Second consultation on assessment of future mobile competition and proposals for the award of 800 MHz and 2.6 GHz spectrum and related issues

Published: 12 January 2012
Consultation closes: 22 March 2012
Status: Closed (statement published)

This Statement sets out our decisions for the Auction of wireless telegraphy licences for the use of 790 to 862 MHz (the 800 MHz band) and 2500 MHz to 2690 MHz (the 2.6 GHz band).

The decisions set out in this statement will be given effect to by auction regulations, a draft of which is published with this Statement. In making the decisions in this Statement we have had regard to our statutory duties and the Government’s Direction to Ofcom1 (the Direction).

This Statement follows a number of consultations by Ofcom. We have consulted twice on the Auction: first in March 20112 (the March 2011 consultation) and again in January 20123 (the January 2012 consultation). We have also consulted specifically on technical licence conditions in June 2011 (the June 2011 TLC consultation) and on the co-existence of the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) with mobile use of 800 MHz spectrum, first in June 2011 and again in February 2012.

We received responses to all these consultations from stakeholders expressing a wide range of views on issues on which we consulted, and providing considerable analysis and evidence in that regard. In reaching the decisions set out in this document, we have considered all these stakeholder responses.

The Statement covers:

i) our assessment of likely future competition in markets for the provision of mobile electronic communication services after the conclusion of the Auction of 800 MHz and 2.6 GHz bands and our analysis of whether we should put in place appropriate and proportionate measures in the Auction to promote competition;

ii) our consequent decisions as to rules in the Auction and other aspects of the auction design;

iii) the reserve prices that we propose will apply in the Auction;

iv) our coverage decisions in relation to measures to promote the widespread availability of next generation mobile broadband services, by which we mean high quality mobile data services, throughout the UK; and

v) our decisions on the technical and non technical licence conditions that will be included in the licences to be granted. These include a set of conditions designed to ensure that mobile use of the 800 MHz band can co-exist with neighbouring DTT use.

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