau ffôn, band eang a theledu drwy dalu: profiadau cwsmeriaid sy'n agored i niwed – trosolwg (PDF, 105.6 KB)

Contacting phone, broadband and pay-TV companies: vulnerable customers’ experiences – full research report (PDF, 1.4 MB)

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